The Super Universe Leveling Game

C153 The Era of Mounts

C153 The Era of Mounts

The TV expert was right, the mount system is open.    


Players could obtain mounts by capturing, buying, trading, raising and gifting them. Dongfang Qingyu studied it carefully and found that he could only rely on buying and trading.    


In the occupations, there were two occupations, Beast Tamer and Hunter Master. Only these two occupations had the ability to capture, and other occupations were not qualified to learn them. There was also one that could be learned from hunter. However, the hunter was a branch of a Hunter. It was the same as Necromancer's classification of the dark Mage.    


If that was the case, capturing it would be ruled out.    


Only herders and farmers could learn how to raise livestock, while others were not qualified to learn.    


Dongfang Qingyu looked around his circle of friends and found that he knew a lot of wealthy people. However, it was almost impossible for these wealthy people to give him one or two mounts.    


Players could obtain two types of mounts. One was the Pet Egg. This was suitable for all players. The advantage of pets was: Apply to anyone. Intimacy level was high, loyalty level was high. They had a high level of tacit understanding, but their weakness was: if they were nurtured for a long time, there was a risk of death in the process of growing. The second is the normal form of a mount. For example. You see a horse, catch it and use it as a mount. This is the normal form. The advantage is: Fast, you can directly ride it, there is no need to nurture it. Its weakness was that its loyalty was low, it had the possibility of betrayal, and it had a low level of tacit understanding.    


As for the type of mount, there were many. However, the more strange a mount was, the greater the risk. This was decided by the player himself.    


The system gave a small prompt at the end, suggesting that the player should use a normal four-legged monster as a mount. For example, horses, donkeys, and black ox were safer.    


There was a lot of information, but it was all related to mounts and pets.    


Every player was only allowed to have one pet and one mount. Pets could assist in battle. But they couldn't ride it. The mount was only allowed to ride, it wasn't allowed to participate in battle, but it was allowed to be killed. It was a bit inhumane, but this was how the system set it. Everyone had no choice but to obey.    


Pet and mount are the same, if you want to change, the only way was to kill them. Killing your own pet and mount is risky. First, the pet and mount will resist. Second, the more times you change your pet and mount, the higher the risk. And master's affinity and tacit understanding are lower. If the loyalty of a pet is low, it will affect its combat strength and speed. The most important thing is that a pet with low loyalty will easily betray you.    


In order to maximize the usefulness of pets and mounts, it was recommended that players be careful when choosing pets and mounts. Otherwise, it would be too late to regret.    


Dongfang Qingyu finished reading all the information, but there was no content related to the Trade Profession. He only added a few vague professions, Bards, Free Dancers, Soul Chess Masters, and there was no further explanation below.    


Then he opened the Attribute Pane.    


Character Name: Dongfang Qingyu    


Race: human race    


Occupation: Necromancer (Master), Dragontongue magician (Hidden)    


Name of hero: Human NPC Favorability + 10, System shop discount of 1%.    


Level: 20    


HP: 9,980 (Standard 200) Magic: 3710 (Standard 200)    


Constitution: 7 + 10 (20 standard) (Remarks: 1 point of Constitution equals 10 points of HP)    


Intelligence: 126 (20 standard) (Remarks: 1 point of Intelligence equals 10 Magic)    


Strength: 21 (Standard 20) (Remarks: 1 point of Strength equals 10 points of attack)    


Agility: 61 (Standard 20)    


Endurance: 20 (Standard 20)    


Fame value: 2,700 Sin Points: 0    


Comprehension:? Charisma:? Lucky Value:? + 2    


Wealth: 687 10,000 copper coin    


Free Attribute Point: 0    


Skill Points: + 1    




Bone Fire Art: Intermediate Skill, Level 1, 60% Skill Proficiency, 70 Attack, Lasts for 10 seconds. Costs 300 Magic Points per use. Cooldown: 60 seconds. Green.    


Death Grip: Intermediate skill, level 3. Proficiency: 40%. Attack: + 80. Ignores defense. Costs 200 Magic points per use. Cooldown: 60 seconds.    


Resurrection Arts: Level 6, Proficiency 60%, Number of Resurrection 6. Revive a corpse to fight for me. Duration: 600 seconds. Cost: 50 Magic / second. Cast time: 3 seconds.    


Poison Fang Art: Level 7, 40% Proficiency, 7 Summons, releasing poison teeth to attack target. Damage: 1-10, causing the target to lose 7 HP per second. Duration: Time: 10 seconds. Cost: 20 Magic per use. Cooldown: 3 seconds. Casting time: 3 seconds.    


Corruption Art: Level 6. Proficiency: 50%. Cast magic to corrode the target. With the defensive effect, the target will lose 6 HP per second. Succeed. Time. 10 seconds. Cost: 10 Magic per use. Cooldown: 3 seconds. Casting time: 3 seconds.    


Charm: Beginner skill level 1, proficiency 79%, success rate + 1%. Cast a Spiritual Force to charm the target, making the target listen to his commands. The duration of the charm varies according to the strength of the target's Spiritual Force, and the success rate varies according to the strength of the target's Spiritual Force. Consuming 60 Magic per use. Casting time: 3 seconds. Job limit: None.    


