Urban Hardened All-area System

C3400 I'm Numb

C3400 I'm Numb

Because they didn't want to give the Starlords too much time to prepare, the Army didn't stop for long.    


After a simple sweep of the battlefield, the army once again headed towards the Fairy Capital.    


What was strange was that they didn't encounter any enemies along the way.    


However, it was very obvious that with the death of the Sky Bed Demon Emperor and the Water Palace Demon Emperor's avatars, the Star Demon Race and the Nightmare Ocean must have already laid down layers of killing intent.    


Therefore, Ye Hong didn't dare to let his guard down. He asked the team to be on high alert and to be on guard against any attacks that might come at any time.    


On the way back, Little You rushed back to the team.    


Moreover, judging from her sudden increase in strength, she should have already defeated You Tong Nether Lord.    


If nothing unexpected happened, she should have completely absorbed You Tong Nether Lord.    


From now on, there was no longer You Tong Nether Lord in the world.    


Little You was the new main body.    


"Brother Hong, I have avenged you for me."    


Little You found Ye Hong and proudly puffed up her chest.    


Ye Hong did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


I avenge you?    


His words sounded weird.    


He patted Little You's head in admiration and thought to himself, "There are only two left."    


Along with Shi Kong and You Tong Nether Lord's deaths, Perth and Zuo Mie were the only two left on his kill list.    


As expected, these two were definitely waiting for him in Fairy's Capital.    


The real battle was about to begin.    








One day and one night later, the Army of Demon Slayers finally arrived at Xiandu.    


Looking from afar, the Immortal Capital that used to be full of immortal energy and flourishing like the sun was now like a deathly still ghost city.    


It was still the third grade immortal capital of Tiancheng District, Earth City, and Haicheng District. However, there were no waterfalls falling down from the top of the Tiancheng District.    


Around Haicheng District, dead fish and shrimps were floating on the sea with their stomachs turned upside down.    


The pungent smell of rotten meat drifted on the surface of the sea.    


The once bustling city district was no longer noisy. It only gave people a feeling of emptiness.    


None of the guards could be seen at the city gates.    


The gates opened, but no one walked out.    


The eerie atmosphere was like an open gate to hell.    


It was like stepping into a bottomless abyss!    


"Is it the Empty City Strategy?"    


"Alliance Master, where are we going next?"    


The people of the Cancer Burying Alliance asked Ye Hong for his opinion.    


Outside the city gate, Ye Hong looked up at the sky.    


The top of the mountain was covered by thick, ink-like clouds.    


The black clouds were like a cover, blocking any view.    


Faintly, the roars of wild beasts could be heard from within.    


That place used to be the most beautiful Tiancheng District in the entire Immortal Capital.    


It was also where the headquarters of the Taiyi Immortal Sect was located.    


Immortal Emperor, Zuo Mie, was also there.    


However, as Zuo Mie's identity in the Nightmare Ocean was exposed, that place should have become the base camp of the Star Demon Race and the Nightmare Ocean.    


"Let's go to the Bright Star Palace first."    


Ye Hong withdrew his gaze and gave the order in a deep voice.    


According to the prophecy, his grandmother Diwu Mohan was most likely in the Bright Star Palace.    


Therefore, the most important thing right now was to rescue Diwu Mohan.    


After that, he would make a specific plan based on the specific situation!    


After that, the army began to enter Immortal Capital.    


After entering the city, everything before their eyes was deathly silent.    


The ground was filled with trash that no one cleaned, the rats that were running around everywhere, and the dusty roadside shops. ...    


It was as if everyone in Fairy's Capital had vanished from the face of the earth.    


"Look over there!"    


In the army, someone pointed into the distance.    


Ye Hong looked over and saw a long line in front of a building in the distance.    


"Let's go take a look."    


Ye Hong led his army and approached the crowd.    


Strangely, those people did not seem to notice anything behind them. They did not move like zombies.    


Only when the team was moving forward would the crowd automatically move along.    


Everyone's expression was numb.    


Their eyes that had lost focus seemed as if their souls had been hollowed out.    


"Hey, hey, hey! Wake up!"    


"We're here to save you!"    


The soldiers of the anti-demon legion grabbed a few people from the group and shook their bodies with all their might.    


However, those people seemed to be stunned. No matter how they shook their bodies, they didn't react.    


Ye Hong frowned and pulled one of them over. He pressed his hand on Ye Hong's wrist and closed his eyes to check his body condition.    


Sure enough, Ye Hong found out about the existence of devil Qi.    


It seemed that these people's condition were similar. They were all affected by the devil Qi.    


Ye Hong's heart skipped a beat when he thought of the lifeless atmosphere in Immortal Capital.    


Could it be that the population of more than a hundred million people in the Immortal Capital had turned into a ghost?    


He frowned and looked at the building in front of the team.    


He could see that there was only one entrance to the entire building.    


At the entrance, there was a black machine that looked like a coffin.    


The people in the queue took turns standing inside the machine and following the flow of black light.    


Ye Hong observed for a while and found that the people who entered the machine were divided into two kinds of results.    


The first type was entering the building.    


The other kind seemed to be rejected by the machine. They walked to the side with numb expressions.    


There were many people who were also rejected there.    


They did not stand there, but gathered together and ate some meat that emitted black gas.    


After eating to a certain extent, they returned to the queue and repeated the process until they were accepted by the machine and entered the building.    


It seemed that the key lay in the building.    


"Follow him."    


Ye Hong's face was cold as he led the legion to the building.    


However, in the middle of the journey, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at a person in the group.    


That person was about the same age as him, and his figure was completely different from the fat Ye Hong remembered. He was as thin as a stick.    


However, the hair and familiar facial features on his head still allowed Ye Hong to recognize him at a glance.    


"Senior Rice Ball!"    


Ye Hong's expression changed as he pulled the man out of the team.    


This man was Wang Zi, nicknamed Rice Ball.    


He was the second year student of Bright Star Palace, a soldier of Starlight Legion, and the son of One Sword Emperor!    


He was also one of the students Ye Hong had the best relationship with back in the Bright Star Palace.    


But now, the meatball was so thin that it had lost its shape.    


There was no longer any light in his eyes. All that was left was a zombie's numbness.    


Seeing the meatball like this, Ye Hong's heart fiercely beat.    




The professor whom the meatball respected the most, Tao Zheng, also walked forward.    


When he saw the miserable state of Meatball, he no longer had a good temper. He cursed loudly. "What did those damn bastards do to her?!"    


Ye Hong put his hand on the meatball and recited the Evil Buddha Dictionary.    


As the holy golden light covered the meatball's body, the devilish energy in his body was pulled out bit by bit by Ye Hong.    


The pair of lifeless eyes gradually regained their consciousness.    


However, when the meatball woke up and saw Ye Hong, it cursed angrily, "Why?! "Why did you wake me up?!    


Do you know how much I have suffered for this day?! "    


Everyone was stunned.    


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