The Super Universe Leveling Game

C476 Spare of Ammunition and Rations(part I)

C476 Spare of Ammunition and Rations(part I)

"Invest in black dung balls?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at his brother in surprise.    


"Is there a problem?" The 3 billion brother raised his eyebrows.    


"There's no problem with black dung balls. I'm not surprised to invest in anything. What I'm curious about is that you're looking for me." Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help but be curious. Did Brother Three Billion still need to invest in his business? If even he needed to look for an investment, then there wouldn't be any rich people in the entire Sky City.    


"Do you know why I bought so many insurance?" Brother 3 billion smiled.    


"Because of insurance."    


"That's right, because of insurance." Brother Three Billion recalled and said, "My family's old man told me that the people in China are not as rich as three generations. It's not because my descendants are stupid, but because they don't know how to manage wealth and have a lot of gambling habits. For the sake of the benefits in front of us, we neglected the long-term risks, which led to our failure. Also, I can't be greedy. I realized that this is indeed very important. Thus, I joined up with a dozen or so of my friends in Sky City, planning to take down the black fecal ball together. You're not a bad person, so I wanted to ask you to do it with me. "    


"Why did you choose the black fecal ball? What's the use of the black dung ball? " Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"I don't know." Brother 3 billion said.    


"Okay, how do we invest?" Dongfang Qingyu did not hesitate.    


"Temporarily set at 1 million RMB per share, at least 1 share, at most 20 shares." 3 billion brother arrived.    


"Do you still want the gold land?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Yes, I do." Brother 3 billion was overjoyed. He didn't expect Dongfang Qingyu to plant another Golden Potato.    


"I'll buy 5 shares." Dongfang Qingyu took out 500 Golden Potato.    


When he walked out of the teahouse, Dongfang Qingyu was still thinking about his 3 billion brother's meaningful smile. With his 3 billion brother's worth, it was unlikely that he would lie to him about the 5 million. Although 5 million was a lot to him, in his 3 billion brother's eyes, 5 million was nothing.    


However, even if he lied, he had nothing to say. For the sake of the 3 billion brother helping him solve the problem of the gym, five million was considered as a lesson.    


Soon, he did not have the mood to think about 3 billion brother's strange smile. A large number of players returned to Sky City. Once he asked, he knew that the outside world had been occupied by the Undead.    


"A mere cannon fodder is able to chase after you and make you run away. Truly useless." Many players who had just logged on were very disdainful.    


"If you have the guts, you can leave the city now." Those players who had escaped sneered.    


"What's there to be afraid of when you leave the city?" Players who had never experienced the Battle of the Undead left the city one after another. Dongfang Qingyu followed behind them. When he saw them stop at the city gate, his entire body stiffened, as if his acupuncture points had been pointed.    


"This is too much!"    


Dongfang Qingyu walked forward and looked down. He was stunned. Because of the geography of Sky City, it was very spacious in the high sky. They often went into and out of the city, so they knew everything about the scenery below the city like the back of their hand. Even if they closed their eyes, they would still be able to give an approximate answer. But now... All the familiar scenery was gone, replaced by a patch of white.    


It wasn't the pure white of the snow, it was white, white. There were skeletons everywhere, like a long dragon rolling over from the main road, but also like a tide. Wherever they went, the color would change.    


"Where did these undead come from? Why are there so many of them?" Small Pudding Guoguo exclaimed. The monster she had seen the most in the past was the Bronze Armour Locust. But compared to the undead in front of her, the difference was huge.    


Everywhere she looked, it was filled with Undead.    


"The Undead that came from the Temple Of Darkness." Someone who knew the truth said, "Yesterday, the Kingdom of Eternal and the Death God Guild killed Lu Latu. A black hole appeared under its seat. Undeads emerged. No one cared about them at first. They were just some small Undeads. It's good to destroy them. The more we kill, the higher the level of the death spirits. They rose from level 20 to over 30. First, the Temple Of Darkness was occupied by the Undead. After that, the Undead chased after the players, all the way to the Sky City. "    


"How... how many Undead are there?" Small Pudding Guoguo's words were more like a sigh.    


Below the city, there were still many players fighting against the Undead, but they did not last long before they started to retreat. Among them, there were many familiar faces. Lanshan's fire magic was very conspicuous. Human Ape Tarzan's tall build was also very eye-catching. There were also many famous people in Sky City. He had heard of her name, but had never seen her in person. At this moment, he just happened to see her.    


"Let's go down as well." Dongfang Qingyu's hands itched. There were so many monsters, there was no need to look for monsters, and no need to fight with others for monsters. Furthermore, it was in front of their house, so it was convenient to supply them. This Undead Army was really considerate.    


"Alright!" Small Pudding Guoguo was also itching to make a move.    


There was still a large area under the city that was not occupied by the Undead Army. At least, the main road that the Undead Army occupied was the entrance and exit. The weaker players had escaped back to the Sky City. The stronger ones were the stronger ones. They were all killing monsters. All of them were extremely excited. With so many monsters, they could kill them for a long time.    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


"Resurrection Arts! '"    


"'Resurrection Arts! '"    




Dongfang Qingyu was still on the white crane when he started to release magic. The bug was small, so it would not increase the weight of the white crane even if it was revived. The moment Dongfang Qingyu landed on the ground, he threw out all ten of the Gulp Bugs. The larvae were the nemesis of dark creatures. Although the undead were all white, they were definitely dark creatures.    


"Holy Light Spell!"    


The dazzling light was like a sun shining in the sky, sprinkled on the body, the surface of the undead began to emit smoke, -10-10...    


Holy Light dealt direct damage to the Undead, but it was not very serious. The most important thing about Holy Light was to suppress the Undead, and the Undead's attributes were immediately reduced by 10%.    


"Rain of Light!"    


Small Pudding Guoguo pointed with her Magic Wand. Specks of white light sprinkled on the undead's body. The undead seemed to be burned by flames, emitting smoke.    


-20 - 20...    


Skeleton Soldier: Level 29, HP 5800, Skill: Simple Chop.    


There were all sorts of weapons in the Skeleton Soldier's hands. There were white bones, rotten iron rods, and rusty knives. In any case, there were no new ones.    


Dongfang Qingyu revived a Treant Warrior. Treant Warrior had a diameter of 50 centimeters, and he was 3 centimeters tall. 2 meters. The skill served as a shield-bearer and could attack. It could be used in two different ways.    




The Treant's whip landed on the Skeleton Soldier's body, sending it flying. After landing on the ground, countless cracks appeared on its body, and the red numbers in the air slowly dissipated.    




The Treant Warrior was a level 35 monster.    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


"'Resurrection Arts! '"    




Dongfang Qingyu revived four more Treant Warrior to ensure their safety. After that, he revived five more Fire Ravens and descended from the sky to attack the skeleton soldiers. The first choice for the enemy's undead was naturally light magic, followed by Dark Magic. After that was fire magic. The rest of the magic were about the same in power.    


The five treants, Warrior, and Dongfang Qingyu and Small Pudding Guoguo were still very powerful. In less than a minute, the first skeleton soldier fell, turned into broken bones, then the second, and the third...    


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