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C3316 Your Cousin Is Great

C3316 Your Cousin Is Great

No matter how fiercely Ye Hong tried to coax her, she still held tightly onto Ye Hong's clothes, not letting him leave.    


She was like a little girl who was deeply afraid of being abandoned by her father. She seemed very helpless.    


If he had not seen this guy's brutality with his own eyes, Ye Hong might have really softened his heart by her pitiful appearance.    


But Ye Hong, who knew Tressia's true colors, only wanted to curse loudly at this moment.    


What kind of disaster had he suffered? How could he be involved in such a lousy thing?    




Ming Yuan opened the door and was stretching when he saw Ye Hong, who was opposite the door, had also opened the door.    


"Oh, Brother Ye is so angry. ... "What the hell!"    


When Ming Yuan saw the red-haired beauty who followed behind Ye Hong, he was so shocked that he almost dodged his waist.    


His loud voice also woke up the other friends on the same floor.    


For a moment, many people opened the door curiously.    


Following that, cries of surprise rose and fell.    


"That Fire God Inspector?!"    


"A woman with violent firepower?!"    




Everyone rubbed their eyes hard, wondering if they hadn't woken up yet.    


When they saw Tresia pulling at Ye Hong's sleeve weakly, they were even more shocked.    


"You, you guys... last night..."    


Fox Rou pointed at Ye Hong and Tresia, then at Ye Hong's room with a strange expression.    


The others also had similar expressions.    


"Good people, who are they?"    


Tresia asked Ye Hong with a blank expression.    




Ye Hong could only sigh emotionally in the face of such a scene.    


He did not explain too much. He only used the corner of his clothes to hold Tresia's hand and walked downstairs like he was leading a little dog.    


After thinking about it, he decided to send her back to the Phoenix family.    


This unstable bomb should be taken away first.    


When she recovered her memory, it wouldn't be too late to ask for clues about the demonic energy.    


Ye Hong was thinking about how to explain Tresia's relationship with him along the way.    


Did she fall from the sky?    


Did she come out of the ground?    


Ye Hong was deep in thought when he heard the noise in front of him.    


"How could a living person say that he didn't? It must be someone from your research center who hid my cousin!"    


Ye Hong looked up and found that it was two groups of people who were arguing.    


One group of people was wearing red official robes. The Phoenix family emblem was printed on them.    


The one who was mumbling loudly was a handsome young man from the God Clan.    


The other group of people was a member of the God Clan's Technology Group wearing a long white coat.    


The leader was an old woman whom Ye Hong had seen before in a photo. It was the first time he had seen her in real life.    


She wore glasses and had a refined temperament.    


However, deep in her eyes, there was resoluteness.    


She was one of the four big shots of the God Clan's Technology Association, the boss of the original technology, Alida.    


Facing the loud doubts of the young man from the God Clan, Alida's face was as cold as ice as she replied, "Jerol sir, as a high-ranking priest of the Phoenix family, you can't just open your mouth!    


First of all, our God Clan Technology Association has no reason to attack Miss Tressia!    


Second, you suspect our God Clan's Polytechnic Association, so you have to produce evidence, right?    


"On the contrary, we, the God Clan Technology Association, have reason to suspect that the assassin who assassinated His Highness is the missing Miss Tressia!"    


The young man known as Janore gritted his teeth and roared: "Bullsh * t! Our Phoenix family is extremely loyal to the royal family. How can we assassinate His Highness?!    


Also, why don't you have any reason to attack my cousin?    


If I remember correctly, those people who blew up the Fire God Images are from the God Clan Technology Group, right?    


Let me repeat myself. It must be your responsibility for my cousin Tresia's disappearance in your research center.    


Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still have to return my cousin!    


"Otherwise, the Phoenix family's anger is not something you can bear!"    


Facing Janore's domineering attitude, Alida also became angry.    


Immediately, she said coldly," I will also emphasize once again that Miss Tresia's disappearance has nothing to do with the God Clan Technology Group!    


Humph! Perhaps she went to a private meeting with her lover?!"    


Hearing this, Janore showed a fury that was several times more intense than before. "Nonsense! My cousin is pure and clean, where did she get a lover?!"    


However, at this moment, behind Janore, someone from the Phoenix family tugged at his sleeves. "Young Master Janore, look over there..."    


Janore looked over with a gloomy expression. He was instantly stunned on the spot.    


The two parties in the confrontation had similar expressions.    


What they saw was naturally Ye Hong. ...    


And Tresia, who was pulling Ye Hong's clothes obediently.    


"Haha! ... Hahahaha!"    


Alida suddenly burst into laughter.    


She spoke to Janore in a strange tone: "Who said that his cousin is pure and clean, it's impossible for her to have a lover?"    


Upon hearing this, Janore's face twisted.    


He quickly brought the Phoenix family to Ye Hong in a threatening manner.    


He pointed at Ye Hong arrogantly and said, "You lowly commoner, quickly leave my cousin's side!"    


Ye Hong shrugged his shoulders and said mockingly, "Do you Phoenix family people not have eyes?    


Please, see who can't leave who."    


"Stop talking nonsense here!"    


Janore glared at Ye Hong. He looked at Tracy with concern. "Cousin, where did you go last night?    


"We were so worried about you!    


Don't be with this commoner. Come back quickly!"    


As he spoke, he reached out his hand to La Tresia.    


However, Tresia shrank back and hid behind Ye Hong.    


She looked at Janore warily. "You're not a good person. Don't come near me. I want to be with a good person!"    


Not only did he not loosen his grip on Ye Hong's clothes, he even tightened his grip on them.    


"Hey, you saw it, didn't you?" Ye Hong asked innocently.    


The Phoenix family looked at each other and whispered to each other.    


Not far away, there was also a commotion among the members of the God Clan Technology Association.    


The leader, Alida, was watching this scene with an expression as if she was watching a good show.    


Janore's outstretched hand froze in midair.    


Tresia's cold attitude and the noisy discussion of the clansmen behind him made him extremely annoyed.    


"All of you shut up for me!"    


A cold shout made the Phoenix family members quiet down.    


Then, they glared at Ye Hong and gnashed their teeth. "You bastard lowlife, what did you do to my cousin?"    


Janore calling him a peasant made Ye Hong's eyes slowly turn cold.    


Looking at Janore stomping his feet, Ye Hong discovered the jealousy hidden deep in his eyes.    


His heart moved. Could it be that Janore had a relationship with Teresia that surpassed that of cousins?    


But what does this have to do with me?    


Ye Hong was not happy with Janore's arrogant attitude and decided to disgust him.    


So he turned around and pulled Tresia into his arms. He smiled at Janore and said, " Your cousin. "Very good."    


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