The Super Universe Leveling Game

C414 Get out of the Hospital

C414 Get out of the Hospital

There were dozens of missed calls on the phone. Some belonged to senior Ma Xiaozhi, some belonged to Li Hongdou, who used to be his roommate. There were also a few unfamiliar numbers that indicated the harassing number.    


It was probably because the phone was not connected and there were also text messages. There were even more text messages, but most of them were rubbish text messages such as loans, credit cards, real estate, and so on. The only useful ones were the two people's messages, Li Hongdou and Ma Xiaozhi.    


"Did something happen recently? He did not pick up the phone. The director came twice and asked about you. I have dealt with it. If it is convenient, give me a call back. " Ma Xiaozhi.    


"Two girls came to ask me several times to find out your whereabouts. I couldn't hide it from them, so I told them. The girl in front was fine, but the girl behind was murderous. You better pray for your own good." Li Hongdou.    


He deleted the useless messages one by one. When he deleted the last two messages, he was stunned. It was actually from Lin Miaoyu.    


"That day... Are you alright? Did you make up with that girl? I know that you are a very proud person, but a girl needs to be protected. I think that girl is a good girl, you have to cherish her. If you have time, come and watch my concert. I will leave you a ticket, "Lin Miaoyu said.    


" You haven't replied to my message for so long. After all, you have been with me for a few days. Have you forgotten it just because you said so? Or was it because I caused you to have a conflict with your girlfriend? Let me guess, it should be because I don't want to be in a good mood, so I'll just leave someone who has nothing to do with me aside. Hehe!" Lin Miaoyu.    


" Thank you. If I have time, I will come. " After pondering for a long time, Dongfang Qingyu replied.    


He turned the silent mode back to normal mode, put down his phone, and looked at Cheng Hongluan's face. Even though she was asleep, her brows were tightly knitted, containing endless worry.    


"Don't go -" Dongfang Qingyu just wanted to pull the blanket for him, but Cheng Hongluan was immediately woken up. Her weak eyes were full of helplessness.    


"My hands are numb." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


Cheng Hongluan carefully let go of his hands and looked at him nervously. Three hours had passed unknowingly. It was almost eight o'clock at night. Cheng Hongluan, who had slept, felt much better.    


Aunt Cheng just came in and took the porridge and bowl. She had not come back yet. Dongfang Qingyu looked at the plastic bag on the ground. There were quite a lot of fruits in it.    


"What do you want to eat?"    


"Grapes." Cheng Hongluan thought about it and said.    


"Is apple okay?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    




"Let's eat bananas, there's no need to wash them." Dongfang Qingyu peeled a banana and ate it first. He ate half of it in one bite.    


... "" Cheng Hongluan.    


"You..." Aunt Cheng pushed the door open and walked in with a thermos in her hand.    


"Mom, why are you here?" Cheng Hongluan knew that she had said the wrong thing, but she could not change her words.    


... "" Aunt Cheng.    


"Should I not have come in?" Huang Yanmei followed behind Aunt Cheng and teased.    


"You talk too much." Cheng Hongluan said fiercely.    


After dinner, Cheng Hongluan talked for a while and fell asleep again. Although she had just slept for a few hours, because she hadn't had a good rest for more than 20 days, she was very energetic.    


After three days, Cheng Hongluan had almost recovered. Her body still had some Weakness, but she was very energetic and didn't need to be in the hospital anymore.    


When she was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician came to see her off. He smiled and said to Dongfang Qingyu, "Young man, thank you. If you don't show up soon... I will lose all my face. It's just a cold. After being treated by me for more than 20 days, I walked into the ICU several times. He still hasn't been cured. If it wasn't for you, I don't know when he would have recovered. You are my great benefactor, accept my bow! "    


" Sorry for disturbing you. Doctor, thank you for your hard work. " Dongfang Qingyu quickly stopped him. What a joke. How would he dare to accept his bow?    


Cheng Hongluan's face was red and she did not dare to speak.    


