The Super Universe Leveling Game

C1153 Annual Meeting

C1153 Annual Meeting

As hosts, Dongfang Qingyu and Huang Yanmei took the others away before they packed up and walked to the parking lot. When they reached the car, they suddenly remembered that both of them were drinking. Seeing that it was already two o'clock in the morning, they decided not to go back after some consideration. He booked a room in the hotel.    


Alcohol could liven things up. Huang Yanmei was probably especially excited because of her performance. She was as passionate as fire. It was only when the sky was bright that the two of them fell asleep. The next day, Dongfang Qingyu was woken up by the ringing of the phone.    


"Who is it?" Huang Yanmei's sleepy eyes were hazy as she opened a slit.    


"Hu Tianming, you invited me to have afternoon tea." Dongfang Qingyu yawned and threw his phone to the side.    


"What time is it?" Huang Yanmei was weak.    


"Nine o'clock, five minutes more." Dongfang Qingyu looked at the ceiling and was considering whether he should continue sleeping or get up to eat breakfast.    


"Ah..." After three seconds of silence, Huang Yanmei suddenly jumped up. "It's nine o'clock. I have to go to work." She anxiously looked for clothes to wear.    


Dongfang Qingyu leaned against the headboard and looked at Huang Yanmei's flustered look. He found it interesting. Huang Yanmei was halfway dressed when she suddenly stopped.    


"What's wrong?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"My clothes are dirty. I can't wear them anymore." Huang Yanmei had a bitter look on her face.    


"I'll buy them." When he said that, Dongfang Qingyu realized that he had indeed changed. If it was in the past, he would definitely say, Wash it.    


"This is the only way." Huang Yanmei picked up the phone and made a call to her secretary first. She told her that she could only go to the company later and asked her to arrange the matters of the morning meeting. Then, she called the familiar clothing store and asked them to send a set of clothes over.    


"What are you going to do today?" Huang Yanmei returned to the bed and rolled up her body, hiding in Dongfang Qingyu's arms.    


"I don't know." Dongfang Qingyu shook his head, as if he had nothing else to do besides playing games.    


"Why don't you come with me to the insurance company?" Huang Yanmei suggested.    


"Who are you playing with?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"As long as you have the ability to make them not call the police, you can play with anyone you want." Huang Yanmei gave him a sideways glance.    


"I am joking." Dongfang Qingyu chuckled. "You guys are all so busy. It's boring for me to go to the insurance company. Besides, aren't you afraid that I will steal your limelight when I go to the insurance company?"    


"I can't ask for more. Why don't you come to the insurance company to work? I feel that you are more suitable for insurance than me." Huang Yanmei's eyes lit up. When an insurance company worked, it was actually for connections. It seemed that Dongfang Qingyu's connections were much wider than hers.    


"Stop. I can't even speak properly. Don't make me laugh when you ask me to do insurance." Dongfang Qingyu shook his head repeatedly and then said with a smile, "I think I should be the man behind you or the man above."    


"I'm serious with you." Huang Yanmei wanted to punch him twice. Seeing that he really did not want to do that, she had to give up.    


At 9: 40, the clothes were sent over. Dongfang Qingyu did not want to get up, so he was also pulled up by Huang Yanmei. They went to the insurance company together. Huang Yanmei knew very well that Dongfang Qingyu's self-control was poor. She was afraid that he would really go alone.    


The insurance company did not have much to do today. Last night's gratitude feast had a huge impact. Many salesmen signed the papers after returning. Many customers who were hesitant or even uninterested... Seeing that so many big bosses believed in insurance, he couldn't help but waver. There were also some salespeople who went to collect their contracts this morning. When Huang Yanmei rushed to the company, these people basically came back and each of them brought back good news.    


The secretary pulled out the data. It had only been six days this month. The mission had already been completed beyond the limit. The mission given by the company was a 55% activity rate. If the activity rate reached 80%, they could take a break in advance. Huang Yanmei's department had a activity rate of 92 till 10: 29 in the morning. 6%. If there were no accidents, the activity rate would exceed 95% at night. In other words, the people in the department had basically started to issue orders.    


