The Super Universe Leveling Game

C60 Hong Luan Went on a Blind Date.

C60 Hong Luan Went on a Blind Date.

"What can I do for you?" Dongfang Qingyu was still very happy when he received Cheng Hongluan's call. At least it proved that he had some status in Cheng Hongluan's heart. Otherwise, she would not call him for no reason.    


"Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?" Cheng Hongluan reproached.    


"You know, I have good relations with people. If you have nothing important to do," ___ said.    


"Are you free tonight?" ___ asked. Cheng Hongluan knew Dongfang Qingyu was not telling the truth.    


"Are we going to eat or drink? I will go to eat. I will not go to drink. If we are going to eat, you must promise to let me go home before ten o'clock." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"It's the first time I invited someone to dinner, and you're asking so much." Cheng Hongluan almost choked on his words. After a while, he said hatefully, "Crystal Restaurant, seven o'clock at night. If you dare to be late, or if you dare not come, you will die."    


"Is there any sincerity in treating? It is already six o'clock and it is time to get off work. It's very easy to encounter traffic jams or traffic lights at this hour. I can't guarantee that I'll arrive at seven o'clock on time." Dongfang Qingyu looked at the time. Time passed too quickly in the game. It felt like a day had passed without him doing anything.    


"The Crystal Restaurant will take at most 20 minutes to walk to your place. You can take a shortcut for 15 minutes. There's still an hour left, you just need to go back and forth "    


"Don't I need to wash up and dress up? After all, I'm going to see you. Can't I be too casual? " Dongfang Qingyu said with a smile.    


"Stop messing around. I'm going out to take a taxi now. If I'm not there yet, I won't let you go." Cheng Hongluan did not give Dongfang Qingyu any chance to refuse. She hung up after saying that.    


Dongfang Qingyu looked at the flashing messages. They were all people who wanted to rent shop number 8 or had other needs. He thought about it and thought that it was not necessarily a bad thing to go out to eat with Cheng Hongluan, so he decisively logged off.    


"Director Cheng, he did not reply to the messages, nor did he answer the voice messages." His assistant said.    


"Since he posted the advertisement, he wouldn't easily make a decision. Don't worry, keep sending him messages, and don't stop the voice message. We still have time." Cheng Jinyi said without looking up.    


"Yes, Director Cheng." His assistant continued to send voice messages. He knew that next, he would have to repeat such boring things.    


Although the name of the Crystal Restaurant looked western, it was actually a proper Chinese restaurant. The taste was biased towards Gannan style. It was spicy and mainly stir-fried. The taste was heavy, while the local taste was light. It was not suitable to eat this type of taste. Most of the people who came here to eat were foreigners. Some were on business trips, some were working, and some were traveling.    


Its price was higher than average. It was not expensive, but it was not cheap either. When they came here to eat, they were at least white-collar workers and above. Ordinary workers usually did not spend money here.    


Dongfang Qingyu took a shower and changed into casual clothes because he was very casual at home. When he walked into the restaurant, he was two minutes away from seven. Cheng Hongluan had just gotten out of the car.    


"I didn't notice it before. You look quite handsome in formal clothes." Cheng Hongluan sized him up from head to toe.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not think of how to answer her.    


"What are you thinking about?" Cheng Hongluan saw the smile in the etiquette lady's eyes at the door and only then did she realize that she had said something wrong. Her face immediately turned red. "Let's go in quickly. Otherwise, if you come late, there will be no seats left."    


The business in the Crystal Restaurant was very hot, especially when it was time for lunch. There were no more private rooms. There were still three seats in the hall. Cheng Hongluan let out a sigh of relief. She pulled Dongfang Qingyu and randomly chose a seat close to the center and sat down. After she sat down, she ordered a few dishes and then looked at Dongfang Qingyu.    


"I am here for a blind date."    


Dongfang Qingyu's hand that was holding the cup stopped for a moment. His face immediately became expressionless.    


"My mother arranged it. I can't ignore it. She said it was her good sister's distant nephew. He is a university professor and has a very good character. My mom forced me to come. So I had to come. " Cheng Hongluan did not notice the expression on Dongfang Qingyu's face and said with a bitter face.    


"He has a high education and a good character. This is a good thing. Why do you look like you are at a disadvantage?" Dongfang Qingyu said lightly.    


"What does it have to do with me whether he is good or not? I only like people I like." Cheng Hongluan had a proud look on her face.    


"If you don't like it, then reject it. I never thought that blind dates could be forced." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"That's why I pulled you here." Cheng Hongluan smiled slyly.    


"I would rather tear down ten temples than destroy a marriage." Dongfang Qingyu's expression immediately changed, "Don't let me do this kind of thing."    


"You're already here, can you do me a favor?" Cheng Hongluan said coquettishly.    


"You can ask someone else to help you. I can't help you with something like this." Dongfang Qingyu stood up and left.    


"I don't have money, and I don't have a car either. I don't have any performance this month, and I'm going to lose my job soon. Can't you pity me?" Cheng Hongluan pulled Dongfang Qingyu's arm.    


"Let go. What do you pull and pull like?" Dongfang Qingyu did not dare to use force. He pulled twice, but he did not pull his arm out.    


"If you promise not to leave, I will let go." Cheng Hongluan said in a low voice.    


Dongfang Qingyu's heart softened and he sat down.    


"Actually, I don't want to go on blind dates. It's just that I came all the way here to work and it has already hurt my mother's heart. I don't want our relationship to become too stiff, do you understand?" Cheng Hongluan's expression was a little sad.    


