Urban Hardened All-area System

C3345 Clear Heart Enlightenment Will!

C3345 Clear Heart Enlightenment Will!



Hearing Loong Yan's words, Perth raised his eyes and looked at him with disdain. "Do you mean Ye Hong can crack my plan?"    


Loong Yan continued to shake his head and said expressionlessly, "When you think that Ye Hong is the first person to think that he is the first person to do so, do you think that he is the first person to do so? When he was a tool man, he subconsciously ignored the flash of light he was showing.    


I am different from you. I know very well that he is him. He is not an existence that can be controlled by others.    


His greatest strength from the beginning to the end isn't his strength on the surface, but here. "    


Loong Yan pointed at his head with his index finger and said with a smile, "His thinking logic is like a blade that can pierce through any obstacles.    


I believe that with his brain, no cage can trap him. "    


"What a joke! Then I want to see how he can walk out of my Five Finger Mountain! "    


Perceon's face was full of contempt.    


The two men in the air were still confronting each other, but their eyes were focused on Ye Hong.    


At this moment, Ye Hong was in deep thought with his eyes closed.    


The screams that came from time to time did not bother him at all.    












The relevant words turned into a logical storm in his mind one after another.    


Suddenly, Ye Hong opened his eyes and smiled. "Yes!"    


He thought of how to find the hidden killer of the God's Punishment Sword.    


No matter how they hid, they could only disguise themselves.    


Different positions would eventually reveal different emotions in the depths of one's heart.    


Therefore, as long as they could see through everyone's mental state and emotions, they would be able to see through who had the intention to kill the person beside them in one fell swoop. Then, they would be able to find the killer of the Divine Punishment Sword in one fell swoop!    


The human heart was like a ghost, hiding in the abyss, and seeing through people's thoughts! To others, it could be said to be even harder than ascending to the heavens.    


However, Ye Hong had the ability to read minds of proficient-level warriors!    


However, to face so many targets at the same time, and all of them were determined and good at disguising themselves, the ability to read minds of proficient-level warriors was obviously not enough.    


Therefore, Ye Hong made a decisive decision.    


He had to use the limited number of abilities he had every day to transfer opportunities.    


Because the number of ability transfers was related to the number of king level abilities he had, based on the current king level medical skills and king level martial arts, he could only use this ability twice a day.    


Once he used it, there would only be one left.    


But the current Ye Hong no longer cared about that much.    


He could only hope that there would not be many occasions where he would need to use this ability in the future.    


Ding! He triggered the ability transfer and transferred the ability chosen by the host to the proficient-level Mind Reading ability.    


proficient-level mind reading ability leveled up, current level: Grandmaster Level.    


Received Grandmaster Level effect [Clear Heart Enlightenment] : Able to accurately read the emotions of others.    


Current Precise Multiplication: 100 times. "    


With the help of the Grandmaster Level mind reading ability, Ye Hong's cold eyes swept across the people from the two large organizations.    


A pair of deep eyes were like watching fire. The subtle expressions on their faces, the slight movements on their bodies, and even a subconscious glance did not escape Ye Hong's eyes.    


It was as if the Fiery Golden Eyes had seen through the demons and devils in everyone's hearts!    


"Seventeen!" Ye Hong suddenly shouted.    


"Yes!" Xing Shiqi stood up and stepped forward.    


"Kill that person!" Ye Hong suddenly pointed at a person from the God Clan's Divine Arts meeting.    


The person who was pointed at was a young noble youth.    


After being pointed at by Ye Hong, he was furious. "Why did you kill me?!"    


However, Xing Shiqi ignored him and walked towards him expressionlessly.    


Among Ye Hong's many subordinates, only Xing Shiqi had such decisiveness. That was why Ye Hong sent her.    


"Ye Hong, why did you kill him?"    


Tresia suddenly stopped Xing Shiqi. Looking at Ye Hong, she took a deep breath and said with a serious expression. "I'm not suspecting you, but they are the people I brought here. You can't kill them for no reason, can you?"    


"I'll explain later. I'm afraid he'll run away."    


"Seventeen," he ordered coldly. "Do it."    


Xing Shiqi nodded. She quickly moved around Tresia and threw a palm attack at the young noble.    


The blazing wings behind Xing Shiqi's back instantly surged and brought her forward at high speed.    


The palm wind carried the flames and turned into a sea of fire that engulfed the young noble!    


When Tresia saw Xing Shiqi's back, her pupils shrank.    


She muttered, "This person's attainments in fire are definitely not below mine.    


What ability does this Ye have to be so loyal to him!"    


When that noble youth saw Xing Shiqi attack, his originally angry eyes suddenly turned cold.    


A long sword with frost on it was held in his hand.    


With a swing of his sword, he blocked the flame in Xing Shiqi's palm.    


Seeing this scene, Tresia's expression suddenly turned cold. She coldly looked at the young man from the noble family. "Sparak, why don't I remember you know how to use a sword?"    


Sparak was the name of the young man from the noble clan.    


After Tresia, many people who were familiar with Subarak stared at him.    


"Ha! I didn't expect to be exposed."    


Sparak snorted coldly and smiled evilly. "Members of the Sword of God's Code 03 and 4 - [Ice God Sword]. Greetings, everyone!"    


A powerful aura gushed out of his body.    


It turned into an icy frost ring and enveloped Xing Shiqi's flames, directly freezing the flames into ice.    


"Little girl, it seems like your flames have not reached home yet."    


Sparak sneered at Xing Shiqi.    


Xing Shiqi did not look happy or angry on the surface. She only whispered softly in her mouth. "Phoenix Spirit Source - Red Armored Phoenix Spirit."    


The flaming wings on her back suddenly flew out and turned into a hundred-meter tall giant behind her.    


Scarlet armor wrapped around her, flames covering her body, her entire body exuding a murderous aura!    


Before Sparak could raise his head in shock, the flaming giant suddenly appeared and punched down!    




The earth shook, and flames flew in all directions.    


The location of Sparak had long since been replaced by a large hole.    


In the middle of the hole, Sparak was covered in blood.    


The ice sword in his hand had already been broken into several pieces.    


His eyes were filled with shock as he looked at Xing Shiqi with a trembling voice. "So, so strong..."    


Then, he tilted his neck and died on the spot.    


After doing all of this, Xing Shiqi stood there indifferently and scanned her surroundings.    


Everywhere she passed, everyone was shocked. No one dared to look her in the eye.    


Ye Hong was not surprised by this result.    


It was true that the people of the Divine Punishment Sword were strong, but it also depended on their opponents.    


If Sparlak knew that the little girl he was talking about was once one of the seven emperors, the Red Armored Machine Emperor, he would be scared to death on the spot again.    


"I don't need to explain anymore, do I?"    


Ye Hong looked at Tresia and smiled.    


Tresia looked at the dead Subarak with a complicated expression. She sighed and shook her head. She could not say anything.    


"Then, it's time for the next one!"    


Ye Hong's cold eyes began to turn, killing intent covering the entire scene.    


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