The Super Universe Leveling Game

C1146 Settle the Client(part I)

C1146 Settle the Client(part I)

At the entrance of the Peace Building, this Peace Building is not the Peace Building at the headquarters of the Peace Group's Shenzhen Snakehead. It was the branch of the Guangzhou Branch. The insurance company made money. Other companies only had one headquarters. The remaining branches, branches, and subsidiaries all rented office buildings. The Pingan Group was not the same. The subsidiaries and subsidiaries also directly bought office buildings. They were rich and overbearing.    


The Pingan insurance was free to work. They worked from Monday to Friday every month. There was a five-day rule, and holidays were set according to the law. They only had two hours of morning meetings and training time every day. They would work at 8: 30. He would be able to get off work at 10: 30. After that, the insurance agent would control and arrange the time for him to talk about clients. Those who were supposed to take care of the children would take care of the children. Of course, there would also be part-time employees who would go back and do other work.    


After Dongfang Qingyu was done with his work, he returned home. There was no one at home. He was bored alone and could not sleep in broad daylight. He ran to the insurance company. In terms of the number and quality of beautiful women, it still depended on the insurance company. Among them, safety is the most important.    


Ever since the transition of longevity into a professional and elite route, those old and weak have gradually been eliminated. The remaining ones were all handsome men and beautiful women, with higher and higher academic qualifications. The initial insurance was for everyone, but later on, it was for the people to talk to. If you can't keep your mouth open, then don't. Slowly, there was a requirement to have a degree, from junior high to senior high school, from junior high school to junior high school, from junior high school to junior high school, from junior high school to junior high school. Subsequently, the requirement became higher and higher. College and undergraduate students, their current academic qualifications were nailed to the undergrad. Now, the recruitment requirements had changed again. The age had to be between 25-45. With a dignified appearance and a good temperament, they could be admitted first. It is completely internationalized.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not call Huang Yanmei. When he walked into the door, a sweet-looking beauty dressed in black professional attire immediately came to greet him.    


"Welcome to the Zhongguo Pingan. Hello, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?" The beautiful woman's smile was warm and her voice was clear and melodious.    


"If I told you I was looking for you, would you believe me?" For some reason, Dongfang Qingyu's mood relaxed after arriving here. He couldn't help but tease the beauty in front of him. She had big eyes and a light dimple on her cheeks.    


"Sir is God. I will believe whatever you say. But I think the person you are looking for is not me." The beauty smiled and didn't get angry.    


" Oh? Why do you think so?" Dongfang Qingyu was curious.    


"Would you believe me if I told you it was instinct?" The beautiful woman's eyes were very bright and sparkling. When she smiled, she revealed her canine teeth, which were not very obvious. She was very cute.    


"Beauty won't lie, I believe you" Dongfang Qingyu slowly said, his expression serious.    


"Sir, have you always lied to girls like this?" The beauty asked.    


"Beauty, you are the first." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Then shouldn't I be honored?" The beauty pretended to be favoured.    


"No!" Dongfang Qingyu shook his head lightly, "It's my honor to not be beaten out by the security guards."    


"Unfortunately, I do not have the chance." The beauty showed a regretful expression and then said seriously, "Manager Huang Yanmei is in the first office on the sixth floor. She should have just finished the meeting."    


Dongfang Qingyu was stunned and looked at her in disbelief.    


"I saw you once at last year's wealth gathering." The beauty covered her mouth and smiled.    


"The more beautiful a beauty is, the more deceitful she is." Dongfang Qingyu smiled bitterly, "Thank you!" He walked up to the elevator.    


Huang Yanmei's office was not small. It was about 80 square meters. There were desks and coffee tables. The sofa was very high-end and looked very grand. There were two rooms in front and behind. The office outside was the secretary's office, and the manager's office was inside. The inside was separated by a glass wall, and there were guests outside. The office inside. There were cabinets on the left and right, filled with all kinds of gifts and documents, and so on and so forth. On the wall at the back, there were all kinds of awards, banners, and many other awards, as there were many things placed there. The first feeling that it gave people was a little crowded, but it also reflected the complexity of the insurance work.    


