Weapon Master

C560 Return to sword crafting valley

C560 Return to sword crafting valley

The next morning, at the west gate of the Nutao Castle that the soldiers of the Tang Empire Empire were guarding, a carriage slowly drove out. A man and a woman sat on the two sides of the carriage.    


Looking at the two figures, the numerous officers at both sides of the tunnel were filled with admiration and reverence.    


Everyone was not clear about the background of the red-robed lady with the black veil, they only knew that she was an expert of the Peak Stage Nine. As for the young and elegant black-clothed man, there was practically no one who did not know of his identity. He was the Tang Huan whose name had shaken the world in recent years, and like the red robed woman, he was also a Martial Saint of the Peak Stage Nine.    


Reportedly, the reason the human army was able to enter the Nutao Castle was all because of Tang Huan and Yue Yang.    


Even one of the Eight Remoteness Dragon King s had died under Tang Huan's spear, so much that when the human army had entered the castle, they did not encounter any resistance, and there was not even a Devil Clansmen left inside. It could be said that they had effortlessly seized back the castle that had been invaded by the Devil Clan for decades.    


The carriage gradually moved further and further away. After a long time, everyone finally came back to their senses.    


No one was interested in the things that were placed under the black cloth on the carriage. In their minds, it was nothing more than some treasures accumulated by the Devil Clan, and even if the Nutao Castle were taken down by Tang Huan and his wife, it would be normal for all the treasures in the castle to be given to Tang Huan.    


In comparison, everyone was more curious about how Tang Huan and Yue Shan managed to sneak into the Nutao Castle.    


Not only did they really want to know, Tang Zhao also really wanted to know, so much so that he even faintly guessed that there was a fifth entrance to the Nutao Castle. However, Tang Huan didn't have any plans to leak out, and when Tang Zhao asked, he just laughed it off. Seeing that Tang Huan did not say anything, Tang Zhao did not have any other choice.    


If the three nations had told him, it was very possible that the news would have been completely leaked out, and would be known by the Devil Clan. If an almighty expert from the Devil Clan were to crack the method to open the passageway, it would truly be a regret that would be too late.    


It would be better to keep it a secret than to let unexpected things happen at that time.    


After Tang Huan and Feng Ming drove out of the castle, they gradually sped up, leaving Nutao Castle behind very quickly.    


After walking even further, Tang Huan stopped the carriage, lifted the cover, and revealed the ten wood boxes of Spirit Isolating Wood s. Other than the original two, the other eight wooden boxes were all taken from Tang Zhao, and each box was filled with Saint Grade Gem s.    


Using a carriage to bring all these things, it was unknown how long it would take to them to the Sword Crafting Valley, thus, Tang Huan had already thought of another way.    


From the bottom of the carriage, he took out two firm and huge net bags. The ten wooden boxes were divided and placed in two, one net bag holding six wooden boxes and one net bag holding four wooden boxes. Then, Tang Huan and Feng Ming extended their wings and each grabbed a net bag, flying straight up to a thousand meters in the sky.    


To Martial Saint of the Peak Stage Nine, a weight of a few thousand kilograms was not too much of a burden.    


"Whoosh!" "Whiz!"    


Two figures flashed through the sky like streaks of light, rapidly heading towards the west ?    


It had been more than two years, but the situation within the Sword Crafting Valley had already changed greatly.    


Not only were the vengeful spirits and the blood spirits no longer gathered, their powers were gradually weakening. Until now, Martial Warrior would often enter the Sword Crafting Valley to gather True Fire.    


The price of Primordial Flame plummeted rapidly after experiencing a huge increase.    


In the current continent of Glory, the supply of True Fire was already more than enough. A bottle of True Fire could be bought with two to three hundred gold coins. Sometimes, it even cost less than two hundred gold coins.    


Ah!" "Ya!    


Early in the morning, at the entrance of the Sword Crafting Valley, a shrill scream suddenly broke the tranquility of the surroundings.    


The three vengeful spirits desperately tried to escape. Behind them, more than ten young men were shouting as they brandished their weapons and chased after them at high speeds.    


Such scenes were played out almost every day in every corner of the Sword Crafting Valley.    


The power of the vengeful spirit and the blood spirit decreased, and the threat they posed to the human Martial Warrior decreased as well. In the past few months, the number of vengeful spirits and blood spirits in the Sword Crafting Valley area had been constantly decreasing.    


Perhaps in a few more years, the vengeful spirit and the Blood Spirit would be completely exterminated, never to be seen again.    


Inside the Divine Weapon Pavilion, there were even some people who proposed to rebuild the Sword Crafting Valley and the ancient town of Longquan so that the area that had been abandoned for decades could once again become a holy land for the forging of artifacts for the humans.    


"Hurry up! "Hurry, they won't be able to escape!"    


One of the men in green burst out laughing, but before he could finish, his voice suddenly stopped, and he stared blankly at the sky. When the surrounding people saw this, they followed his gaze and looked up in surprise. They saw two figures flying over from high up in the sky. Their speed was astonishingly fast.    


In just a few breaths' time, those two figures were already in the air above their heads. However, before anyone could see their appearances, they had already flown past. One black and one red, they had wings on their back, and each seemed to be holding a huge net.    


The crowd stared blankly, completely dumbfounded. They did not even notice when the vengeful spirit had escaped out of their line of sight.    


"Sky Celestial Clan?"    


After a long while, the man finally came back to his senses and murmured to himself. At almost the same time, the other dozen men also seemed to have woken up from a dream. Although they did not say anything, they exchanged glances subconsciously. They could all see a trace of shock in each other's eyes.    


Two Celestial Clan people actually came to the Sword Crafting Valley?    


Just as the group of young men and women were in a state of bewilderment, a black and red figure descended from the depths of the Sword Crafting Valley, behind the several hundred meter tall white sword monument.    


These two people were Tang Huan and Feng Ming.    


Each of them carried a few thousand catties worth of items. After ten days, the two of them crossed the Demon Domain Desert, and arrived at the Sword Crafting Valley from the Two Realm Plateau.    


Coming to this place once again, Tang Huan's feelings were completely different from before.    


At that time, Tang Huan carried the might of the gigantic sword intent above "Mazy Sword Valley", and while countless blood spirits and vengeful spirits were being suppressed, he arrived in the depths of the Sword Crafting Valley unhindered, yet encountered the first human sword master, Huan Mu, who had already turned into the "Sword Soul King" of the Devil Clan.    


Now, looking at the six dark holes on the cliff, the scene when Huan Mu fought with him back then was still fresh in his mind, causing Tang Huan to sigh with emotion. Huan Mu's soul had already completely vanished and would never be revived again. However, his last wish had already been fulfilled with Tang Huan's help, and his "Absolute Monarch Sanctuary's Sword Spell" had also been passed on. Moreover, now that the human race had recaptured their Nutao Castle, he should be able to rest in peace after the Nine Springs.    


After a long while, Tang Huan finally calmed himself down and carried the heavy net with Feng Ming as he rushed up to the entrance of the cave at the very top of the cliff ?    


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