The Super Universe Leveling Game

C324 Consecutive Overlords

C324 Consecutive Overlords

This time, everyone paid attention to the number of Hooligan Rabbit, as well as the HP. It increased by 2%. All of them revealed ashamed expressions. The reason why experts were experts was not only because they had excellent control, but also because they could observe microsensing. It was very clear that they were careless in this round.    


No one said anything. They silently killed the Hooligan Rabbit. Their big moves were endless. Even Jing Gangshan's Madame Wu attacked. The Reverend had few offensive skills and was weak, but it could still produce some effect in the end.    


When the mission ended, they were one second ahead of the first place and successfully occupied the leaderboard.    


"Let's eat something." The food Situ Qingcheng brought were all high-end food, all of which were the essence of advanced monsters. Dongfang Qingyu had never heard of many of the ingredients, Tail Snake. Tricolor Chicken, Triple Camel Red Camel... The taste was surprisingly good.    


"Tail Snake is a good thing. A snake can only gather half of the ingredients. Eating more can increase agility."    


"Tricolor Chicken is said to be a hybrid of a peacock. It can trigger hidden attributes."    


"Three Camel Red Luo Warrior wants to eat more to increase his health."    




Madame Wu did not know how to cook, but she was very knowledgeable. He could tell the sequence of events of every dish. Eating with her would allow him to learn a lot of knowledge. After the meal, Dongfang Qingyu opened his eyes wide. He had just realized that... The complexity of a cook's profession was even more complicated than mining man and farmer combined.    


Whether a dish was delicious or not, stir-frying was just a basic skill, and the main thing was the combination. How to make the nutrition balanced, the ingredients stimulate each other, and not restrain each other. Mainly preserving the attributes that were beneficial to the players. The most obvious row is the roasted potato. If they didn't remove the satiation, they would be full after five potatoes at most. Was the satiation a good thing? Of course, the value of steamed buns and buns was in the satiation. However, if the gluttony of potatoes wasn't removed, how could they be eaten in large quantities? If they weren't eaten, they wouldn't be able to increase their health points.    


Cookers played the role of exploiting their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses.    


In order to achieve this, besides recognizing every ingredient, one also had to clearly know the attributes, characteristics, and source of each ingredient. Only then could they be used when needed.    


"The chef is so awesome. Why don't you learn how to stir-fry vegetables?" The old master asked curiously while punching him to death.    


"It's too expensive. I don't have money." Madame Wu shook her head vigorously. "Initially, I also developed in the field of stir-frying. The dishes that my grandma stir-fried. Even I don't eat them myself. In order to collect the ingredients, I spent all my dowry money. The dishes that I barely managed to stir-fry could be eaten. But no one hired me to work. I'm so hungry that I don't have any food to eat. I had no choice but to choose barbeque. I didn't expect that I would be so talented in barbeque. The food that I casually roasted was very delicious, so I decided to develop on barbecuing. Of course, the most important thing is that the cost of the barbeque is low. I don't have any money left. "    


Everyone started laughing.    


After eating and drinking, they continued to clear the levels. The second round was the Silt Monster, and the terrain was the desert. Situ Qingcheng's abilities were suppressed to a certain extent, but she still charged at the front line. She did not retreat a single step, and was incomparably valiant.    


With the experience of the first stage, everyone did not hold back. They attacked with a big move, and soon passed the stage. Second place. They passed the second round again. First place. Situ Qingcheng did not continue and chose the next round.    


With the cooperation of the first two rounds, the cooperation of the five became tacit. Especially since Madame Wu played a huge role, beating the old master to death with random punches. On the left and right side were the Seven Petal Plum Blossom and Situ Qingcheng. They formed a triangular formation and rushed into the Centaur. Madame Wu took care of the three of them by herself. She did it with ease and could even secretly eat barbecued food from time to time. It seemed like she would never be full.    


The Centaur's archery skills were superior in terms of distance. Once one got close to it, it would be Earth Demon's world. In the first half of the match, Earth Demon died horribly. In the second half, the Centaur died horribly.    


Mission handover, first place. Situ Qingcheng recalled the process of clearing the level. There was nothing that could be improved. She gave up on the second round and chose the next one.    




"The fifth round, so powerful."    


"Where is this Great Situ's team from? Why haven't I heard of him before?"    


"He has passed five stages in a single day. If nothing unexpected happens, the fifth stage won't be the end. It should be a joint challenge between masters."    




Outside the ranking list, discussions broke out. The leaderboard was similar to the current entertainment industry where celebrities were created. There were more than twenty of them a day, but only a few could make it to the headlines. It was not important to make it to the headlines occasionally. It was either domestic abuse or divorce. Only people who had dominated the headlines for a long time could attract people's attention.    


Great Situ occupied the four leaderboards in one go, successfully attracting the attention of the players present.    


Great Situ was naturally a name that Situ Qingcheng had given herself. She was also lazy, so she simply used a surname to dismiss him. Unknowingly, they had reached the sixth stage. The sixth stage was a marble monster.    


This stage was the hardest one to pass. Apart from the seven-petal plum blossom, everyone else had been hit by the marble. It was all because of the timely rescue from the Fierce Tarantula. Otherwise, they would have died countless times.    


They stumbled and used three times before successfully occupying the leaderboard. It was a close shave, and they were once again one second ahead.    


"Rest!" Situ Qingcheng looked as if she had been relieved of a heavy burden. It could be seen that she had also suffered a great deal of pressure. If she failed the third time, she would choose to give up. Because each time was harder than the last. The fourth time would be even harder. The third time, she would not be able to dominate the roll, and the fourth time would only be worse.    


Situ Qingcheng also knew that everyone had worked hard, so she specially sent a message to order food from Sky City. After that, a carriage was delivered over. Each person also had a jar of wine. Dongfang Qingyu could tell at a glance that this was the Nverhong of Qingyu Bar.    


In the seventh stage, the four of them attacked from the front, attracting the dwarf's attention. The seven-petal plum blossom sneaked into the dwarf's house without anyone noticing, but it was unlucky. It took them a long time to find the blueprint. If he came back a few seconds later... Dongfang Qingyu would have been killed by the dwarf. There were too many dwarves, and their attacks were no less than those of the old master who had been punched to death. In about five minutes, Dongfang Qingyu had lost 89 pets.    


It could not be said that the Seven Petal Plum's movement technique was not good, nor could it be said that its strategy was not good. It could only be said that the Seven Petal Plum's luck was too bad, and it did not find the room where the blueprint was placed at the first moment.    


The delay was too long and did not make it onto the list. Situ Qingcheng naturally could not accept it. The second attempt. The Seven Petal Plum Blossom found the blueprint in the last house again. This time, it took even longer than the last time. Situ Qingcheng's face turned black. The only one who was happy was Dongfang Qingyu. The dwarf's corpse was not Hooligan Rabbit. The Hooligan Rabbit could be recycled to make food, but dwarves could not eat it. He could not collect it either. All the corpses belonged to him. He could be used as a pet.    


The third time.    


The fourth time.    


The fifth time...    


The sixth time, the Seven Petal Plum Blossom finally started moving. The first house that rushed in was the blueprint. It was three seconds ahead of the first house and successfully dominated the leaderboard. The eighth round.    


The eighth stage was the underground world, Earth Demon's territory. This stage was entirely dependent on Dongfang Qingyu's pet to scout the way. Even so, everyone also encountered danger in succession, and almost all of them were wiped out a few times. In the end, they made it to the first place. Situ Qingcheng did not say anything else and directly entered the ninth round.    




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