After the annual meeting at night, it would be time for the holidays. Huang Yanmei discussed the prizes for the night's annual meeting with a few supervisors before pulling Dongfang Qingyu along and leaving the company in a hurry.    


"Brother Blue Fish, accompany me to collect the tickets."    


Last night, some customers did not sign the tickets because of documents, bank cards, or other issues. Huang Yanmei could not go back on her words and had to visit them one by one.    


Visitors could not go empty-handed, especially when they went to the customers' homes. They had to bring some fruits, milk, or other things. Dongfang Qingyu acted as the mover.    


He only visited two clients in the morning because he didn't have much time in the morning. After lunch in the afternoon, he didn't even have time to rest. Huang Yanmei and Dongfang Qingyu did not stop and visited a total of six customers. These customers were very respectful and basically did not have any objections. After a few simple greetings, they signed the bill. The efficiency was very high. Even so, there were still a few customers who did not have time to go. Huang Yanmei could only call one by one to apologize. They set a time to meet again.    


At 5: 30 PM, Huang Yanmei drove back to the Grand Xia Weilan Hotel. The annual meeting was also held here in the same hall. It was still the arrangement from yesterday. It was not dismantled, but the atmosphere was not so grand. Because today's theme was commendation, and the people invited were all family, relatives, and close friends.    


"So many gifts!" Entering the hall, Dongfang Qingyu saw a mountain of gifts at first glance. Colorful TV, fridge, washing machine, blanket and pillow. Pressure cooker, induction cooker, frying pan, home fitting equipment, facial mask and high-end lipstick. Cell phone, watch, laptop... The lowest value was a 388 yuan home set. The highest value was a 18888 yuan laptop.    


In the previous proposal, the first prize was a high-end mobile phone worth 9888 yuan, but because of everyone's outstanding performance last night, it increased the price today.    


Don't ask if the talisman doesn't conform to the rules. These rewards came from the department's funds and had nothing to do with the company. Huang Yanmei's words were decisive.    


"... Although our department has only been established for five months, the activity rate for five consecutive months has exceeded 85%. Being the number one in the entire Guangzhou region, up until now, there was not a single department that could do it. In this month, everyone had even completed the mission that was assigned to them by the Middle School as quickly as possible. At the same time, it was the first department to break through the 90% activity rate, with the most wealth and products available. The highest insurance, the highest single life insurance policy, and the highest single wealth products. These four data are currently maintained by our department... And far ahead, the number of Wealth products and insurance fees are ranked first in the country. We are also the first department to complete the annual insurance mission in a month, my dear friends, shouldn't we give ourselves a warm round of applause for our own excellence?" Before Huang Yanmei finished speaking, a thunderous applause sounded. The employees were excited and excited. Their palms were red from clapping.    


After that... After that was the display income. There were 3 supervisors with an annual income of over 1 million, 5 supervisors with an annual income of 500,000 to 1 million, and 5 supervisors with an annual income of over 1 million. The rest of the supervisors' income was between 300,000 to 500,000. Huang Yanmei did not display her annual income, but only showed the income of the first month of promotion to manager. 2,850,000 made the family, relatives, and friends extremely envious. But what they did not know was that Huang Yanmei's income this month would at least increase by ten times.    


Looking back at the past and looking forward to the future, after the main report was done, just relax and have fun. They also invited people from the art group to perform, small shows, singing, juggernaut, magic tricks, and so on. It was wonderful. In the middle of each program was the lottery segment. Every lottery draw would cause screams and cheers.    


There were a lot of prizes, and basically everyone could get a prize. The only difference was the size of the prize. The guests who came to support the show didn't come for nothing. Each person got a box of three pine nuts worth 188 yuan.    


The final prize was won by Xiong Xiaoyan. Her eyes were so happy that they curved. The annual meeting ended perfectly.    


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