Huang Yanmei was not in the office, and the secretary outside was not there either. There was no one in the huge air. Dongfang Qingyu slowly walked forward, and a meeting room and training room appeared in front of him. People came and went, and it was very lively. At the end of the corridor was the largest training room, and there were more than a hundred people sitting there. Dongfang Qingyu saw Huang Yanmei, and she was giving a lecture.    


"The standard map of the Poole Image did not come out of nowhere. It took the researchers dozens of years. After investigating 100,000 families in the world, they came to the conclusion that the wealth of those families had always been stable and stable. Their asset allocation has a special characteristic, 10% of their income is used for daily expenses. Rice, oil, salt, taxi fare and phone calls; treating guests and so on; 20% of their income was used to purchase severe diseases, using a small amount of money to secure the balance. So that their lives wouldn't have major changes because of accidents and severe diseases; 30% of their income was used for investments, profits, and so on. Although he was happy, the loss wouldn't affect his quality of life; 40% of his wealth was used to keep his capital value increasing. The main function of this wealth was to keep his capital, and the profit could be low. It was enough to resist the depreciation of the currency. In this way, even if the previous 30% of his wealth was lost because of the investment, it would still be worth it. There was still the capital to make a comeback. Because of the scientific allocation of assets, these families basically did not face any major financial crisis. Wealth is passed down from generation to generation and is steadily growing..."    


Huang Yanmei wore a grey professional attire and put on light makeup. Her aura was very strong and her tone was low. It was very infectious. The people below the stage listened very seriously and inadvertently turned their heads. Huang Yanmei saw Dongfang Qingyu at the door and was stunned for a moment. Immediately, she was in high spirits and instantly lost the mood to continue talking. After finishing the lesson with a few words, she hurriedly walked out of the classroom. This scene was noticed by many people who were listening to the lecture. They whispered to each other, secretly discussing.    


"Why are you here!?" Huang Yanmei was very happy to see Dongfang Qingyu.    


"Our sister Meizi works hard for this family. She works two jobs per person. As the head of the family, I must come and offer my condolences. Drink water!" Dongfang Qingyu served a cup of water that he had taken from the manager's office.    


"Pitiful." Huang Yanmei took the glass of water and did not care whether Dongfang Qingyu had drunk it or not. She took a sip.    


"Are you off work?" Dongfang Qingyu noticed that the people in the training room kept looking at them. They were all curious babies. He did not want to be seen as a panda, so he walked to the manager's office.    


"It's time to get off work, but I have a client today." Huang Yanmei was a little apologetic.    


"It's fine. Work is more important." Dongfang Qingyu had nothing to do anyway, so he took the opportunity to leave.    


"Why don't you come with me? This client is hard to deal with. Maybe you can help." Huang Yanmei suddenly said, her gaze hopeful.    


"What can I help your client with? I don't know insurance. Although I bought insurance, I still don't know anything." Dongfang Qingyu shook his head. Insurance was very professional. The contract was as thick as a book. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.    


"This customer is a game fanatic. Aren't you the God of the game? If you were to step in and release the King's Aura, he might immediately surrender. Please help me, Brother Blue Fish." Huang Yanmei hugged Dongfang Qingyu's arm and gently acted like a spoiled child. This scene was coincidentally seen by the secretary who pushed open the door and entered. He was instantly stunned. He hurriedly closed the door and pushed it out. His heart was pounding.    


"I'll be up there tonight." Huang Yanmei leaned close to Dongfang Qingyu's ear and exhaled like orchids. Dongfang Qingyu's heart immediately heated up. He was in a daze and did not even know that Huang Yanmei had pulled him into the car.    


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