The Super Universe Leveling Game

C1175 Upgrading with Beauty

C1175 Upgrading with Beauty

Robbing red packets was similar to gambling. It was easy to get addicted. Dongfang Qingyu and the other three did not even play Landlord anymore. They played the game of snatching red packets for almost two hours. Basically, it was Dongfang Qingyu who sent it.    


He did not know if it was good luck or bad luck that the lucky king sent red packets. Eight out of ten times was the lucky king. Huang Yanmei smiled and said that he should go and buy the lottery.    


At 22pm, Dongfang Qingyu went online on time. At the Lantern, he looked back and saw that Small Pudding Guoguo was not online yet. Dongfang Qingyu quickly sent a message to the two of them, saying that they would not farm monsters together if there were other activities at night.    


Not long after, the Lantern looked back and replied with a message. She asked Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng and the others to form a team. Small Pudding Guoguo's profile picture was gray. She had not been online all this time. Maybe there was something at home.    


Actually, the activity on the New Year's Eve was very simple. After all, it was going to be the New Year's event soon. The New Year was just a warm-up, so it could not be very grand. Everyone was also warming up.    


There was only one rule, kill monsters or players from other factions. The one with the highest points was the champion. However, the others were not here to study with the Crown Prince. In these four hours, other than the occurrence rate, which was 1.5 times the usual amount, the experience points were 1.5 times as well. What was even more important was that within four hours, 4 million Treasure Chest would be spawned. From Black Iron to Gold.    


The preciousness of Treasure Chest did not need to be mentioned. If a lucky person opened a Gold Treasure Chest, the reward they would receive would not necessarily be inferior to the champion, or even surpass it.    


The atmosphere in the young year was not too intense. Some people could not wait to get online after nine o'clock. When Dongfang Qingyu got online, the game was already very lively. Friends would congratulate and congratulate each other when they saw each other.    


Li Hongdou, Huang Yanmei and Cheng Hongluan were all gaming rookies. They looked for a map and searched for a long time. It took Dongfang Qingyu more than ten minutes to gather the three of them together. He had lost the Wings of the Demon. Otherwise, not to mention ten minutes, he wouldn't even be able to finish it in half an hour.    


"Where are we going?" Huang Yanmei was the one who played games the longest among the three girls, but her level was lower than Cheng Hongluan. Li Hongdou's teacher was a bit out of line with the times. She usually liked to read books. She cooked. She was only level 21 at a low level. That was one thing. The key was that her profession was one of the more unpopular ones among the bards - the Zongheng family.    


The Zongheng family relied on the power of language to defeat, divide, combine, and destroy targets. This allowed Dongfang Qingyu, who thought himself to be an old bird, to gain a lot of knowledge. He had never heard of this profession before.    


Cheng Hongluan was level 29. This level could only appear in the life player of the profession. Otherwise, if she ran outside, any shock wave would be able to kill her.    


Huang Yanmei's profession was Earth Magician, and it did not match her personality at all. He did not know what she was thinking when she chose this profession. Level 28. To think that she usually bragged about how powerful Cheng Hongluan was in front of her.    


After understanding the situation of the three girls, there was actually no need to understand. It was clear at a glance. Dongfang Qingyu took out some equipment that the three girls could use. "The first thing is to update the equipment."    


Fortunately, he had been quite busy during this period of time and did not have time to deal with the stock in the ring. Otherwise, they really wouldn't be able to find any equipment that could be used by the three girls. The three girls' levels were too low. The lowest level requirement for the equipment that he could collect was at least Level 75. This time, he didn't deal with them. There were some good ones and some bad ones.    


"Wow, I'll take the Magic Wand." Huang Yanmei did not look at anything else. With a glance, she chose the shiny Magic Wand. It was a rare kind of Magic Wand that was refined with yellow wood. It was light and small. It was often used by girls.    


