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C3317 Your Duel I will Accept It for Him

C3317 Your Duel I will Accept It for Him

When Ye Hong held her tightly in his arms, the scene became silent.    


Whether it was the Phoenix family or the God Clan Technology Conference, everyone was dumbfounded.    


Tresia was stunned for a moment, then she narrowed her eyes and leaned into Ye Hong's arms. She even rubbed her face against Ye Hong's chest.    


In her mind, the scene of Ye Hong treating her wounds and feeding her food appeared again.    


When her memory was incomplete, Ye Hong's chest was the warmest place in the world for her.    


This scene stunned everyone.    


Was this still the unparalleled, arrogant Phoenix lady Tresia they knew?    


Why did she look like a little girl who had just fallen in love?    


"You bastard lowlife!!"    


Jenora's eyes were filled with jealousy and anger, and his entire face was as ferocious as a beast's.    




A ball of fire suddenly burned fiercely in Jenora's palm.    


"As long as I kill you, my cousin will be able to return to normal!"    


Jerol was full of killing intent as he approached Ye Hong step by step.    


"Janore sir, this is not your Phoenix family."    


He floated over lightly. It was Alida who came over with the people from the God Clan Technology Group.    


Coincidentally, she stood in front of Ye Hong and blocked Janore's path for Ye Hong.    


"You want to kill someone here? Have you asked the opinion of the God Clan Technology Association?"    


Alida looked at Janore with a smile that was not a smile.    


In her heart, she still remembered the hatred she felt when Janore yelled at her face.    


Not to mention, ...    


Alida glanced at the subtle atmosphere between Ye Hong, Tracy, and Janore and licked her lips.    


This melon is really delicious!    


"Old hag Alida, get out of the way. I'm going to kill this peasant!" Janore's eyes blazed.    


I just won't let you do it. If you have the ability, you can attack me. I believe that this matter will spread throughout the entire Divine Realm tomorrow, and let everyone in the God Clan know that your Phoenix family has produced a scum who doesn't respect the elderly and loves the young.    


" Do it, just a little bit. "    


Alida bared her teeth at Janore.    


Ye Hong, who was behind her, could not help but laugh.    


This old lady was quite interesting.    


It seemed like the four giants were not as hard to get close to as the rumors said.    




Janore was about to go crazy from being angered by Alida.    


However, as Alida had said, the aristocrats paid the most attention to reputation.    


It would be quite embarrassing if the other aristocratic classes were allowed to bully the elderly until he, Janore, bullied them.    


Just as the atmosphere was in a deadlock, an old man's voice came from afar.    


"Young Master Janore, I do have a solution."    


When everyone heard this, they looked over and immediately cried out in surprise.    


"chairman Balgo?"    


They saw an old man and a young man.    


The old man was naturally one of the four big shots of the God Clan's Technology Association. He was one of the executive chairman, the president of Elemental Technology, Bago.    


The young man beside him made Ye Hong's eyes narrow instantly.    


Because that young man was the one who installed the monitoring bracelet for Ye Hong that day.    


Seeing the two of them walking together, Ye Hong seemed to understand who among the four giants was targeting him.    


"Be careful, this crazy old man is prejudiced against you."    


Alida turned her head and reminded him in a low voice.    


Her words proved Ye Hong's speculation.    


"What can you do?" Janore, who was still angry, glared at Balgo.    


Balgo was not angry. He just smiled and said, "The God Clan has always paid attention to the spirit of a knight. In the spirit of a knight, it has mentioned that if both parties are unable to come to an agreement, what is the most effective solution?"    


When they heard this, many people at the scene reacted.    


Janore's eyes also revealed a look of joy. "You mean... Duel?"    


"That's right." Balgo looked like a child that could be taught. Smiling, he nodded his head. "I suggest that Young Master Janore and Mister Night Wind have a fair and just duel. If you win, you can take away Miss Tresia. How about it?"    


"Good idea!"    


Janore was overjoyed and looked at Alida with a wicked smile. "Old hag, you don't have any reason to stop me now, do you?"    


Alida frowned. She cast a cold glance at Balgo.    


She had seen all of Bargo's thoughts.    


Among the four of them, Balgo was the only one who firmly believed that Ye Hong was the spy sent by the Phoenix family.    


He must have proposed a duel in order to verify that Ye Hong had nothing to do with the Phoenix family.    


Alida was not happy with Balgo's decision. However, she suddenly thought of something.    


If Ye Hong really had nothing to do with the Phoenix family, and if it was as the information had said, Ye Hong and Tresia had a conflict, then why were the two of them acting so intimate now?    


Could it be that Balgo was right?    


Alida did not continue to speak on Ye Hong's behalf.    


Seeing this, Janore snorted coldly.    


With the ancient etiquette of the God Clan, she took out a pair of gloves and threw them in front of Ye Hong's feet.    


With a proud face, he said, "I, the high-ranking Divine Official of the Phoenix family, Janore, formally invite you to a duel!    


If you don't dare to accept it, then I'll treat it as you admitting defeat. You must quickly return your cousin! "    


Ye Hong glanced at the gloves on the ground and secretly shook his head.    


He originally thought that he could only see this kind of situation in movies and novels, but he did not expect that such an old and broken scene would occur in reality.    


These fellows who were full of chivalry were simply doing hooligans under the banner of fairness!    


Would he, Janore, dare to throw his gloves in front of the Godking?    


It was nothing more than bullying the weak and fearing the strong. It was simply laughable.    


However, Ye Hong was not afraid of him.    


On the contrary, Ye Hong wanted to accept this duel invitation.    


For no reason, it was just to take the opportunity to temper the level of medicinal Divine Artss!    


He had also seen Janore's strength and discovered that Janore was around level 80.    


He was far inferior to his cousin Tresia, but he was perfectly suited to be Ye Hong's opponent.    


Just as Ye Hong was about to pick up the gloves, a hand picked up the gloves first.    


Ye Hong was stunned.    


He looked up and found that the person who picked up the gloves was a thin man in a light gray cloak.    


He wore a gray mask that only revealed his thin lips.    


His black eyes revealed his Human Clan bloodline.    


For some reason, Ye Hong felt as if he had seen this man somewhere.    


His lower consciousness was stunned, but he didn't say anything.    


However, Janore was hopping mad.    


His Duel Glove was actually intercepted halfway?    


Without any hesitation, he shouted at the grey clothed man, "Where did this lowly Human Clan come from? Hurry up and put the gloves back!"    


The air instantly turned cold.    


An icy aura emanated from the man in grey.    


The black eyes behind the mask stared coldly at Janore as they spoke in a voice as cold as ice: "I will accept your duel for him."    


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