Urban Hardened All-area System

C3319 The Four Giants Had Arrived at the Same Time

C3319 The Four Giants Had Arrived at the Same Time

"[Flaming Divine Arts - Heavenly Wild Fire Rain]!"    


Janore extended his hand into the air, and a circular formation several dozen meters in diameter unfolded above everyone's heads.    


Huge rocks that were burning with flames slowly emerged from the formation.    


In the next moment, they were all going to smash into the ground!    


"Janore, are you crazy?!"    


When Alida saw this, she shouted angrily.    


However, Janore could no longer hear Alida's voice.    


Jealousy and anger had burned away his rationality!    


"Go to hell, all of you go to hell!"    


His expression was crazed as he raised his hand and aimed at the grand array in the sky.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


The flaming boulder began to descend!    


A series of exclamations rang out.    


Everyone began to run out of the formation.    


Ye Hong frowned and wanted to pull Tresia away as well.    


However, Tresia did not move. She just looked coldly at the formation in the sky and said word by word, "Don't... hurt a good person!"    


"Screech -"    


A gigantic fire phoenix flew out from Tresia's hand and headed straight for the formation in the sky.    


It opened its mouth wide and sucked in a breath in the direction of the formation.    


The surging flames immediately flew towards the fire phoenix's mouth.    


The enormous formation was completely absorbed in the blink of an eye.    


Those huge rocks were ultimately unable to fall down.    


The crisis was instantly resolved.    


Everyone looked at Tresia, who had retracted her hand. Their eyes were filled with shock.    


They had almost forgotten that there was still a Fire Divine Lord here!    


But Tresia's next move nearly caused them to fall to the ground in unison.    


They saw Tresia pull the corner of Ye Hong's clothes and said with a concerned look, "Good person, are you okay?"    


Everyone's mouth twitched.    


Tresia didn't even look at Fey at this time. The Nix family only had Ye Hong in their eyes.    


How much did she love him?    


Ye Hong touched his nose in embarrassment.    


He almost forgot that although Tresia had amnesia, she still had the strength of a Divine Lord.    


But this kind of gentleness from Tresia made him feel extremely blessed.    


Was this little cutie who was asking for warmth in front of him really that Violent Dragon Girl from the Fire God City?    


If she recovered her memory and recalled today's scene, would she want to kill Ye Hong?    


Thinking like this, Ye Hong wanted to send this hot potato away even more.    


But looking at Tresia who was tightly holding onto the corner of his clothes, Ye Hong's face couldn't help but twitch.    


This guy... Can you really send it away?    


"Putong -"    


Janore's knees went limp and he knelt on the ground.    


With a look of despair on his face, he muttered to himself, "How could this be? ... Why did my cousin attack me? ..." "    


If Tresia's indifference to him and her intimacy with Ye Hong were to be mentioned, he would be burning with jealousy.    


Then Tresia's action of lifting her hand to destroy his matrix was like adding a knife to the wound in his heart.    


This knife made him sink into despair.    


Suddenly, Janore fiercely raised his head and stared at Ye Hong with bloodshot eyes.    


"It's you!"    


"It's all because of you, a peasant, that my cousin became like this!"    


"Phoenix family, listen up!    


Miss Tresia was bewitched by the rapist, causing her to lose consciousness!    


Quickly kill the rapist and save Miss!"    


The Phoenix family members look at me. In the end, they all moved towards Ye Hong and Tresia's position.    


They did notice that something was wrong with Tresia's appearance.    


However, before they could approach, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the crowd. "Have you guys had enough?!"    


The voice was like thunder, causing everyone to temporarily lose their hearing.    


Outside the crowd, an old man with long hair and a long beard and a strong temperament from the God Clan walked over with a young man from the God Clan.    


The moment they saw him, the group of people from the God Clan's Polytechnic Group bowed and greeted, "Greetings, President."    


It was obvious that this old man with an outstanding temperament was one of the four big shots of the God Clan Technology Association. He was the boss of the Archaic Technology - [Lu Yi]!    


At the same time, he was also the true chairman of the God Clan Technology Association.    


The other three big shots, such as Bargo, Alida, and Trisina, were only acting as chairman. In name, they were inferior to Louis.    


Apart from the Archaic Technology's formidable strength, Lu Yi was the true initiator of the God Clan's technological community.    


It was because of Lu Yi that the God Clan's Polytechnic Group was formed.    


Because of Lu Yi, the commoners dared to fight against the aristocrats.    


It was because of Louis that they had the audacity to kidnap Persion and force Retlin to abdicate!    


Louis was the undisputed core figure of the God Clan's Technology Association. He was also the leader of the commoners!    


Facing such a legendary old man, no one dared to be presumptuous.    


Even the Phoenix family members stopped their hands in fear.    


On the other hand, Ye Hong paid more attention to the young man that Louis had brought with him.    


That man was none other than Yottechris of the Archaic Technology.    


Coincidentally, Yottechris was looking at Ye Hong as well. He grinned and gave Ye Hong a look as if he was asking for credit.    


Ye Hong was stunned. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


It seemed that Lu Yi's sudden arrival had something to do with Yottechris.    


Thinking about how Yottechris treated him so well, Ye Hong felt even stranger.    


That guy seemed to really think of him as a brother?    


On the other side, the moment Lu Yi appeared, his powerful aura immediately intimidated everyone.    


Including the other three giants.    


His cold gaze swept across everyone, and his gaze lingered on Tracy for a while.    


Then, he coldly said: "Last night, an assassin broke into His Highness's residence and tried to kill him!"    


As soon as these words were spoken, the hearts of many people who rushed over from behind were shaken.    


So the news of Perth's assassination was true!    


"Fortunately, we are heavily guarded and did not let the killer succeed.    


Unfortunately, the killer managed to escape in the end.    




Lu Yi's tone was full of twists and turns. In the end, it turned cold and cold. I'm sure that the killer did not escape from the research center!    


So, those killers are among you!"    


As soon as these words were spoken, it immediately caused a commotion.    


Almost everyone looked at the people around them with nervous expressions.    


Quite a number of gazes were focused on Tresia.    


There was no other reason. It was because Tresia had disappeared yesterday, so it was only natural that she became the suspect.    


Ye Hong naturally did not want this to happen. After all, if Tresia was found out, he would not be able to get away with it.    


It was so that he could naturally hug Tresia. He said lightly, "Special... Little Ya was with me last night. There is no way she could have committed a crime."    


"I'll kill you!" When Janore heard these words, he almost pounced over again.    


If it wasn't for the Phoenix family pressing down on him with all their might, they would have already charged over.    


Louis glanced coldly at Ye Hong. He said lightly, No matter who the killer is, we will find out who the killer is.    


Therefore, before that, "    


He scanned his surroundings and said coldly, "No one is allowed to step out of the research center!"    


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