The Super Universe Leveling Game

C58 Viridescent Fish Wine House

C58 Viridescent Fish Wine House

When Dongfang Qingyu walked out of the shop, there was a 7950,000 copper coin in his account. The money bag was full, and his spirit and spirit were different. Reality proved that the players were not rich, even the players who opened the shop were not rich. There were only 5 million copper coin in the shop, and the remaining 2.95 million was prepared by the girl after she contacted the boss.    


Equipment Store.    


Black Wolf Blade: Black Iron, Attack + 18, Attack Speed + 5%, Durability 17 / 20    


Wind Blade: Green-Copper, Attack + 25, Attack Speed + 8%, Armor-breaking + 1%, Durability 28 / 29.    


White Feather Staff: Black Iron, Attack + 10, Release Speed + 10%, Hit Rate + 2%, Durability 19 / 20. Job Restriction: Reverend Job.    


Shadow Spike: Green-Copper, Attack Speed + 28, Attack Speed + 10%, Durability 29 / 30    


The equipment was not much, but it shocked the staff who was guarding the shop. They quickly invited the boss out.    


"I'm the boss of this shop. My surname is Zhang. My name is Zhang Fei is not black. How should I address you? " The boss had a beard all over his face. He was tall and had a smile on his face. At first glance, he did look a little like Zhang Fei, but their temperament was completely different. Zhang Fei was domineering and powerful. His murderous aura was soaring to the sky. This man was as gentle as water. When he spoke unstandard Mandarin and used a unique dialect, others could instantly tell where he came from.    


He was from Lingnan.    


"Dongfang Qingyu!"    


"What a good name!" Zhang Fei is not black gave him a thumbs up. "Are you planning to sell all these equipment?"    


"If the price is right, I will sell them." Dongfang Qingyu was very straightforward. Originally, Wind Blade and Shadow Spike could only display their true value in the auction. After all, they were Green-Copper. It was just that no one was holding an auction right now, and he urgently needed money. This was the only way. However, if the price was too low, he wouldn't sell them.    


"Don't worry. I do business to make friends. The price will not disappoint you. Let me take a look first." Zhang Fei is not black carefully checked the attributes of the four pieces of equipment.    


If the attributes of equipment of the same level were different, the difference in price would also be huge. The attributes would determine the price. Zhang Fei is not black looked very carefully. After looking at the first piece of equipment, he could not hide the smile on his face.    


Low-grade equipment was common. medium grade and top grade equipment were not common. Dongfang Qingyu took out four pieces of equipment. Two of them were of Bronze grade. Two of them were Black Iron equipment, but none of them were low-grade equipment. Even if he wanted to sell them at a high price, he didn't have to worry about not being able to sell them.    


"Four pieces of equipment, a total of 1,050,000 copper coin." Zhang Fei is not black raised his head.    


"Deal." Dongfang Qingyu did not think too much about it. The price in his heart was between 1,100-1,150,000 copper coin. The bottom line was 1 million. The price that Zhang Fei is not black offered was not the highest. However, this was already a very high price for the equipment purchased by the shop. After all, the shop had to pay various fees and labor costs. It was also not easy to raise the price of the item to an astronomical price.    


Zhang Fei is not black was overjoyed. Business people liked straightforward customers. Immediately after, he said with some difficulty, "Can I give you the RMB?"    


"I only accept the copper coin." Dongfang Qingyu shook his head.    


"Alright." Zhang Fei is not black didn't say much. He had more than one million copper coin, but the shop would always keep more copper coin in case of accidents.    


After Dongfang Qingyu left Equipment Store, he only had a Black Iron of Black Iron grade and a dagger of Bronze top grade grade left on him. Bronze top grade had to be auctioned off in order to obtain the greatest benefits. No matter how poor Dongfang Qingyu was, he couldn't bear to sell it. The same went for the Magic Wand. Although it was a Black Iron, there were very few Magic Wand nowadays. He estimated that if he were to auction it off... The price would not be lower than an ordinary Green-Copper.    


Currently, the Skill Book, Fire Dragon Art, was probably the most valuable item on his body.    


Half of this money belonged to Seven-second Memory. Although Dongfang Qingyu could not find her, he knew her bank account. Logically speaking, he should have transferred the money over, but he was short of money now, so he temporarily used it.    


He walked into his shop and found that it was empty inside.    


He took out the contract of the shop. It was not a piece of paper, but a system. It had many functions: renovation, upgrade, pricing, advertising and announcements.    


There was no need to mention the location of the No. 2 shop. The area was 50 square meters. It was the second largest shop in all the shops. If he used this place to do other business, he wouldn't even need to upgrade it. But if he opened a winery here, the area here wouldn't be enough. The wine jar occupied too much space.    


The store's data:    


Level 1 shop: 100 square meters. Upgrade price: 1 million copper coin.    


Level 2 shop: 200 square meters, upgrade price: 2 million copper coin.    


Level 3 shop: 300 square meters. Upgrade price: 3 million copper coin.    


Dongfang Qingyu felt his teeth ache when he saw this. After entering the Sky City, everything needed money. No matter what he wanted to do, the starting price was at least a million. He was very poor back in the Novice Village. However, he felt that he was like a rich man. He had brought a huge sum of money to the Sky City. In an instant, he realized that he was very poor.    


