Urban Hardened All-area System

C3320 He Should be Able to Take Half a Move from Me

C3320 He Should be Able to Take Half a Move from Me

"Those who disagree with this old man's decision, stand out."    


After Lu Yi finished his announcement, the aura scanned the entire place.    


"I will obey chairman's orders."    


The three big shots of the God Clan's Technology Association were naturally the first to agree.    


With them taking the lead, the other members of God Clan Technology Group didn't have any objections.    


The [Yan] who hadn't spoken the entire time. In the end, he replied in a deep voice, "I have no objections."    


Shi nodded as well, agreeing with his father's words.    


Ye Hong shrugged. "I have no objections either."    


He had wanted to stay here, but Louis' decision did not affect him at all.    


The only thing he needed to pay attention to was how to safely remove Tresia's time bomb.    


At this time, the time bomb was hugging Ye Hong as if there was no one else around. He did not hear what Louis was saying at all.    


The only ones who had not replied were the Phoenix family.    


"Why should I be locked up with you?" Janore wanted to fiercely object, but when he saw Tresia snuggling in Ye Hong's arms, he gritted his teeth and corrected himself. This young master... has no objections!"    


The matter seemed to have been settled just like that.    


Very good. Then, in the following time, please cooperate with our investigation! "    


Lu Yi said expressionlessly.    


Just as he turned around and was about to leave, Yan suddenly said, "Lu Yi and chairman, please stop."    


"What is it?" Lu Yi didn't turn around and said indifferently.    


Yan pointed at Ye Hong's wrist. The corners of his lips curled up slightly under the mask. "sir of the Night Wind and the people he brought are all my friends.    


I heard that the God Clan's technological people would suspect my friends to be spies, so I put a monitoring bracelet on them.    


This is completely baseless, it's an insult to my friends' personalities.    


"I now request you to remove their surveillance bracelets, or else I won't consider cooperating with your organization anymore."    


Without waiting for Louis to reply, Balgo was the first to retort, "We must not remove their monitoring bracelets before we clear out their spies!"    


"Oh?" Yan glanced at Balgo, the corner of his mouth curled into a mocking smile, "Balgo, chairman, Louis just said that we could all be assassins who tried to assassinate His Highness.    


Then according to your theory, do we all have to put on the monitoring bracelet?"    


"You...!" Balgo choked.    


However, Rock wasn't finished yet. He shouted at Janore, "That young master over there is going to put a monitoring bracelet on you. Did you hear that?"    


Janore coldly said, "Whoever dares to put that thing on this young master, this young master will burn him to ashes!"    


Hearing this, Balgo's face darkened again.    


At this time, Trisina, who had invited Rock father and son, walked to Louis' side and whispered something.    


Ye Hong's ears moved slightly. He heard that she was explaining how powerful the techniques the father and son duo had brought were.    


Clearly, Lu Yi was moved.    


He waved his hand and immediately arranged for someone to remove the monitoring bracelet for Ye Hong and the others.    


At that moment, Ye Hong also let out a sigh of relief.    


Although he had a way to trick the monitoring bracelet, it would be best if he could directly remove it.    


He and Yan silently looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths curved up in tacit understanding.    


After that, the various forces naturally dispersed.    


As for Tresia, she still clung onto Ye Hong and did not let go, making Janore's eyes spit out jealousy before he left.    


When they returned to the apartment, Louis kept his promise and asked someone to remove the surveillance bracelet for them.    


Ye Hong also told everyone what had happened outside.    


"Huh? What is the origin of the father and son pair? Why are they helping us?"    


The crowd did not care about how the four giants were doing. They immediately saw that the father and son pair were the key.    


"They... Ye Hong smiled mysteriously. "I think you will see them soon."    


As Ye Hong expected, not long after the bracelet was released, the father and son came to visit.    


"Wait a moment."    


Ye Hong gestured for the father and son to keep quiet.    


Then he pulled Tresia's wrist and pressed it a few times.    


In a few seconds, Tresia closed her eyes and fell asleep.    


This was Ye Hong's trick to make people fall asleep.    


Luckily, Tresia was not on guard against him. Otherwise, she would not have succeeded so easily.    


After settling Tresia down, Ye Hong brought everyone to see the Rock father and son again.    


"Alright," Ye Hong said. Now that everyone here can be trusted, you guys can take off your masks."    


Ye Hong looked at the father and son with a smile.    


The father and son pair looked at each other and took off their masks.    


Two similar faces appeared in front of everyone.    


The moment they saw Rock's face, several people exclaimed.    


"Big Sister Shi?!"    


"Princess Floating Stone?!"    


Obviously, this stone was Floating Stone!    


The Floating Stone that was born in the ancient realm a thousand years ago and was taken by Xuanyuan to the Bluestar to take in disciples.    


That hybrid princess of the Meteorite Clan and Human Clan, the floating stone!    


Her current appearance was obviously the appearance of a woman disguised as a man.    


Thus, in the eyes of outsiders, it was the appearance of a man.    


Whether it was Xiao Ye and Zhou Hao from the Bluestar, or Ming Yuan, Lee Mann, and the others who had accompanied Ye Hong to the Bluestar, they all recognized the floating stone at a glance.    


However, Saint Snow Ice Dragon, Fox Crispy Fox, and the others who joined the group later had blank expressions on their faces.    


The ones who were the most excited should be the five little ones.    


They all pounced in front of the floating stones with an affectionate expression.    


Towards the nearby rock, they were respectful and respectful.    


And if the identity of the floating rock was revealed, then the identity of the rock at the side was also obvious.    


In this world, the only person who could make the floating stone call his father was that man.    


He was the strongest person in Meteorite Clan, one of the seven emperors, Emperor of Meteorite Loong Yan!    


"Sir Emperor of Meteorite , have you recovered your strength?"    


Ye Hong looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in surprise.    


When he deduced the identities of the two from various details, he had always wanted to ask this question in person.    


He still remembered that when Loong Yan brought the floating stone to the outer space, he was still in his weak little dragon form.    


Let alone transforming, he was about to lose his life.    


In the blink of an eye, several months had passed and Emperor of Meteorite had returned to the earth. Could it be that he had already recovered his peak strength?    


If that was really the case, Ye Hong could simply walk unhindered in the Divine Realm. He did not need to suffer any anger at all.    


One should know that Loong Yan was undoubtedly the strongest expert in the World of Gods at his peak. He was crowned as one of the seven emperors and ruled the world!    


If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have been ambushed by the Nightmare Ocean.    


Loong Yan shook his head. "It's not that fast. I just recovered a few levels of my power."    


Ye Hong couldn't figure out what these levels were, so he asked curiously, "Can you fight against a Divine Emperor?"    


"Leylin?" Emperor of Meteorite smiled faintly. "He should be able to take half a move from me."    


"Half a move?"    


Ye Hong's eyes widened.    


What did that mean?    


It meant half a move. After that, God Emperor Retlin would be defeated by Loong Yan!    


At this moment, Ye Hong only had one thought in his mind.    


I am invincible!    


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