Urban Hardened All-area System

C3388 You Don't Deserve It

C3388 You Don't Deserve It

Upon hearing the familiar voice and seeing the familiar face, Wu Dao and Wu Qing could not help but shout out in surprise.    


"Brother Ye Hong!"    




Wu Xian, who had been keeping her mouth shut all this time, seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden. She smiled and heaved a sigh of relief.    


As for the soldiers who had never seen Ye Hong, they looked at each other. I looked at you and looked at each other.    


"Who is he?"    


"You don't even know him? Ye Hong, who was once known as the Little Devil King by everyone in Xianhe City!"    


"Could it be that Ye Hong who forced the two Immortal Monarchs of our city to swear the Heavenly Dao Oath and forced the three young masters to be imprisoned in Prison of Exile?"    


"Who else could it be other than him?!"    


"Hiss -"    


More and more soldiers recognized Ye Hong. Through the other soldiers, they learned about Ye Hong's achievements in Xianhe City.    


All of a sudden, the entire square sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"Brother, Sister Qing, long time no see."    


Ye Hong walked to the front of the siblings with a smile on his face.    


Ever since Immortal Realm lost contact with the outside world, he had been worried about their safety.    


Now that he saw that they were fine, the stone in his heart had fallen.    


"The Immortal Realm has been sealed off. How did you get in?"    


Wu Xian asked curiously.    


Ye Hong asked with a mysterious smile. "Didn't you notice that there is an ancient Qi flowing in Immortal Realm?"    


The siblings were stunned for a moment, then they looked at Ye Hong in disbelief. "Could it be you?    


Ye Hong did not say anything, but the smile on his face became even more profound.    


The more it was like this, the more certain the siblings were in their hearts.    


"Ye Hong!" At this moment, Wu Kuan couldn't stand it any longer.    


He looked at Ye Hong coldly and said, "Are you here to be my enemy?"    


Ye Hong's mocking words were clearly heard by him. At this moment, he was extremely annoyed.    


Ye Hong raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Kuan.    


To be honest, he was not interested in the surname Wu or Zhou in Xianhe City.    


However, since the Wu Family siblings who were close to him were on Wu Jian's side, Ye Hong would not be stingy in helping them.    


Furthermore, Zuo Mie was his enemy, and Wu Kuan had sided with Zuo Mie. It was the same as opposing him.    


Invisibly, another reason for Ye Hong to attack had appeared.    


"Become your enemy?" Ye Hong looked away lazily and said, "You don't deserve it."    


What he said was the truth.    


Across the four seas, Wu Kuan could be considered one of the best amongst the young geniuses.    


However, compared to Ye Hong, it was the difference between a small stream and an ocean.    


Just by looking at Ye Hong's past and present enemies, it was clear at a glance.    


Toad Yaowen, Heaven Devouring Beast Emperor Toad Swallowing Heaven, Supreme Divine Emperor Perseon, Immortal Emperor Zuo Mie, and the mysterious Star Demon Empress.    


Every single enemy that came out alone could be used to hammer Wu Kuan.    


Therefore, in front of Ye Hong, Wu Kuan was not even considered an enemy. At most, he was just a pug under the enemy's feet.    


However, his honest words made Wu Kuan very angry.    


"Ye Hong, don't think that you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth just because you have taken advantage of the Wu Family!    


Today, I'll let you witness the true strength of our Xianhe City!"    


As he spoke, he waved his hand.    


A group of soldiers wearing strange black armor jumped out from behind him.    


The armor worn by these soldiers carried agile wings.    


The short sword in their hands was even more so flashing with a cold light.    


"Be careful, it's the secret troop of Xianhe City, the Shadow Crane Army!"    


"Damn it, I never thought that even the Shadow Crane Army would betray us!"    


Beside Ye Hong, the Wu Family siblings hurriedly reminded him.    


However, Ye Hong only replied with a faint "Oh.    


"Shadow Crane Army, let Ye Hong see how powerful you are!"    


Wu Kuan ordered loudly with a proud look on his face.    


Shadow Crane Army immediately flapped the wings on their armor and flew above Ye Hong.    


From all directions, they raised their short blades and stabbed at Ye Hong.    


However, just as they flew into the sky, a giant creature with nine heads suddenly sat down in the sky.    


It was Er Gou, who had transformed into a pseudo Beast King!    


As soon as Er Gou sat down, the Shadow Crane Army fell from the sky like dumplings in a pot.    


The armor on each of the Shadow Crane Army soldiers was torn apart by the violent force.    


With one strike, they no longer had any combat strength!    


"How, how could this be? Shadow Crane Army..."    


Wu Kuan stammered. He looked at Er Gou with fear in his eyes.    


The soldiers in black behind him were so scared that their bodies were stiff. They did not dare to move.    


In fact, it wasn't just them. Even the soldiers in white were shocked by Er Gou, who had descended from the sky.    


"Ah, Hong, who... who is this?"    


Wu Qing's stutter was no less than Wu Kuan's.    


"Almost there, Er Gou." Ye Hong patted Er Gou's big feet.    


In an instant, Er Gou returned to his black crane form.    


The eyes of the Wu Family siblings almost popped out when they saw this scene.    


They had seen Er Gou with their own eyes back then. At that time, Er Gou was merely Ye Hong's mount. He didn't have any special ability other than eating.    


However, they hadn't seen it for a while. This big black crane could transform into a nine-headed giant like before!    


In an instant, they all thought that they were dreaming.    


As for the white-shirted soldiers who knew that the huge beast that killed the Shadow Crane Army in one move was Ye Hong's mount, their respect for Ye Hong rose once again.    


"What other tricks do you have? Let's use them together. I'm in a hurry." Ye Hong did not even bother to look at Wu Kuan. His tone was as calm as if he was drinking water.    


His indifferent tone was as if he was facing an ant. Wu Kuan's self-esteem was severely damaged in an instant.    


His face instantly turned red.    


"Ye Hong! Don't look down on people! Wu Kuan gritted his teeth and took something out of his pocket. "I don't believe you can deal with the power bestowed by Zuo Mie."    


He suddenly took it out. It was a black box.    


"His Majesty Zuo Mie said that as long as we open this box, we can obtain the power to destroy everything."    


Wu Kuan looked like he was going crazy. He forcefully opened the box.    


In an instant, dense dark devil energy surged out of the box and quickly wrapped around Wu Kuan and the soldiers in black behind him.    


Strange roars kept coming out of the black fog.    


"What, what happened..."    


The strange scene made Wu Qing pale. She tightly grabbed Ye Hong's sleeve.    


Wu Xian also shrank her feet and subconsciously moved closer to Ye Hong.    


Ye Hong, who originally had an indifferent expression, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the black fog.    


A familiar aura entered his senses.    


Not long after, the black fog dispersed.    


What appeared in front of everyone was no longer Wu Kuan and the others. Instead, it was the sharp tailed monsters covered in black scales!    


Ye Hong's eyes narrowed as he recognized these monsters.    


He Ran was the Star Demon Race!    


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