He pressed the upgrade button.    


The balance in his account instantly decreased by 1 million copper coin. Then, he saw the shop change like magic. Within a few seconds, the space inside doubled, turning into 100 square meters. The shape and layout remained the same. This was very magical. Before Dongfang Qingyu could react, the upgrade had already been completed.    


"One million copper coin." Dongfang Qingyu felt his teeth ache even more. In just a few seconds, he had spent one million. He did not feel like money was a number anymore. Money was his flesh. Even a little bit of money was painful for him.    


The shop was big and empty inside. Only then did Dongfang Qingyu realize that there was still a lack of shelves, counters, stools, and other necessary equipment inside. There were all kinds of things in the system. There were three types of shelves. The most common ones were the shelves made of pine wood, and the next ones were made of jube wood. The next one was made of yellow pear wood, each of which was more expensive than the last. Dongfang Qingyu was so scared that he didn't even dare to look at the items at the back. He bought the cheapest ones. Even so, it cost him 50,000 copper coin to buy all the items.    


When Dongfang Qingyu clicked to confirm the payment, he suddenly realized that there were no discounts for the items he bought in the system. He was stunned for a few seconds before he suddenly slapped his thigh.    


The upgrade of the shop had to be done in the system, but many shops sold shelves, counters, and other equipment. Even if the items in the shop were the same as those in the system, he could still get discounts from the shop. At least, it was enough to save 10% of the copper coin.    


The system's way of earning money was pervasive. If he wanted to open a shop, he needed a business license. He had to apply for a business license from Manager Wei. The application procedure was simple. The key was that he had to pay 10,000 copper coin. After the discount, 9,000 copper coin. Property fees, health fees, management fees, and other miscellaneous fees cost 30,000 copper coin a month. The wine industry was a high consumer industry. He had to pay a tax of 50000 copper coin per month. After giving a 50% discount, he first paid a month's fee. 40,000 copper coin.    


Dongfang Qingyu went to the shop to make a signboard, which was carved from sandalwood. The price of carving was 40,000 copper coin, and the material cost was 10,000. One ___. The plaque had a total of 50,000 copper coin. The shop owner generously gifted him a red cloth that covered the signboard. However... After Dongfang Qingyu said that he could enjoy the discount, the smile on the shopkeeper's face disappeared.    


That was not the end. The shop could not be left empty. It had to be opened during business hours. Otherwise, the shop would be fined and could be closed for three days every month. The business time could be extended from eight o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the evening. But it could not be shortened. The opening hours meant that the shop must be opened to do business. In other words, there must be someone guarding the shop. Of course, it was fine if no one was guarding the shop, as long as the shop owner didn't mind thieves visiting.    


Manager Wei told Dongfang Qingyu very well that if he didn't have time, if he could not find anyone to look at the shop, he could go out and apply to the system to rent an NPC to help him. He only needed to pay a little. Of course, this little bit came out of Manager Wei's mouth. After Dongfang Qingyu saw the price of the NPC, his heart turned cold.    


The NPCs were divided into five types: Beginner, Intermediate, advanced, top and Master Level. Beginner NPCs only knew how to carry out simple orders and did not know how to think. Similar to wooden puppets, they could do whatever the employer asked them to do. Their price was 20,000 copper coin per month.    


The intelligence of Intermediate NPCs was equivalent to that of a 10-year-old child. They could communicate easily. Although they did not have autonomy and independence, they could still serve their customers. Their price was 50,000 copper coin per month.    


Advanced NPCs were like adults. They would use their brains to recruit customers. They were polite and knew how to take care of their customers' emotions. They would use some basic temptations and methods to stimulate their customers to buy more things. Their price was 100,000 copper coin per month.    


Top NPCs were equivalent to experienced salespeople. They knew how to control people's hearts. Different customers would receive them in different ways, and they would have more autonomy. They could give customers discounts within the permitted range to attract returning customers. Basically, they could be used as shopkeepers. Their price was 250,000 copper coin per month.    


Master Level NPCs were equivalent to professional managers. They were more than enough to manage a shop. They knew how to plan and organize promotional activities. They could attract the largest number of customers within the range of the system's permission. A shop that could hire a Master Level NPC basically did not have to worry about profit. The only thing they worried about was how much profit they could make. Master Level NPCs were very powerful, but they were few in number. Currently, there were only three of them. Their price was 700,000 copper coin per month.    


Dongfang Qingyu hesitated for a long time before he decided to hire an Intermediate NPC. As long as his winery could operate, it did not require much flexibility. Of course, the most important thing was that he did not have money now. If he had money in the future... He might hire an advanced or top NPC, but he did not plan to do so for the time being.    


When he chose the NPC and came back, the plaque had already been completed. The store's service was very good. They helped him hang it on the door and covered it with a red cloth.    


The shelves, counters, and employees were all ready. Everything was ready except for the alcohol. Dongfang Qingyu looked at his balance and felt a headache. This money was not enough to buy all the wine. What should he do? At this moment, an announcement sounded in the sky. Dongfang Qingyu's eyes lit up. He had thought of a good idea.    


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