Urban Hardened All-area System

C3441 The Chives Are Ready You Can Cut Them

C3441 The Chives Are Ready You Can Cut Them

"Hehehe. Hahaha... Hahahahaha!"    


In the sky, Jin Buyu laughed in a low voice. Then, he seemed to be unable to suppress the wild joy in his heart and burst into laughter.    


His appearance had changed drastically from before.    


That hunchbacked old man, who was drowsy all day long, had already wrapped his body with a thousand layers of demonic energy in the blink of an eye. His body was covered in black scales.    


Every inch of his sturdy body was as angular as a rock.    


The seven tails behind him were even more different from ordinary Star Demons.    


The tips of each tail carried different shapes of starlight.    


Lions, tigers, leopards, and bulls. And so on.    


As for his face, it was even more bizarre, scattered with black diamond fragments.    


His black eyes also turned into the Star Demon Race's gray color.    


Compared to that lazy face from before, it made people shiver even more.    


"Ding! Activating Grandmaster Level Discerning Ability '    


Target's level: Devil Emperor.    


Estimated to be equivalent to an ability. : Saint realm. "    


"Fortunately, it's still alright. It's about the same as the information on the Star Demon Empress.    


With Li Mei around, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with it.    


However, at this moment, Jin Buyu suddenly revealed an evil smile to Ye Hong that made one's hair stand on end.    


"Ye Hong, do you know why Zhen has been helping you all this time?    


Other than needing you to help Zhen deal with Gou Chen, there is another important reason. "That's..."    


Jin Buhuan pointed his index finger with long fingernails at Ye Hong and laughed fiercely. "Because you are the host of our race's sacred relic, the Star Devouring Talisman!"    


Ye Hong's expressionless face could not help but tremble.    


The Star Devouring Talisman, which was also the system, had always been his biggest secret.    


On this point, only Li Tao, Li Mei and Xuanyuan who had created Son of Great Calamity's plan knew that the Star Devouring Talisman was in Ye Hong's body.    


Apart from these few people, even Gou Chen and Zuo Mie were disturbed by the various versions of the prophecy that Xuanyuan had released. They did not know that the complete Star Devouring Talisman had always been in Ye Hong's body.    


However, this secret had been exposed in front of Jin Buhuan's face!    


"Actually, Zhen had already noticed it the day you entered the Bright Star Palace.    


Do you still remember the talent test you did before entering the academy?    


Humph, humph, I'm telling you now, that test was specifically used against the host of the Star Devouring Talisman!    


Because only by having the Star Devouring Talisman within one's body can one break through the limits of one's body's talent and derive all kinds of talent!    


Thus, after seeing your test results, Zhen basically confirmed your identity.    


Later on, in my observations, Zhen discovered that you can learn and use the abilities of other races!    


With this, Zhen directly locked onto your identity!    


Because this kind of ability, only our Star Fiend Clan can do it!    


"You, a human who isn't a Star Demon Clan, possesses such an ability. You can only possess the Star Devouring Talisman, there's no other explanation!"    


Hearing Jin Buzhan's proud words, Ye Hong secretly gritted his teeth.    


Initially, he thought that it was just an ordinary entrance exam. Even though it had been restrained, it still exposed the various abilities of the system.    


The results of the physical test were the 108 talents that broke the academy's record!    


He never would have thought that this was a web that Jin Buqian had prepared beforehand.    


A net that targeted the host of the Star Devouring Talisman!    


"After locking onto your identity, Zhen began to approach you, help you, and witness your growth step by step...    


And now...    


"Now that the chives are cooked, it's time to harvest them!"    


Jin Buhuan gave a ferocious smile and suddenly grabbed at Ye Hong from across the sky.    


Although he did not see the trajectory of the attack, Ye Hong's heart was still filled with alarm bells.    


However, just as he was about to dodge, his entire body froze in the air, and his face became incomparably pale.    


In this split second, an unfamiliar aura actually appeared in Ye Hong's body!    


That aura was crafty and sinister, blocking all of Ye Hong's major meridians and vital channels, making Ye Hong's aura unable to function normally.    


"When did you...!"    


Ye Hong's pupils shrank as he spoke.    


He remembered why there was such a strange aura in his body.    


He still remembered that day when Zuo Mie ascended the Immortal Capital to Immortal Emperor Court and turned it into a Nine Tier Demon Court.    


The Taiyi Mountain collapsed, and the army of crusaders fell from the sky.    


In the dark, it was Jin Bufu who controlled the Bright Star Palace and saved everyone.    


At that time, Ye Hong was saved by Jin Buqian himself, and because of the Qi that Jin Buqian transferred into his body, his injuries had improved.    


At that time, Ye Hong hadn't discovered Jin Buyu's true face, so he was very grateful to him.    


But now that he thought about it, it was probably because Jin Buyu had tampered with his body at that time!    


Ye Hong suddenly realized that he had fallen from the sky with everyone that day. In the end, he was the only one who was saved.    


That was the space that Jin Bufu had created to manipulate his body!    


Unfortunately, it was already too late to understand this now!    


Ye Hong, who was stiff all over, could only watch the changes in his body.    


He could feel a strong suction force coming from outside his body to his body.    


That suction force went all the way to the portrait of the Divine Path.    


The Purple Night Pearl and the Golden Night Jade seemed to be affected by a powerful force and became dull.    


In an instant, a talisman emitting starlight suddenly flew out from the depths of the self-portrait that Ye Hong could not see clearly.    


It was pure black and simple, mysterious Miao Miao.    


There was an aura that no one could look at directly around the talisman.    


It was the Star Devouring Talisman that Ye Hong had seen in the Secluded Sacred Land!    


Or was this the original shape of the system?    


Before Ye Hong could see the shape of the Star Devouring Talisman clearly, the suction force suddenly intensified.    


"The Star Devouring Talisman is a sacred object. Please listen to the summons of your faithful believer, Demon Emperor Heaven Abyss. ..." "    


Jin Bujue's voice, It was like a high and low demonic sound that permeated every cell in Ye Hong's body.    


The already powerful suction force instantly increased to the maximum!    




Ye Hong suddenly felt a terrifying feeling of vomiting. He could not help but open his mouth and vomit.    




The Star Devouring Talisman was spat out by Ye Hong. In the blink of an eye, it flew to Jin Buzhan's hand.    


"Hahaha! Zhen has finally obtained the complete Star Devouring Talisman!"    


Jin Bufu put away the Star Devouring Talisman and sneered at Ye Hong. "Ye Hong, thank you for using your body to help Zhen nurture the Star Devouring Talisman.    


Zhen accepted the Star Devouring Talisman unceremoniously.    


In order to express my gratitude, Zhen can let you die less painfully!"    


After he finished speaking, an increasingly dense demonic light condensed in his hand, and he aimed it at Ye Hong from afar.    


On the other hand, not only did the Night Realm of the Divine Dao World outside of Ye Hong's body suddenly disappear, his entire head drooped and he collapsed silently in the air.    


He was like a walking corpse whose soul had been sucked dry.    


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