The Super Universe Leveling Game

C68 Landing the Lights Landing Looked Back

C68 Landing the Lights Landing Looked Back

Happiness Inn, private room.    


"Every time we meet, we eat. Don't you have any new ideas?" Lanshan had a look of disgust.    


"Mr. Dongfang and Brother Haoran haven't eaten yet." Cheng Jinyi smiled apologetically.    


"You didn't eat, did you?" Situ Haoran asked with a smile.    


"Brother Haoran, I'll pay." Cheng Jinyi looked hurt.    


"Look, you admitted it yourself." Lanshan snorted.    


"Alright. The next time we go for tea, we won't be able to line up today. Do you know how the business in Rank-9 Tea House is doing? " Cheng Jinyi spread his hands. Although he had money, he couldn't change the rules.    


"I better not go. Otherwise, I will feel embarrassed if I drink the tea you are treating me to." Lanshan said.    


"Then why can you eat the meal that I am treating you to?" Cheng Jinyi was puzzled.    


"Will Peanut Bean Milk Sugar take your money to eat in Happiness Inn? Since he doesn't accept the money, then it's not your treat. If it's not your treat, then why should I be embarrassed? " Lanshan asked back.    


" Weixia, you are not being merciful with your words. It is easy for you to not get married. " Cheng Jinyi sighed.    


"The people who are after me will line up from the Eight Ridge to the Tiananmen. As long as I say that I will get married tomorrow... Someone will send me the wedding ring today. You should worry about yourself. You're about to be 30 years old, you don't even have a girlfriend. Also, don't call me Weixia. I have told you many times to call me back." Lanshan had a look of disgust.    


"Mr. Dongfang, don't take offense. She is a person with a poisonous tongue." Cheng Jinyi said awkwardly.    


Dongfang Qingyu smiled and did not say anything.    


"Get lost! He would say whatever he saw. I can't be polite when I talk to you. " Lanshan scolded. She looked at Dongfang Qingyu with some surprise. "Your surname is Dongfang?"    


"Dongfang Qingyu."    


" Are you from Jing City? " Lanshan looked at him curiously.    




" Oh." A strange look flashed across Lanshan's eyes. She smiled and said, "We have met twice in total. You have gotten good things both times. Let's add each other as friends. Next time you have good things. Give me priority. Don't worry about the price. I will definitely not lower the price like some profiteers. I guarantee that you will be satisfied. "    


Cheng Jinyi shrugged helplessly. Even if he did not do anything, he would still be scolded.    


Dongfang Qingyu naturally had no objections. Knowing such a rich and powerful person, he would definitely develop in the future. Nothing could harm him. They added him as a friend. Warrior, who had been sitting there without saying anything, stammered, "Can I add you as friends too?"    


"Me too." female archer and Huayue also came to join in the fun.    


"Sure. Since we are eating together, we are friends. You're welcome." Lanshan said with a smile. Her temper was very forthright.    


After everyone added each other as friends, their relationship also became closer.    


"You guys came from the same Novice Village?" Huayue looked at Dongfang Qingyu curiously. From the beginning, Dongfang Qingyu looked like... There was nothing special about him. No matter his height or bearing, he was not as good as Situ Haoran. But with the appearance of the Magic Wand, he was covered with a layer of mystery. It immediately aroused her interest.    


"Yes, but we are not familiar with each other." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"You are the Mage?" Huayue looked at Dongfang Qingyu. Because in Sky City, Dongfang Qingyu did not have a Skeleton Robe on him. From the outside, she could not tell his occupation.    




"Is your occupation an appraiser? Are you really an Intermediate appraiser? How did you advance? " Huayue widened her eyes and looked at Dongfang Qingyu. Actually, her previous questions were all to pave the way for this question. What she wanted to know the most was about the appraiser.    


"Yuan!" Situ Haoran called. This kind of question involved privacy. If her relationship with Dongfang Qingyu was shallow, she could not casually ask a very deep question.    


Lanshan also looked at Dongfang Qingyu when she heard that. There was nothing strange about life occupations. Even if it was those rare life occupations, to her, there was nothing surprising about it. However, Dongfang Qingyu being able to become an Intermediate appraiser meant that he was not a simple person. She didn't know Situ Haoran, but she had heard of his great name. An outstanding person like Situ Haoran was proud of being able to become an Intermediate Appraiser. She could roughly understand how difficult it was to advance to the Intermediate.    


"Yes, perhaps my luck is better." Dongfang Qingyu smiled.    


"The dishes are served." Cheng Jinyi smiled and said, "This is also my first time eating here. What dishes do you have? I don't know either. Everyone will try it later. If the taste doesn't suit the taste, we'll file a complaint together. I haven't eaten a king's meal in my life yet. "    


Huayue was not satisfied with Dongfang Qingyu's answer, but the moment the dishes were served, she immediately diverted her attention.    


The first dish was soup, Dragon and Phoenix Turtle Soup. When the lid was opened, a rich fragrance spread out. Lanshan was not hungry at first, but now she also had an appetite.    


"Cheng Jinyi, you often mix around with me. Now you still want to eat a king's feast, do you have the nerve?" Peanut Bean Milk Sugar walked in with two jars of wine in his hands.    




Peanut Bean Milk Sugar greeted Lanshan first, then looked at Situ Haoran. "Such a handsome man must be the famous Brother Situ. Welcome to my humble abode. It is a great honor to have you here. "    


"Happiness Inn, the number one inn in Sky City. If this was a simple and crude place, the word 'lofty' would be useless. " Situ Haoran cupped his fists.    


"This is because I have to rely on my friends to support me." Peanut Bean Milk Sugar's gaze landed on Huayue and Mingyue, "These two are somewhat unfamiliar. This should be your first time here. "    


Cheng Jinyi stood up and introduced Huayue and Mingyue. Finally, he introduced Dongfang Qingyu. "Dongfang Qingyu, young and accomplished. In the future, he will definitely have a seat in the Hall of Fame in Sky City."    


"Hello, sugar boss." Dongfang Qingyu stood up.    


"Hello, enjoy the dishes." Peanut Bean Milk Sugar thought Cheng Jinyi was joking. He smiled and turned his attention to Lanshan.    


"Weixia, you won't treat me even if you make a fortune. You are not loyal to your friends."    


"I won't treat you. You are all blood sucking Ghosts. Why should I treat you? Also, my game ID is Lanshan. Don't keep calling my name, or I will get anxious with you guys." Lanshan said rudely.    


Peanut Bean Milk Sugar was a little embarrassed and could not say the rest of the words. He looked at Cheng Jinyi and found that he also had a helpless expression. He smiled awkwardly and said, "It has been so many years, but your temper still hasn't changed at all."    


Peanut Bean Milk Sugar was very busy, so he only exchanged a few words and left. At this time, the dishes were almost served. The six of them ordered fifteen dishes. The dishes were filled to the brim with a large table. It was very sumptuous.    


"Looking back, we have agreed that the Magic Wand will be auctioned at my auction. Help me support the scene. Don't worry, you will only bid 2 million copper coin. If the price exceeds 2 million copper coin... I'll pay the rest of the money, I won't let you have an extra copper coin." Cheng Jinyi said seriously.    


"I knew that eating your food would not be good. Alright, I promise you. You are so long-winded." Lanshan said impatiently.    


" Alright, it's settled then. Everyone start moving, don't be polite. " Cheng Jinyi heaved a huge sigh of relief. He had no choice. If the person working with him was an ordinary person, he wouldn't need to be so careful. However, he could not afford to offend Lanshan.    


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