Living Skill:    


Identification Art: Level Intermediate, Mastery 85% Can be appraised, checked the attributes and levels of the items. Success rate of appraising items + 10%. Can appraise two items at the same time. Costs 5 Magic per time.    


Mineral mining skill: Beginner. Proficiency 96%.    




Voldemort's Hand Bone Wand: Silver Ware, Magic Power + 20%, Casting Time -34% Save it. Magic + 20%, range + 20%, Durability 50 / 50, level Limit: 15-35 Job Restriction: Dark Magician.    


Badge of honor x2: Buying items from the system shop will give you a 4% discount, killing monsters will give you an additional 4% experience. (Note: Cannot be transferred, cannot be gifted, cannot be traded)    


Get-out-of-jail-for-free card: You have the right to kill any player in the Sky City's safe zone without being punished by Hongming.    


Crane Mouth Hoe: Black Iron, Attack 9-11, Successful Mining + 5%, Durability 30 / 30.    


Camelia flint pickaxes, Green-Copper, Attack 20-30, Digging Speed + 11%, Breakthrough Effect + 9%, Durability 30 / 30. Job Restriction: None.    


Angola Ring: Green-Copper Equipment, Space 110 slots, Responsibility -50%, Durability 35 / 35, Restrictions: None.    


Earth Dragon Ring: Silver Ware, Space + 200 slots, Weight -50%, Magic Recovery Speed + 0.5%. Durability: 48 / 48    


Skeleton Robe: Silver Ware, physical defense + 50, Magic Defense + 85, reduces negative magic by 10%. Magic recovery speed + 0.5%, Durability 48 / 48. Job Restriction: Dark Mage, Necromancer, Necromancer. Level limit: 15-35    


Ice Silkworm Snow Rob: Silver Ware, physical defense + 55, Ice Magic Defense + 100 Magic Defense + 60, Health Recovery Speed + 0.5% Durability 50 / 50 Job Restriction: None, Level Restriction: 20-40    


Shoes of Gale: Green-Copper, Speed: + 23, Weight: -5, Evasion: + 2%, Durability 28 / 28, Level Limit: 10-20, Job Limit: None.    


Boots of Gale: Green-Copper, Agility + 26, Evasion + 5%, Durability 29 / 29, Level Limit: 20-30, Job Limit: None.    


Ring of Fortune: Green-Copper, Luck + 1, Durability 28 / 30, Status: Acknowledged owner, cannot be traded or dropped.    


Ring of Rejuvenation: Silver Ware, Mana Recovery Speed + 2.0%, Luck + 1, Durability 50 / 50, Level Limit: None, Job Limit: Mage    


Hundred Treasures Sac: 20 slots snot mucus: 30 Poison Lizard Bomb: 2 rooms 1.    


Poison Lizard Bomb: The poison essence condensed from the Heloderma suspectum's poison sac. After it exploded, it turned into a poisonous fog with a shocking 3.5 meter radius. The target within the range will lose blood. 250 seconds. Duration: 60 seconds.    


Dongfang Qingyu wasn't sure if his equipment was considered good among the players, but he felt that it wasn't bad. At least, he bid farewell to the hite board and Black Iron equipment. The only Black Iron was a work occupation. But... Although the Crane Mouth Hoe's level was very low, its performance was very strong. No one could use common sense to deduce it. If someone else used an ordinary Green-Copper to exchange with him, he would not agree.    


He did not have much money, but he had an extra house. This could also be considered as compensation. However, he didn't have a chance to take a look at it for the time being, which made him a little unhappy. Besides, when he saw that there were only two Poison Lizard Bomb left, he immediately felt a sense of crisis.    


The Poison Lizard Bomb was a great killing weapon. Even a level 20 expert would not be able to withstand it. Now, he had offended the Death God Guild. If he didn't have something powerful to protect himself with, he wouldn't feel safe.    


The Ghost Face Devil Mosquito was still useful to him. If there were a lot of people here, then it would be useless. The only thing that could be used as a trump card was the corpse of the Tusk Pig.    


He felt that the Tusk Pig's corpse wouldn't last long. According to the habits of the Death God Guild, they would definitely come after him from all directions. They wouldn't be too quiet.    


Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. Twelve meters in front of him, a Siberian Gray Wolf was staring at him with its green eyes. Its mouth was slightly open, revealing its sharp teeth.    


The Siberian Gray Wolf squatted in the grass without moving. The color of its fur was similar to the color of the grass. If it wasn't for Dongfang Qingyu's careful observation, he really wouldn't have noticed. The Siberian Gray Wolf's four limbs were slightly bent, and its toes were stuck in the soil. This was the prelude to a pounce. But because it had been discovered by Dongfang Qingyu... It gave up.    


Dongfang Qingyu suddenly turned his head and found a Siberian Gray Wolf silently appearing behind him. Their eyes were emitting a bluish-green light.    


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