Weapon Master

C249 Heteromotor

C249 Heteromotor

A hundred meters away, at the edge of the road, the figures of Dugu Yan and Chu Feng quietly appeared.    


"Sure enough!"    


Looking at Tang Huan who was in the middle between Mu Kui and Tang Xiong, Dugu Yan's face sank. He couldn't help but snort lightly, "Gathering one hundred and eight 'Sword Seal' and fusing them with a 'Nirvana Holy Fire' has already made him the hottest Tools Method genius in the world. Not to mention the Divine Weapon Pavilion and the Tang Empire Empire, I'm afraid that very soon, the people from Mo Yun Empire and our Sha Long Empire will come to find him."    


"If His Majesty the Emperor also sends people to rope him in, we ?" Chu Feng said hesitantly.    


"Your Majesty, if you wish to recruit us, that is your problem. We only need to listen to the commands of the commander-in-chief." Dugu Yan squinted his eyes and said indifferently.    


"This subordinate understands." Chu Feng's expression congealed, and became somewhat hesitant.    


"Don't think too much into it. The death of Second Prince Sha Tu was extremely suspicious. Although it was the doing of Eldest Princess Mo Ye from the Mo Yun Empire at the end, as long as the matter is not investigated, this Tang Huan will not be able to escape responsibility. The Second Prince is loved the most by His Majesty, it is hard to say whether or not he will personally send someone over. "    




As the night deepened, the Dragon Spring Town became even more lively than before.    


Inside the southeastern courtyard of the city, Tang Huan's ears had finally quietened down. He did not go to the Divine Weapon Tower, nor did he go to the Empire's Thousand Generals Palace. Instead, he insisted on returning here. Indeed, it was as he expected. Mu Yan had never returned, and this place was still in complete chaos.    


In the brightly lit room, Tang Huan sat cross-legged on the floor.    


The Little Blue had already been carried out of the cloth bag and placed on the bed. A month had passed, and it was still sleeping soundly, but fortunately nothing unusual had happened. Furthermore, with his previous experience, Tang Huan was not too worried.    


At the head of the bed, the little girl was also sitting cross-legged like Tang Huan.    


Her two small white hands were hugging the blue ball that bound the "Nirvana Holy Fire" back then. A ball of red aura the size of an egg appeared within the originally empty ball. This was a strand of Power of Spiritual Fire that Tang Huan had separated out from the "Nine Sun Divine Caldron."    


According to what the little girl had revealed, this sphere was formed from a type of heavenly resource called "Divine Dark Water", binding Spiritual Fire inside the sphere and greatly reducing its destructive power and harm. In this way, he would be able to use the Power of Spiritual Fire to nurture his body without being harmed.    


The little girl who possessed the Phoenix bloodline needed to absorb Power of Spiritual Fire in order for her strength to slowly recover.    


Of course, the Power of True Fire could also be used, but the effect was much worse. If the Power of Spiritual Fire was directly sent into the little girl's body, she wouldn't be able to take it with her current condition, so she could only rely on the Profound Nether Holy Water to absorb it by herself.    


Fortunately for Tang Huan, sending Power of Spiritual Fire into the water ball was not a difficult task.    


After a month, the little girl was no longer as weak as she was before. She was almost comparable to a Grade 1 Martial Disciple now. "Although her strength couldn't be compared with her peak, it was still a great improvement compared to a month ago.    


After observing the little girl absorbing the Power of Spiritual Fire for a while, Tang Huan's attention returned to the "Sumeru Magical Ring" on his finger.    


The number of "Dark Yin Soul Demonic Bead" inside was already as high as 109!    


According to what Senior Huan Mu had said, the "Dark Yin Soul Demonic Bead" could be incinerated using "Nirvana Holy Fire", but he had been digging for the hundred and eight beads that the Devil Lord Fentian had used to set up the spirit array for the past month, so he had not had the time to try it out yet.    


With a thought, a Dark Yin Soul Demonic Bead fell into his hand.    


Even before the cold and gloomy feeling from the pearl could disperse, a blazing flame flickered from his palm and instantly enveloped it. In just a short span of time, the heat from the flame had already filled the entire room.    


It was said that high-level Weapon Refiner who had gathered Spirit Pill could completely restrain its heat when the flames appeared, greatly raising the firepower. Of course, to the current Tang Huan, such methods were still rather far away. In a moment, Tang Huan's mind calmed down.    


Very quickly, Tang Huan could feel traces of cold yin energy melting within the flames.    


However, this power was invisible and formless. In Tang Huan's senses, although the characteristics of the power it contained and the "Magic Source Stone" were different, it still belonged to the same type of power. If it could be absorbed and refined, the final condensed power should be the mage's Mind Power, not the Martial Warrior's Innate Qi.    




Just then, Tang Huan's heart suddenly thumped. Inside the "Nine Sun Divine Caldron", the strange white bead suddenly trembled.    


Immediately, Tang Huan felt a strong burst of sucking.    


"It actually wants to absorb the power within this' Profound Spirit Ghost Bead '?"    


Tang Huan's expression changed slightly, and he immediately activated the "Harmony Art of Heaven and Earth" to its extreme. The third stage Spiritual Wheel and the "Nine Sun Divine Caldron" began to circulate at high speeds, and once the "Profound Spirit Ghost Bead" 's cold yin energy was forced out, it was quickly gathered towards the Dantian under the guidance of the cauldron.    


As expected, the moment the cold yin energy went in, it was swallowed up by the bead.    


"Damn it, what the hell is this bead?"    


Tang Huan couldn't help but curse in his heart.    


During that day when the "Forging God Cave" absorbed a large amount of demon essence energy, it no longer moved, and during that time, Tang Huan had been drinking the "Primordial Fire Spirit Spring" multiple times, but it did not come out again to cause trouble, which made Tang Huan feel a lot more at ease, but he never thought that after burning the "Profound Spirit Demon Pearl", it started to move again.    


The speed of the white bead's sucking was extremely fast, it did not slow down because of Tang Huan's depression in the slightest.    


Not long after, fine cracks appeared on the surface of the "Profound Spirit Ghost Bead" in Tang Huan's palm, the energy contained within it had already been cleansed by the sucking. Tang Huan did not have much time to think, he immediately took out the second "Profound Spirit Ghost Bead" from the "Sumeru Magical Ring".    


Time passed like flowing water. Before he knew it, dawn had arrived.    




Tang Huan exhaled, and rubbed his forehead with his hands, feeling a headache coming on.    


After a night passed, the white bead in the "Nine Sun Divine Caldron" was finally full, but the "Profound Spirit Evil Bead" in front of it that had already lost its effectiveness had reached forty, at this rate, two more times, the remaining sixty or so "Profound Spirit Evil Bead" were almost all absorbed by it.    


"It's a pity I don't know anyone from the Celestial Clan. Otherwise, I might be able to find out where it came from."    


Tang Huan's mind raced, but he was suddenly startled awake by the sound of orderly footsteps. He raised his head to look outside the window, and saw that there were already many armored figures gathered outside the courtyard. Tang Huan immediately collected his thoughts, and a slight smile surfaced on his face. It was time to return to the Glory Continent.    


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