The Super Universe Leveling Game

C495 Flame Death Knight

C495 Flame Death Knight

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.    


Dongfang Qingyu was leading his team to surround and attack a large undead with flames all over its body. Its bones were rough and rough, and every single one of them was emitting a powerful aura. The layer of flames burning on the surface of its body was not an illusion. It was a real flame, and if a player got close, they would be burnt.    


Flame Death Knight: Level 43, HP: 8600, Skill: Sprint, Flame Burn.    


Compared to the Fear Knight, the Flame Death Knight's attacks were much stronger. The Knight of Fear had a Halo of Fear. The Halo of Fear was only an auxiliary effect. It did not have any damage value, but the Flame Burn had a powerful attacking effect.    


"We seem to have one less Ice Magician." Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng hoarsely grinned as he retreated. As the king of melee attacks and the natural enemy of Mage, Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng had always been proud of his profession. He knew that he had encountered a Flame Death Knight. Every time he attacked, he would be burned by the flames. It was a typical example of killing a thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred of them.    


"En, we still need Water Magician!" Lanshan was serious. She was using fire magic. When fire attacks were used against Fire Death Cavalry, the effects would be greatly reduced. It was even worse than when used against the Knight of Fear.    


"If only we had Earth Magician." Ad Storm said with a smile.    


"Wind Magician is also not bad." Human Ape Tarzan also came to join in the fun.    


"Don't you all think that two more Immortal Cockroach should come?" Dongfang Qingyu had been hiding behind the Flame Death Riders. Although his HP was high, it was able to withstand a few attacks from the Flame Death Riders and not die, but it was painful to burn. He didn't want to suffer that kind of pain, so he had to trouble Immortal Cockroach.    


These few nights, he had been working overtime. Finally, he had made a Bone Shield for Immortal Cockroach yesterday. Fang Shield. He had originally wanted to make a round shield, but he had not found the original bone. Fang Shield was a bit ugly, but his defense was very strong.    


Immortal Cockroach: 10500 HP, limited revival 32 times. physical defense 1380. Magic Defense 490. Attack: 920. Strength: 70 Agility: 132    


The HP had increased by a little, and the physical defense had almost doubled in power. Basically, it could withstand five Flame Death Cavalries at once, but it couldn't find the Magic Defense's strong bones. Otherwise, Immortal Cockroach could have become even stronger.    


"A little strong is already very abnormal. If there are a few more, we won't be able to survive." Small Pudding Guoguo said.    


"Guoguo, you have learned bad things from them." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Cheh!" Lanshan rolled her eyes at him. "You are the only one here who is the most flirtatious. Don't you know who is the one who secretly looks at other people's thighs?"    


Dongfang Qingyu's face was not red, but Small Pudding Guoguo's face was red. She spat and said, "Kill monsters. Why are you saying all this?"    


Everyone burst into laughter.    


"Fire Dragon Shock Wave!"    


"Cloud Piercing Rock Arrow!"    






Red numbers continuously floated out from the body of the Flame Death Knight. It stabbed Immortal Cockroach with its spear. All of them were blocked by the ugly shield. A -10-15-13 damage value floated up from Immortal Cockroach's body. Unless he used a sprint skill, it would be impossible to knock Immortal Cockroach away. But sprinting was not that easy. The AD storm was not something that could be done without food. Seeing that the Flame Death Rider was about to dash forward, ___ used a sprint to interrupt it.    


Just like that, the Flame Death Rider foolishly took up the role of a live target.    


"Death Grip!"    




The Flame Horseman turned into a pile of broken bones and died. The Death Grip was already level 12, and it was getting more and more powerful.    


Ding! System Notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for killing a Fear Knight. Obtained 49 contribution points.    


"Red bone!" Dongfang Qingyu's eyes lit up. From the item that dropped, he saw a bone that was different from the others.    


"Could it be that it can be added with a burning skill?" Everyone gathered around him. Regarding Immortal Cockroach's abnormal behavior, everyone had a rough understanding of it. The more bones one had, the more powerful one's ability would be. If he had two bone wings, he would be able to fly into the sky. Currently, Immortal Cockroach was unable to exert his full power. He didn't lack energy, but bones.    


"No, it can only increase the resistance of fire magic, not attack attributes." Dongfang Qingyu looked at it for a while and was a bit disappointed.    


"It's fine. It's better than nothing." Lanshan comforted him.    


"I really want to remember that I have an ice attribute knife in my ring." Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng suddenly slapped his head and scrambled around in the spatial zone. He took out an exaggerated large blade.    


It was about 2.3 meters long, even longer than the broadsword Immortal Cockroach used. The blade was thick and had a wavy arc. It emitted a threatening cold air. It was actually a Silver Ware.    


"Good blade!" Human Ape Tarzan praised.    


"You can also forget this. I'm impressed." The Giant Sponge Baby said.    


"You can't blame me for this. I don't need a saber." Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng had an innocent look on his face. He had gotten this knife for a long time. He was going to get rid of it, but he did not have the time to deal with it when he was attacked by the undead.    


"This will be much easier." Dongfang Qingyu replaced the one-fifth of the Durability with the broadsword and equipped it with the Cold Frost Blade. The hilt of the broadsword was similar to the hilt of the Cold Frost Blade. He did not need to change the parts.    


As expected, after equipping the Cold Frost Blade, the group of people killed the Flame Death Riders at a much faster speed. Unfortunately, they didn't have time to equip the red bone, or else their speed would have been even faster. However, even so, compared to the surrounding players, they were still left behind in the dust.    


The power of the prizes was boundless. All kinds of civil experts appeared like bamboo shoots after a rain. Don't look at how the level of the Undead was getting higher and higher, their strength getting stronger and stronger. However, the players were occupying more and more positions. Now, during the day, it had expanded to more than 5,000 meters. At night, they would shrink back to more than 4,000 meters.    


Although a large number of players died every day, there were also many players who leveled up. The level of the veteran experts steadily rose, and many experts from the new faction obtained a strange feeling. For example, tools, skills, killing monsters that were higher than their level, and ascending to the next level like a rocket.    


Especially when the players noticed that the number of Undead began to decrease, they became even more proactive. They did not let go of every minute during the day, and they also worked overtime at night until midnight. There was no lack of life player figures among them, and the life player did not dare to face the Undead head-on. It was good to secretly take advantage of the situation.    


However, this situation did not continue for long. On the fifth day, the number of players suddenly decreased. The reason was that a formidable cavalry had appeared among the Undead.    


Knight of Doom: Level 44, HP 8800, Skill: Sprint, Spread Doom. (Doom: Losing 200 HP per second, accompanied by a drop in accuracy, magic nullification, skill error, and other negative effects)    


The Knight of Doom was extremely abnormal. It could wipe out a large number of players with a single appearance. Its attack power was not much higher than the Flame Death Riders, but it was still very powerful.    


Those players with lower levels did not even need to fight. They only got close to the Knight of Misfortune and died after a short while. Many players had already started to sing their victory songs and were immediately beaten back to their original form.    


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