Urban Hardened All-area System

C3296 The Most Long-awaited Divine Prince

C3296 The Most Long-awaited Divine Prince

Feng Jialou's words instantly made the atmosphere tense.    


The reason why everyone was so concerned about the war was because they had just learned their lesson from Xue Yu and the Beast Sovereign Land.    


Wherever there was war, there would definitely be shadows of the Nightmare Ocean!    


They even had reason to suspect that the war that was about to happen in the God Domain might very well have been secretly instigated by the Nightmare Ocean!    


"Speak in detail!"    


Ye Hong looked at Feng Jialou with an expression.    


"Before that, please allow me to introduce you to the history that caused the current situation in God Clan."    


Feng Jialou explained the information he had.    


After the millennium war, the God Clan suffered the least losses and obtained a large portion of the war's benefits.    


In the past thousand years, the technology of the God Clan had advanced by leaps and bounds. It could be said that they were the most advanced race in the ancient world.    


After the development of technology, those commoners of the God Clan who did not have the means to learn God Clans were finally qualified to speak.    


After being oppressed by the aristocrats for ten thousand years, they began to blow the horns of counterattacks.    


The God Clan Technology Group, which was led by a few large tech companies, was established under such a background.    


This organization included most of the civilian tech companies. They used all kinds of technological methods to represent the commoners and the aristocrats to fight for power.    


However, the aristocratic class had a natural advantage.    


Behind them stood the strongest existence of God Clan - the Supreme Divine Emperor.    


The Divine Emperor led the hundreds of millions of followers of the God Clan and controlled the channel to learn Divine Arts. Without a doubt, he represented the power of faith.    


And he had always stood on the side of the nobility.    


So as long as he was in this world, the aristocratic class would never be overthrown by the commoner class.    


Not long ago, the commoner class finally couldn't bear it any longer and decided to resist this supreme Godking.    


The leader of the group was, of course, the God Clan Assembly of Science and Technology.    


Naturally, they wouldn't be so naive as to confront the Supreme Divine Emperor head on. Instead, they would take a different path.    


They found the only successor of the Supreme Divine Emperor - the Divine Emperor's Crown Prince, Persion!    


The God Clan Technology Association hid this from the noble class and did something that no one had ever done before, something that no one had ever done before!    


They had taken the Divine Emperor Crown Prince Perth hostage!    


After taking Perth hostage, they requested for the coronation ceremony to be held by the Supreme Divine Emperor and the abdication of the position of the Divine Emperor to Perth.    


It was the same as changing the method to make the Godking abdicate and thus eliminate the greatest backing of the nobility.    


The nobles who were caught off guard were indeed set up.    


The Supreme Godking didn't dare to joke around with his only son's life. He had no choice but to give the order to hold the coronation ceremony.    


Of course, all of this was only on the surface.    


According to the scouts of the Anti-Immortal Cult, the Supreme Divine Emperor was forced to compromise, but the nobles who were plotted against didn't want to lower their heads.    


In the name of the coronation ceremony, they called for the return of the gods from all over the Ancient World.    


In fact, they were planning to gather their strength and compete with the God Clan's technological assembly!    


The God Clan Technology Association had been fighting with the noble class for so long, but they could immediately smell the fart of the noble class. They immediately responded.    


They had also called back the employees of the companies outside and used the latest technology to ensure that the coronation ceremony would proceed smoothly.    


Hence, there was a surprising atmosphere in the Divine Realm where Fengyu Yu came today.    


Feng Jialou had also said that there would probably be a shocking war.    


After hearing Feng Jialou's words, everyone was speechless. They never thought that the internal strife in the Divine Realm had reached such a heated stage.    


They even used the means to kidnap the crown prince!    


And Ye Hong's attention was on this Divine Emperor Crown Prince, Perceon.    


Perceon was a very low-key person.    


Although he was the only son of the Divine Emperor, Ye Hong didn't have much information about this person in his mind.    


Obviously, the main character of this coronation ceremony was this person.    


He couldn't help but have a bold guess in his heart. He asked Feng Jialou, "What kind of person is this Perceon?"    


Feng Jialou thought about his memories and replied in a deep voice, "Divine Emperor Prince Perceon is gentle and magnanimous.    


Whether it is the nobility or the common people, they do not dislike this person.    


It can be said that he is a perfect heir."    


Speaking up to this point, Feng Jialou seemed to have seen through Ye Hong's thoughts. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Junior, 'Do you think Perseon planned the kidnapping?'    


Ye Hong nodded.    


He did have this thought in his mind.    


If the coronation ceremony was carried out smoothly, Persion would inherit the position of the Divine Emperor. Without a doubt, he would be the greatest beneficiary.    


Therefore, Ye Hong had reason to suspect that Perth was deliberately being held hostage by the God Clan's technology public in order to force his father to abdicate.    


However, Feng Jialou shook his head. "If it was any other prince, it would be possible.    


But if it was Perseon, it would be impossible. "    


"Oh? Why is that so? " Ye Hong was curious.    


"I don't know, but Perth is the oldest prince in the history of God Clan.    


" No, to be exact, he should be the heir to the longest waiting period in the history of the ancient realm.    


Because he has been the successor for a thousand years!"    


Hearing this, Ye Hong's eyes shook. He suddenly recalled a related legend.    


According to the legend, the Supreme Divine Emperor, Leytrin, Never married.    


His only son, Perseon, had suddenly appeared in front of his door not long after the end of the millennium war.    


At that time, Retlin had thought that Perceon was a gift from the heavens and had been overjoyed. He had raised him as his own son.    


And from the beginning until the end, there was only one son, Persion.    


Because he was worried that if he married and had children again, it would arouse the dissatisfaction of the heavens.    


This was also the reason why he would quickly compromise after Perceon was taken hostage.    


As for Perceon, he had been filial to his father ever since he was young. He was loyal and loyal to his father, Letterling, and had never harbored any thoughts of rebelling against him.    


If he really wanted to become a Godking, he would have had countless opportunities to do so in a thousand years.    


However, for a thousand years, he had always abided by his duty and never crossed a single step.    


Since he didn't care even after a thousand years, there was no reason for him to do so. Acting out such a stupid thing on his own in this kind of joint vision.    


Then there was only one possibility.    


The God Clan Science and Technology Association had really kidnapped Perth and planned to use his identity as the Divine Emperor Crown Prince to force Retlin to abdicate!    


Of course, all of this was just speculation.    


As for the specifics, perhaps they would have to meet the person involved to find out.    


"What do you all think?"    


Ye Hong shook his head.    


Lu Pingyou opened his eyes, which had been deep in thought for a long time. He raised his hand and said in a low voice, "What do you think? Alliance Master, I think we must stop this war. We can't let the Nightmare Ocean do whatever it wants, and we can't let the tragedy of the beast race repeat itself in the God Clan!"    


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