"The release time will be reduced by 10%. The shooting range will be increased by 20%. The power will be increased by 20%. The release time will be reduced by 10%. The shooting range will be increased by 20%. So powerful. " Huang Yanmei could not bear to relax even if she grabbed it. The various attributes of the Magic Wand that she used... It could not be compared at all.    


Cheng Hongluan found a few accessories to increase her strength, speed and stamina. Li Hongdou did not care. She did not need to fight in close combat. Equipment It did not matter to her as long as there was no level restriction. As long as she could wear it. There was a feather with an affinity of + 5% that she couldn't bear to part with.    


"Alright, we can set off now." Dongfang Qingyu thought about where he should take the three of them to level up, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't think there would be a suitable place for the three of them to level up. In the end, he decided not to think about it anymore and decided to take it one step at a time.    


"Devil Soldier!"    


Not long after they left the city, they saw a group of Devil Soldier approaching aggressively. It was still more than ten meters away, but the three girls felt as if there was a mountain. They almost lost their balance, and their faces were full of fear.    


The Level 5 Devil Soldiers that came was of a much higher level than the three girls. The aura that it unintentionally emitted was a disaster for the three girls.    


"The corpse exploded!"    


"The Curse Bomb!"    


"{Earthquake Wave}!"    




"Poison Fang Art!"    


"Death Grip!"    


"'Bone Fire Art! '"    




Magic shot out from the Black Dragon Horn staff like a stream of water. A dozen Devil Soldier didn't even have the chance to use the Triple Fist before they were all killed by Dongfang Qingyu.    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


More than a dozen Devil Soldier immediately turned from enemies to allies.    


"It's too fast!" Huang Yanmei's eyes were wide open as she watched. In the past, she had heard about how powerful experts were. Only after seeing it with her own eyes did she realize how powerful they were. They were simply abnormal.    


The Tricolor Light fell from the sky and entered Li Hongdou's head. She had leveled up. Professor Li was foolish and did not know what to do. She only saw the Devil Soldier rushing over. After Dongfang Qingyu attacked, she took out the exclusive prop book of the Zongheng family. The battle had ended, and then she leveled up.    


"Treasure Chest!" Cheng Hongluan's scream was filled with excitement.    


Dongfang Qingyu had seen the Treasure Chest a long time ago. Although it was a low level Bronze Treasure Chest, he was also very happy. He had just made a move and the Treasure Chest had dropped. He opened the door and left.    


Huang Yanmei rushed over and opened the Treasure Chest. It was a Magic Scroll. Status: Not appraised.    


"Identification Art!"    


Dongfang Qingyu rarely saw a Magic Scroll that needed to be appraised, but it was not difficult for him. A ray of light shot into the scroll, and in the next second, it shone brightly. The Magic Scroll changed greatly, turning into the shape of an Imperial Decree, and became tall and mighty.    


Ding! System Notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for successfully appraising an item. You have obtained one Magic Scroll. Proficiency + 0. 0002%, congratulations player.    


"Top level magic!" Huang Yanmei's eyes were wide open, and she almost stopped breathing. For someone of her level, top level magic was her dream. She could only dream about it, but now she could touch it with her hands.    


Her luck was too good. Dongfang Qingyu did not know what to say. If such a Treasure Chest and such an item were to appear along the way, then it would be fine if she did not want the championship.    


While the players were killing the Devil Clan, the Devil Clan was also hunting the players. As long as they were in the wilderness, there was basically no need to search for them. The Devil Clan would come knocking on their door. Dongfang Qingyu had just picked up a dozen silver coins from the ground when a group of Devil Soldier appeared. This time, there were even more of them. There were more than thirty of them. While the three girls were still hesitating on how to deal with this, Dongfang Qingyu had already rushed forward with a dozen Revival Level 5 Devil Soldiers.    


The battle had just ended. In just a minute, more than thirty Devil Soldier turned into corpses, and then turned into Dongfang Qingyu's pet. Huang Yanmei's level increased by one, and she was the same as Cheng Hongluan by level 29.    


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