The Super Universe Leveling Game

C1168 Poisonous Mushroom

C1168 Poisonous Mushroom

The sapling seemed to sense the killing intent in the dim light as it looked back. It suddenly jumped out of its arms and shot out like a red lightning bolt. In the air, the leaves trembled slightly, and the match silk-like flames shot towards the surrounding players.    


"Not good - -"    


The faces of the players who were still angry a second ago instantly changed. They turned around and ran, all of them scared out of their wits. But even though their speed was fast, they were still far from being able to match up to the little flame.    


There were a total of 13 players who were attacked by the little tree. Apart from the two of them who had excellent means, they instantly escaped from the attack range. The rest of them turned to ash. When the players who had rushed over saw this scene, they were so frightened that they hurriedly stopped in their tracks. They didn't dare to approach.    


Seeing this, the little sapling proudly returned to where the lights were and looked around. The green leaves were swaying up and down happily. From the looks of it, it was obviously the expression of a child who had done something and wanted candy to eat or perform.    


"It's easy to raise. In the future, if there are bad people, help me beat up the bad people." The Landing area looked back with a face full of surprise.    


The sapling cheerfully circled around Lanshan's eyes. It seemed to be able to understand and was very magical.    


Dongfang Qingyu, who was standing at the side and replacing the lamp, looked back at her happily. People and opportunities were really different. The other players were outside the Red Mulberry Forest for a few days and nights. They tried their best, but they couldn't get the sapling. When the lights went out, they just looked back and waved. Looking at the players in the distance, they looked like they were having a constipation. It was obvious how desperate they were.    


With the little flame leading the way, Red Mulberry Forest simply allowed the Lantern to look back and charge in with Dongfang Qingyu. Speaking of which, there were no other monsters in the Red Mulberry Forest except for the high temperature fire poison. The most powerful monster was the little sapling. He followed the trail of lights and left. The other players were no longer in danger. However, they were not familiar with the environment, so they did not dare to walk too fast.    


Lanshan turned around and looked at Dongfang Qingyu, who was planning to use the Wings of the Demon to fly over the Red Mulberry Forest. However, they immediately realized that it wouldn't work. They could fly in the outer region of the Red Mulberry Forest, but the depths of the Red Mulberry Forest were sealed off. Not to mention flying, even levitation wasn't enough. The restriction should have been set up by the master of the secret realm. It had terrifying lethality. The little sapling looked at the sky with a fearful expression.    


At the place where the lights were waning, Dongfang Qingyu looked back and gave up on flying with him. Walking across the Red Mulberry Forest, their speed could be considered very fast, but it still took them nearly two hours to walk out of the forest.    


A breeze blew, and a cool breeze blew against their faces. When the lights faded away, Dongfang Qingyu and the others looked back and felt their spirits rise, although they wouldn't be hurt in the Red Mulberry Forest. But the existence of high temperatures is a fact. They had been staring at the red color and almost lost their eyesight.    


The brown earth, the desolate environment, the assassin also seemed so cute.    


"Little sapling, what happened to you?" Dongfang Qingyu turned around and saw that the little sapling was a little wilted, like a young man who had been addicted to the Internet for an entire night.    


The little sapling's green leaf lightly patted the hand of the little sapling, indicating that she did not need to worry.    


"Your intelligence is so high." Dongfang Qingyu was envious. Compared to the little sapling, the little green dragon that he had gotten seemed silly.    


"Red Mulberry Forest can nourish the little sapling. After leaving Red Mulberry Forest, the little sapling's strength will be less than one percent." At the place where the lights were waning, he looked back with some worry.    


"It depends on fate. Let it go. Let's see if it will follow you or return to the Red Mulberry Forest." According to Dongfang Qingyu's original intention, he would take away a divine object like the little sapling regardless of whether he was willing or not. If he really could not do it, he would use contract magic. But looking at the Landing Landing Landing, she didn't want to force it.    


Seeing the waning lights look back and let go, the little sapling seemed to be at a loss. It was only when the lamp waning and Dongfang Qingyu left that the sapling came to a sudden realization. The tender green leaves swayed. It looked at the Red Mulberry Forest, then looked at the lights that had left. It hesitated. When it saw the waning lights, it looked back and walked further and further away. It suddenly made up its mind. It chased after the candle flame and looked back.    


"Huo'er, I'll call you Huo'er from now on." When the Lantern Flame saw this scene, it flew back and hugged the small sapling. It was extremely happy.    


Dongfang Qingyu heaved a sigh of relief. The little sapling had made an accurate choice. Otherwise, he would have used some means to destroy it. If he couldn't get it, no one else could.    


The little sapling had left Red Mulberry Forest, and its combat strength had dropped drastically. However, it could help the Lantern to look back. This caused the power of all the skills that Lanshan looked back at to increase by 300%, and the power was no less than the treasure and Magic Wand.    


Along the way, they met Blue Skeletons, Bear Skeletons, and Hate Skeletons... Dongfang Qingyu didn't even need to do anything. Lanshan looked back at the man and the sapling. All of them were taken care of. Of course, if they met a large number of skeletons, they could only take a detour and escape.    


In the afternoon, Dongfang Qingyu and the place where the lights were dim turned around and appeared in front of a strange mountain. Why was it strange? There were no trees in the mountain, only mushrooms of various sizes. Stone Mushroom. Before maturing, they were about the same size as potatoes, round and round. After it matured, the meat turned into powder, cracked, and then slowly withered and decayed.    


There were many of these kinds of Stone Mushroom in the rural mountains. When it was about five or six years old, it would mature. The meat was fresh and delicious. It was a supreme delicacy to stir-fry the meat. When it was more than seven or eight years old, it could not be eaten anymore. However, the biggest Stone Mushroom in the village was only the shape of a fist. And here, the largest ___ had a diameter of more than ten meters, just like a house. At a glance, there were so many of them. No one knew how many of them there were.    




Suddenly, a Stone Mushroom ripened and cracked open. Gray powder sprayed out. Like an erupting volcano, thick smoke billowed and scattered everywhere. Dongfang Qingyu noticed that there was only brown soil around the Stone Mushroom. Other than that, his expression changed slightly, "Retreat!"    


The two of them quickly retreated, avoiding the falling dust.    


"Are you worried that the dust is poisonous?" The person at the end of the lamp turned around and asked.    


"I'm not worried. Look at the top of my head." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


When the lights faded, ___ looked up and his expression changed. The entire secret realm was poisonous. After entering it, he kept swallowing Red Drug. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to wait for the monster to come and kill him. He would have died first. But now, the red number that was floating in the air suddenly doubled. It had barely touched the warning line.    


The speed of blood loss was almost the same as the recovery speed of medicine. This was undoubtedly very dangerous. Once he encountered a battle, this kind of tie would immediately be broken.    


"There are so many poisonous mushrooms. Do you have any antidote pills?" Landing at the lights, he turned around and asked.    


"Yes, yes. I'm afraid they won't be of much use." Dongfang Qingyu said. The secret realm was strange. The effects of the Detoxification Pill outside were minimal when used inside. Since the Stone Mushroom used poison as an attack method, it would probably be so easy to break it.    


"Someone is coming." Landing at the lamp, he turned around and said.    


Dongfang Qingyu pulled her to the side. It was good that someone was coming, so she let someone scout the way first.    


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