The Super Universe Leveling Game

C508 Li Hongdou's Father

C508 Li Hongdou's Father

Dongfang Qingyu's eyes widened as he looked at the items that were continuously being placed into the carriage. He had always thought that the welfare of civil servants was very good, but he had never thought that the welfare of the insurance company would be even better.    


Eight bags of Thai rice, 30 catties per bag, and 240 catties of rice. It was enough for a family of four to eat for two months. Golden Arowana mixed oil, 5.5L, a total of 16 bottles. 2.5L filled 24 bottles. Veda paper towel, 24 rolls, 8 bottles. 6 sets of utensils, 36 sets, 12 stainless steel insulation cups, 21 porcelain cups, 33 stainless steel hot kettle. 22 sets of ice-cracked porcelain tea set. 50 pairs of couplets. World's Number One Fortune Calendar, 50 sets, Tai Calendar, 100 books. Twelve sets of silk, six luggage boxes. 3 sweeping robots, 3 five-liter refrigerator. 45 storage boxes. Thirty-three crystal bowls...    


No wonder Huang Yanmei said that one car was not enough and insisted that he and Cheng Hongluan drive two more cars. With so many things, one car was indeed not enough.    


The insurance company covered almost all of the daily necessities.    


"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have bought so many things." Cheng Hongluan was a little regretful. Many new year goods had been repeated. The things that the insurance company rewarded the insurance agent were all good things. The quality was not as bad as the things she had bought previously.    


"I guess it is because there are more orders in this period of time that there are more gifts." Huang Yanmei was a little embarrassed. She did not expect it.    


During this period of time, her focus was on the health center. Those who came in contact with were all high-end customers. The insurance policy of those who came in contact with health care was not bad. She also chatted a bit, and it was very easy for her to make a deal. After a month, they made a deal of 20 to 30 bills. This was already the amount of bills that they would make in half a year during normal times. She continued to make these orders for more than three months.    


Just like in the normal industry, the insurance company also held activities at the end of the year. As long as the workload was met, the insurance company would not be stingy with the prizes.    


Not only Huang Yanmei, almost every insurance company's agent was giving out gifts, but they were not as exaggerated as Huang Yanmei.    


"This milk is not bad. Keep it for yourself." Cheng Hongluan moved the milk to her.    


"And eggs?" Dongfang Qingyu felt he was ignorant and ill-informed. In his impression, eggs belonged to the supermarket's big promotional items.    


"This is the prize for the car insurance. One car insurance for 60 eggs." Huang Yanmei said proudly. She used to be the car sales manager and had accumulated a large number of car insurance clients. Every year, she was the king of car insurance sales in this area. So the rewards were even more than the supermarket's.    


In the latter half of the year, she lost her car sales job, but she made up for the car insurance policy from the health center. Her workload was even 20% higher than last year.    


"Secretly tell me, how much is your annual salary?" Dongfang Qingyu had always been interested in the salary of the insurance agent. He felt that they did not need to work much. Usually, they would make a phone call and drink tea. At night, it was either a dinner or outdoor activity. He did not see any serious work. The civil servants still had eight hours to go to work, and they probably didn't even have four hours to go to work in a day. Would they be able to earn money like this?    


"About a million before tax." Huang Yanmei said reservedly.    


"One million!" Dongfang Qingyu was speechless. This was definitely beyond his imagination. "What about after the tax?"    


"More than nine hundred thousand!" Huang Yanmei was a little angry. This was the only bad thing about the insurance industry. The tax deductions were too high.    


"No wonder the insurance company was so generous!" Dongfang Qingyu sighed. Rich people could make money. If Huang Yanmei did not lose her car sales job, a million dollars a year is easy. The important thing was that she lived a carefree life. Imagine the workers at the construction site, 365 days a year. After a few days of rest, they would sweat every day. After a year, they didn't spend much, and it didn't even cost 150,000.    


"After sleeping, it won't be worth much anymore." Cheng Hongluan suddenly said.    


"What?" Dongfang Qingyu did not react in time.    


"You little fujoshi!" Huang Yanmei scolded with a smile.    


"Uh..." Dongfang Qingyu stuffed the laptops one by one into the gaps that could be stuffed. He was a little puzzled. "Why not directly exchange them for money?"    


"I want to, too, but the Silver Supervisors have come up with a new plan. All kinds of rewards cannot be sent in cash. There was no other way. I can only use physical objects. However, for us, physical objects are not a bad thing, because the purpose of these gifts is to send our customers... Sometimes, a small gift is more meaningful than a direct gift. " Huang Yanmei said.    


Dongfang Qingyu nodded. It seemed rather vulgar to give money directly to a customer.    


"More than half of the gifts here can't be given out. What friends and relatives do you have? If you need gifts, you can take them here. Don't stand on ceremony." Huang Yanmei said again.    


"Why can't you give them out?" Dongfang Qingyu did not understand. There were still gifts that he could not give out?    


"My clients are from all over the world, such as Xin, Black Dragon River, Henan, and so on. My clients over there can't give out my gifts. I can't just go there to give a box of toothpaste or a pair of couplets." Huang Yanmei looked at Cheng Hongluan, "If Hongluan's salary wasn't removed, where would they get couplets, calendars, and red packets?"    


"It's not a good thing to have more. Our clients are all nearby. The gifts that are sent out must be sent out. The more gifts there are, the harder it will be." Cheng Hongluan recalled the past. Every New Year was when she was the busiest. That kind of busy was simply like feet not touching the ground.    


"Looks like I won't be able to finish this trip." Huang Yanmei looked at the remaining gifts and felt a little helpless. If she had known earlier, she would have called for a truck.    


After unloading the goods, she returned and pulled again before finishing the gifts. Dongfang Qingyu picked up some eggs, milk, edible oil, and rice. He drove the car to the previous rental house.    


He had almost no friends in Guangzhou. If he wanted to talk about it, it would be Li Hongdou. Although they were only tenants, Li Hongdou was very nice to him. She arranged for him to enter the Sun Yat-sen University. He had to thank her.    


Because he planned to leave after giving the gifts, he did not park the car in the underground parking space. Instead, he stopped at the door and found Li Hongdou arguing with a man. At the entrance. Dongfang Qingyu was shocked when he saw how excited the two of them were. He jumped down from the car and saw a furious scene.    




The man slapped Li Hongdou's face. Li Hongdou rarely took care of herself, but her skin was naturally good. A bright red palm print quickly appeared on her snow white skin.    




Dongfang Qingyu rushed forward and kicked the man's lower back. He used a lot of force this time. The man cried out in pain and flew away. He hit the corner of the wall and blood immediately flowed out from his forehead. He held his waist with one hand and almost got up.    


Dongfang Qingyu had eaten his fill for the past half a year. He was nearly 1.8 meters tall. His weight had exceeded 145 kilograms. He could be considered a fierce man. A kick with all his strength was not a small kick. The man was about 45 years old, about 1.7 meters tall. His face was sallow, his eye sockets were deep, and he looked a little green. He looked like he had not rested well for a long time. His greasy hair reminded people of the people who had stayed up all night in the internet cafe.    


Judging from their physiques, they weren't on the same level.    


"Bastard, how dare you hit Hongdou? I'll kill you." Dongfang Qingyu rushed forward and kicked again. When he kicked the third time, he was stopped by Li Hongdou.    


Dongfang Qingyu looked at her in confusion.    


"Forget it. He is my father!" Li Hongdou's face was pale and her eyes were filled with sadness and despair.    


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