You will never wake a person who pretends to be asleep. Similarly, you will never be able to cure a person who only wants to die. Cheng Hongluan was in that state at that time.    


Cheng Hongluan, Huang Yanmei and Aunt Cheng returned home while Dongfang Qingyu returned to school to take leave of absence. If he did not take leave now, he was afraid that he would be expelled. Fortunately, Ma Xiaozhi covered it up. The curator did not know how many days he had been absent from work. He had fooled him. After that, he ordered a table full of food to celebrate Cheng Hongluan's discharge from the hospital.    


Cheng Hongluan had just been discharged from the hospital and could not eat and drink. The table full of food. It was basically killed by Dongfang Qingyu. Although the others did not eat much, they did not eat much. But they were happy. At night, under Cheng Hongluan's strong request, Dongfang Qingyu did not return to school. It was mainly because it was too late, so he made do on the sofa for the whole night.    


During the few nights in the hospital, Dongfang Qingyu did not sleep well. In addition, he drank some wine. When he woke up in the morning, it was already past eight o'clock. Everyone got up. Aunt Cheng made breakfast, thin meat porridge, and some onion flowers. The fragrance overflowed.    


Huang Yanmei went to the shop early in the morning. During this period of time, Cheng Hongluan was seriously ill. She took care of both of them by herself, and she was so busy that she almost flew up. She originally rented a house by herself but it was too far from the shop. So she moved over to live with Cheng Hongluan. It was closer to work.    


"Qingyu, come, come, sit down. I have something to say to you." Aunt Cheng saw Dongfang Qingyu put down the chopsticks and called him over kindly.    


Dongfang Qingyu walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked at Cheng Hongluan, who was washing her hair in the bathroom, and felt a little nervous for some reason.    


"Relax. I just want to chat with you for a while." Aunt Cheng said she wanted to relax, but her eyes were scrutinizing him.    


"Okay, Auntie, please say it." Dongfang Qingyu sat straight.    


"How did you and Hongluan get to know each other?" Aunt Cheng asked casually.    


"I got to know each other when I rented the house." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Rent the house? Are you renting a house now?" Aunt Cheng's expression changed.    


"Yes, the rented house has not been refunded. Not long ago, I found a job and now I live in the dormitory of the school's employees." Dongfang Qingyu said in a low voice.    


"Where is your home? Who are you? " After a moment of silence, Aunt Cheng asked again.    


Dongfang Qingyu told her the truth.    


"So you are just an orphan and have nothing at home?" Aunt Cheng's face turned ugly again.    




"What is your degree?"    


"High school!"    


"High school? Didn't you go to university?" Aunt Cheng raised her voice and suddenly realized something. "How old are you this year?"    


"18." Dongfang Qingyu hesitated for a moment.    


"Why don't you go to college at 18?"    


"I couldn't." Dongfang Qingyu said honestly.    


"Then what are you doing now?" Aunt Cheng's face was completely pulled down.    


"I'm a librarian in the library during the day, and I'm playing games at night." Dongfang Qingyu replied.    


"What about the income?"    


"It's enough to feed myself." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Alright, I got it. If there's nothing else, you can go back to work. It's not easy to find a job. If you take leave often, the Leader's influence will be bad. " Aunt Cheng's smile unknowingly disappeared and her tone became cold.    


"Okay. Goodbye Auntie. I will come to see Hongluan after work." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"No need. You are so busy at work. You don't have to come and not go. Hongluan is almost done. I will take care of her. I won't trouble you. " Aunt Cheng paused and said," If there is no need, it is better to not come and see Hongluan. "    


"I understand." Dongfang Qingyu's expression suddenly became ugly and laughed at himself, "Sorry to bother you." He strode away.    


"Where did Qingyu go?" Cheng Hongluan happened to be wiping her hair as she walked out.    


"He has something to do and has to go back." Aunt Cheng said lightly.    


"Oh!" Cheng Hongluan thought about what Dongfang Qingyu had to do to leave in a hurry and did not notice her mother's expression. When she did not get through to Dongfang Qingyu's phone at night, she realized the problem.    


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