The Super Universe Leveling Game

C169 The Anger of a Small Figure

C169 The Anger of a Small Figure

The Death God Guild threatening a small player was like a drop of water in the ocean. It didn't cause any waves. Even to the Death God Guild, it was a trivial matter. They were a large guild with thousands of core members and tens of thousands of peripheral members. It was perfectly normal to kill a few players. If it wasn't for Large Blade Wang Liu being killed by Dongfang Qingyu, he wouldn't have remembered this person.    


But to Dongfang Qingyu, this matter was unforgettable. Small Pudding Guoguo's death made him feel even more sad and angry than his own death.    


In order to avoid being followed by the Death God Guild, he went online at three o'clock in the morning the next day and sneaked out of the Sky City. He waited until seven o'clock in the morning when he saw the first member of the Death God Guild leaving the city.    


This was a Warrior, level 22. The words Death God Guild before his name was especially obvious.    


"Who are you? How dare you block my way?" Warrior was hurrying on his way when he suddenly found that someone was blocking his way.    


"Corruption Art!"    


Dongfang Qingyu shot a spell at Warrior.    


"You are courting death. I am from the Death God Guild. How dare you attack me?" Warrior was furious. He drew out his machete and slashed at Dongfang Qingyu. His momentum was like thunder. Sparks could be faintly seen on the blade of the machete. Obviously, it was not as simple as an ordinary attack.    


Warrior took two steps forward. A terrifying force hit his lower back, sending him flying into the sky. A huge red number floated in the air, and the HP instantly dropped by half.    


"Bone Fire Art!"    


Dongfang Qingyu raised the Magic Wand and shot it at Warrior. A flame immediately appeared on Warrior's head, -70-70-70.    


"How dare you attack me?" After rolling a few times on the ground, Warrior stood up in shock and anger. When he saw the HP falling in a straight line, he quickly drank the Red Drug.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not give him time to drink the medicine. The Resurrection General Cricket jumped in front of him, kicked out with its hind legs, and with a force of thousands of kilograms, Warrior shot out like a cannonball. A Gray Light bloomed in midair, and he died.    


His weapon fell out.    


Dongfang Qingyu took a look. The Green-Copper was not bad. He quietly put away his weapon. When the players on the side of the road saw this scene, they quietly took a detour.    


What a joke, in less than ten seconds, a level 22 Warrior died. This person was obviously very powerful. Who would dare to offend such a person?    


Dongfang Qingyu hid behind a big tree by the roadside and waited quietly. About five minutes later, he saw some other members of the Death God Guild. This time, there were more people. Five, three of them were Warrior. The two thieves were in a hurry and did not know what to do. They were also very arrogant and had the prefix of Death God Guild on their names.    


"Corruption Art!"    


His magic accurately hit the thief at the front.    


"Be careful!" The second Thief reacted quickly. Not only did he not retreat, but he also rushed towards the back of the tree where the magic had shot out. His speed was as fast as lightning.    


However, he had miscalculated one thing. After he hid behind the tree, what he saw was not the Mage. It was a leg that was as hard as steel. This was the leg of the Resurrection General Cricket. A force that was as fast as lightning shot onto his body.    


The thief had always been curious about what it felt like to be hit by a speeding car. Now, he could roughly feel it. His body flew into the air, and after flying for five or six meters, he fell heavily onto the ground. The HP suddenly dropped by two-thirds.    


Suddenly, a series of miserable cries rang out beside his ears, and he endured the pain. The Thief suddenly turned his head and saw his four companions soaring into the sky. A large red number floated in the air. The damage value of a Thief who was hit by the Corruption Art was extremely high. Before they landed on the ground, the HP had already been emptied, and a Gray Light bloomed. Death.    


After the four nearly three meter tall huge General cricket landed on the ground, they jumped nimbly, and were incomparably agile. The Thief turned around and saw a Resurrection General Cricket bouncing off the ground. Its metallic hind legs left a series of afterimages in the air as it landed on the Thief's head.    


The Thief's body trembled, and then he lost consciousness.    


The battle ended in eight seconds. The five of them dropped a bracer, a Black Iron, and a bottle of Red Drug. Value: Dongfang Qingyu's expression did not change. He silently picked up the items and returned to the back of the big tree.    


After 7: 30, the number of players suddenly increased. They went online at about the same time as they went to work. There were many players who had mounts that whistled by on the road, causing dust to fly everywhere. Dongfang Qingyu waited quietly, at least maintaining the number of General cricket. One would die, and another would die.    


The third time the Death God Guild appeared was a Knight, riding a big horse. It was equipped with all kinds of equipment, and it looked mighty and extraordinary. The horse was yellow in color, and it couldn't be compared to Cheng Jinyi's white horse. However, among the mounts of all the players that passed by, the horse was yellow in color, and it couldn't be compared to Cheng Jinyi's white horse. It was the best.    


Dongfang Qingyu suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. The Knight's first reaction wasn't to stop the horse, but to increase its speed and charge over. This showed the style of the Death God Guild.    


"How dare you block the path of the Death God Guild?! You are courting death!"    


"Corruption Art!"    


When Dongfang Qingyu shot out his magic, he saw a hint of mockery in the Knight's eyes.    


The Knight did not dodge, and allowed the magic to land on his body. When the magic approached his body, the armor emitted a white light, illuminating his entire body. The Corruption Art turned into a green smoke and dissipated.    


"You, as a Mage, dare to block the path of the Knight. I really don't know what is inside your head." The Knight grinned hideously, and the distance between them instantly shrank to less than a meter. Seeing that Dongfang Qingyu was about to be sent flying, a sudden change occurred.    


The Resurrection General Cricket shot out from behind the trees, and its powerful hind legs struck the Knight's body with lightning speed. Under such circumstances, the Knight drew out the long sword that it carried with it, and unleashed a skill.    




This was a skill that melee professions could learn. It could block all kinds of attacks. Generally speaking, the success rate was relatively low. Obviously, the low probability of this happening would not appear on the Knight.    






The General cricket's all-out attack only caused a mere 1 point of damage.    


"How could I not know that you were lying in ambush?" The Knight laughed complacently. Before he could finish laughing, he let out a miserable cry. His body shot up into the air and fell to the ground five to six meters away.    


He had predicted that Dongfang Qingyu would be lying in ambush, but he did not expect that it would not be one Resurrection General Cricket, but two.    


"Bone Fire Art!"    


When the magic landed on the Knight, the number '-70-70' floated up from the Knight's body. The Knight's reaction could not be said to be slow. He rolled on the ground twice and got up at the same time. However, he had already fallen into the siege of the two Resurrection General Cricket.    


Thirty seconds later, the Knight fell. One General cricket lost half of its blood. The other General cricket was left with only the residual blood. The Knight's combat strength was extremely strong. It was shocking. If Dongfang Qingyu hadn't launched a sneak attack on the Knight, he would have needed at least three Resurrection General Cricket to deal with it.    


The fact that the Knight didn't drop anything disappointed Dongfang Qingyu, because the Chest Armor he was wearing that could release a white light to neutralize the Corruption Art was very powerful. He was still hoping to obtain this Chest Armor.    


However, the Chest Armor didn't drop, but there was a pleasant surprise. The Knight's mount was left behind.    


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