Weapon Master

C145 Top three!

C145 Top three!

Very quickly, Tang Huan had already entered the resting area, and closed his eyes to rest. Facing off against Feng Zhuo, although he did not make a move, he still exhausted a large amount of his energy.    


In the martial arena, he didn't feel much, but the moment he walked out, he felt extremely tired.    


As time passed, more and more people were attracted to the movements in the other arenas, and the number of Martial Warrior s pointing at Tang Huan continuously decreased.    


After many fierce battles, the victors of the other three groups of Martial Warrior s had finally been decided.    


First, Mu Yan defeated Lu Weirui. Then, Leng Yin Shuang defeated Gu Ying. Finally, Tang Long defeated Mo Shang. Mo Shang had been swept out of the range by Tang Long's rod, but when Tang Long walked out of the martial arena, there were more than ten wounds on his body, and his robes were dyed red with blood.    


In comparison, although they were both victors, Mu Yan and Leng Yin Shuang were much more relaxed.    


"Tang Si, Tang Huan, Mu Yan, Leng Yin, Leng Yin, and Meng Zixuan are the top six of this year's Fengling Martial Assembly. I wonder which three will be able to enter the top three and obtain the 'Phoenix Flame Marrow'."    


"Amongst the top six, there are actually three with the surname Tang, and all of them seem to be from Tang Family s of Nulang City."    


"It seems to be true. That Tang Long is the direct son of the Patriarch of the, he is the illegitimate son of Tang Tianren. It is said that Tang Si is also a disciple who betrayed the Tang Family."    


"After receiving such heavy injuries, Tang Long definitely does not have any hope of entering the top three. Tang Huan and Tang Si's hopes are indeed hanging by a thread. On the other hand, Meng Zixuan, Mu Yan and Leng Yin have high hopes, especially that person called Leng Yin Shuang. I don't know where she came from, but even Gu Ying is not her opponent. "    




Even though this round of martial arts competition had already ended, it still couldn't dispel the enthusiasm of the crowd. All sorts of discussions and guesses rose and fell, and from start to finish, waves of voices surged outside the Fengling Valley.    


Unknowingly, the sky had already begun to darken.    


When torches lit up all around the martial arena, Tang Huan, Tang Si, Mu Yan, Meng Zixuan, Leng Yin Shuang and Tang Long once again arrived in front of the wooden shed.    


"There are three names written on it: Tang Si, Mu Yan, Tang Long." Lei Ming shook his right palm with a smile, and between his fingers, there were three small paper balls. "Tang Huan, Meng Zixuan, Leng Yin Shuang, your number three is at the front, you can draw your opponent."    


"Tang Huan, you go first."    


Hearing Lei Ming's words, the breathing of many people became hurried.    


Even though he had taken the medicine to heal his injuries, it was impossible for his injuries to not heal in such a short period of time. This made the disadvantage of him in the upcoming round of the competition extremely obvious.    


From Tang Long's judgement, of the other five people, Tang Si should be the weakest.    


Unfortunately, he simply did not have the chance to meet with Tang Si at all. His next opponent could only be one of the three people called Tang Huan, Meng Zixuan, and Leng Yin Shuang.    


This round of martial arts competition was the most critical. As long as one could win, one could obtain at least a tenth of the "Phoenix Flame Marrow".    


However, with his current condition, no matter which one of the three Tang Huan s, Meng Zixuan, or Leng Yin's Frost, his chances of winning were not high.    


"Could it be that I have to let go of the 'Phoenix Flame Marrow' at the last moment?"    


Tang Long's gaze darkened, and he grinded his teeth in hatred. However, Tang Huan actually took a light breath, and under everyone's gazes, he removed the ball of paper in the middle from Lei Ming's right palm.    


"Tang Si?"    


Tang Huan couldn't help but be startled the moment he opened the ball of paper and read the name out loud.    


Not only that, Tang Si was also startled, but following that he started to laugh out loud: I never thought that the two of us would actually meet in Martial Competition, in my opinion, we shouldn't waste our time fighting anymore. Tang Huan, you have won this round, congratulations on entering the top three. "    




Tang Huan was stunned for a moment before he could not help but shake his head and smile bitterly.    


Before this, Tang Si had indeed said that he would directly admit defeat if he met him within the Martial Competition. Tang Huan had thought that he was only joking, but he didn't expect him to actually do so. In this battle, if he could win, he would definitely be able to obtain the [Phoenix Flame Marrow], but Tang Si was actually able to resist such a strong temptation, and directly admit defeat.    


Although both of them had lost without fighting, the nature of Tang Si's defeat and Feng Zhuo's defeat was completely different.    


"Tang Si, you coward, you're admitting defeat at this time?"    


After the short period of shock, Tang Long finally regained his senses, but his face was ashen, he almost gnashed his teeth and roared, it was one thing for Tang Huan to face his weakest opponent, but what was most hateful was that the bastard actually admitted defeat after entering the dojo of limits, giving Tang Huan the first three places.    


At this moment, Tang Long's lungs almost exploded from the anger.    


Although the others were also shocked, compared to him, their expressions were much calmer. Leng Yin Shuang in particular, had already regained her composure after a slight flash in her eyes.    


"Tang Long, you are really funny, when will I admit defeat, do I have to ask for your opinion?" Tang Si sized Tang Long up in ridicule.    


"You ?" Tang Long was enraged, her face flushed red.    


"Tang Si, do you really want to admit defeat?" Lei Ming comfortably covered up the hint of happiness in his eyes, but he still couldn't help but ask.    


"That's right." Tang Si ignored Tang Long's murderous gaze and nodded with a smile.    


"Since that's the case, then this round, shall be Tang Huan's victory." Lei Ming chuckled and nodded. His gaze then fell on Meng Zixuan, "Meng Zixuan, it's your turn to draw lots."    




Meng Zixuan gracefully walked forward and took a piece of paper from Lei Ming's palm. After rubbing it open, she smiled faintly: "Mu Yan!"    


"It's the two of us!" Little Sister Zi Xuan, in a while, you have to show mercy. "    


Mu Yan's eyes moved about, her charming and tender face revealed a little more seriousness, while Tang Long's expression became even more unsightly. Since Meng Zixuan had selected Mu Yan, then, Leng Yin would be his opponent, but he did not have the slightest understanding of the battle skills that Leng Yin had cultivated.    


"Sister Mu Yan must be joking." Meng Zixuan smiled lightly.    


"Since Meng Zixuan chose Mu Yan, then Leng Yin Shuang's opponent would naturally be Tang Long."    


Just as Mu Yan was talking to Meng Zixuan, Lei Ming had already opened up the last piece of paper.    


At this moment, the opponents of the two teams had finally been decided.    


Under tens of thousands of gazes, Mu Yan, Meng Zixuan, Tang Long and Leng Yin all walked towards the first and second stage of the competition grounds at almost the same time, while Tang Huan and Tang Si walked towards the resting area with smiles across their faces. Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other in dismay.    


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