"I still don't understand. Whether you want to go on blind dates or call me here is related."    


"I asked you to come and disturb the situation." Cheng Hongluan said in a low voice.    


Dongfang Qingyu stared at Cheng Hongluan until he felt guilty and lowered his head. He said faintly, "Don't think things are so bad. Maybe it is Prince Charming who came. The karma of your life starts here. Your mother will not harm you."    


"You are in your thirties and you don't have a girlfriend. How good can you be?" Cheng Hongluan asked back.    


At this time, the dishes were served. There were four dishes and a soup. Dongfang Qingyu did not bother to refute her. He picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. After eating for a while, he raised his head and stared at Cheng Hongluan.    


"Why are you eating too?"    


"I'm treating. Can't I eat?" Cheng Hongluan was surprised.    


"Isn't there someone who will treat you to it later? Not even a big meal?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at him in confusion.    


"You mean I didn't treat you to a big meal?" Cheng Hongluan stared at him.    


... "" Dongfang Qingyu.    


"There's no atmosphere when strangers eat. I'll talk after I'm full." Cheng Hongluan said.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not care about her. He ate his own food. Twenty minutes later, the food was all gone. He threw down his chopsticks and picked up his teacup. He glanced at Cheng Hongluan and asked, "What time is your date?"    


"7: 30."    


"It is almost 8: 00 now," ___ said. Dongfang Qingyu said.    


Cheng Hongluan's face was not good. No matter how much she hated him, she did not want to see that she was the one who was late. Girls always had their own little pride.    


"Maybe there is a traffic jam. The red light must be understood." Dongfang Qingyu's mouth twitched. "Maybe it is this."    


"Are you gloating over my misfortune?" Cheng Hongluan looked at the door and immediately glared at Dongfang Qingyu. The person who came in was a middle-aged man with a face full of acne. He was at most 163 centimeters tall. He should weigh 75 kilograms and wore glasses. He wore a suit, leather shoes, and tie. He didn't mind the heat. His expression was very serious, and he had a small belly bag.    


Dongfang Qingyu chuckled and took a sip of tea. He was just about to say something. He suddenly saw Cheng Hongluan's expression change. She seemed to have thought of something and suddenly turned her head. The short and fat middle-aged man sat down on the only empty table in the hall. He then took out his phone and dialed a number.    


Cheng Hongluan's phone lit up. She set it to be silent, but the note blind dating man clearly appeared on the screen. Cheng Hongluan's eyes looked at the phone and blind dating man a few times before she steeled her heart to answer the call.    


"I am the blind date introduced by Auntie. You are Cheng Hongluan, right? I have already arrived at the Crystal Restaurant. Where are you?" blind dating man faced the entrance of the restaurant and could not see the two people sitting inside.    


Cheng Hongluan hung up the phone and glared at Dongfang Qingyu. She hesitated for a while before she stood up and walked to blind dating man. Dongfang Qingyu shrugged his shoulders. I was just saying casually.    


Because of the ingenious design of the restaurant, the two tables were separated by a meter and a half. There was only a potted plant in the middle blocking the way. Dongfang Qingyu could hear every word of the conversation between blind dating man and Cheng Hongluan clearly.    


After confirming their identities, the conversation was as follows.    


"What do you want to eat?" blind dating man asked.    


"I thought you wouldn't come, so I ate." Cheng Hongluan said.    


"I originally wanted to come early, but I gave a student a tuition session for half an hour. You know, I am a professor and I am usually very busy." blind dating man took the initiative to pick up the menu, "Eat more or less."    


"There's really no need." Cheng Hongluan shook her head.    


"Okay, I will order." blind dating man changed to a waiter. After hesitating for a while, he ordered a dish of meat and vegetables and a soup. After the waiter left, he began to introduce himself.    


"Because of work, I don't have time to date. Although there are a lot of people who like me, my heart has never been on top of it. It feels like my career is the embodiment of a man's value. But... Auntie has always said that you are very good and excellent. I think people are going to get married, after all. That's why I came to see you. Oh right, I forgot to ask which university you graduated from."    


" University. " Cheng Hongluan said.    


"It's not one of the top ten schools." blind dating man sounded a little disappointed. "I graduated from university. You might not know. Two kids with high academic qualifications would have better genes. Although your academic qualifications are slightly lower, I have high academic qualifications. I should be able to make up for it, although there is a small shortcoming... But it shouldn't be a big problem. What do you do now? I teach physics and astronomy at the university."    


" Property sales. "    


" Why are you selling houses? " blind dating man was surprised. "I heard from Auntie that you studied fashion design. It's better than sales, right?"    


"80% of the owners do sales before they start their business." Cheng Hongluan said lightly.    


"I don't mean to discriminate against sales. I just want to make a comparison." blind dating man said, "How much is your monthly salary? My annual salary is about 300,000 yuan. Adding in my external income and other income, my annual income is about 800,000 yuan. "    


"When it's more, it's more than 20,000 yuan. When it's less, it's more than 1,000 yuan." Cheng Hongluan said.    


"Let's not talk about work anymore. Let's talk about other things." blind dating man choked and said, "I prefer children. After marriage, I hope you can give me four children. The best would be a girl, a boy, and then a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. "    


Cheng Hongluan almost sat down at the bottom of the table. Dongfang Qingyu choked on the tea and coughed hard. Tears even came out.    


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