Urban Hardened All-area System

C3250 He Gave too Much

C3250 He Gave too Much

A day passed in a flash.    


However, within a short day, the atmosphere in the office became increasingly tense.    


There were even two groups of soldiers dressed differently entering the office.    


From their looks, they were obviously from two different camps. It was very likely that they were called by director.    


It seemed that the fight between the two had reached its climax. They could get serious at any time.    


At that time, for the sake of the team's safety, Ye Hong might bring his men out of the office.    


But at least for the time being tonight, he didn't need to consider this matter.    


That was because the most important mission tonight was to participate in the secret auction.    


After Ye Hong told Xing Shiqi to take care of everyone, he left the office alone.    


However, Ye Hong did not go to the Eastern Cave. Instead, he waited in the Hundred Messenger Cave.    


According to what Toad Wumian said last night, the secret auction was actually inside the Hundred Messenger Cave!    


Loopy Toad's Fleece did not know what the reason was, but Ye Hong could vaguely guess one thing.    


Presumably, the reason why Hai Sha Pharmaceutical chose to hold the auction in the Hundred Messenger Cave was because they needed the Hundred Messenger Cave's complicated environment to cover for them.    


Not long after, Qiu Ying brought the toad's five mush in front of Ye Hong.    


"Sir, this lowly one will take you to the auction now!"    


Under the power of money, the attitude of the Fifth Toad to Ye Hong was very respectful.    


"Call me Young Master Long outside."    


Ye Hong said calmly.    


He was going to the auction as a friend of Toad Five Mustard Skin. For example, [Sir] This sort of address was too jarring.    


The first thing he thought of was "Young Master Ye. This kind of address.    


But then he thought about it. Not long ago, he used Ye Yun's name to do a lot of things in Deer King City. If he still used this surname today, it was inevitable that people would notice him and expose Ye Hong's true identity.    


Therefore, [Young Master Long] That was the way it came to be.    


"Yes, Young Master Long. Understood, Young Master Long!"    


Loopy Toad's Fifth Mustard's face was full of flattery.    


"Alright, cut the crap. Let's go."    


Ye Hong asked the five of them to lead the way.    


After Ye Hong left with the Fifth Mustard, Qiu Ying was still worried. With a serious expression, he flashed into the shadows of the road and followed far behind.    




They went all the way into the Hundred Messenger Cave, and finally, the five of them brought Ye Hong to an inconspicuous alley.    


The dim lights and the damp walls gave off a strong musty smell.    


Normally, people who passed by would not walk into such an alley.    


But in the musty smell of the air, Ye Hong could keenly smell the smell of medicine.    


It was just covered by the pungent musty smell, so it was almost inaudible. It was even more impossible for people outside to notice it.    


Ye Hong seemed to have understood why the auction was chosen in such a place.    


After going deep into the dark alley, Ye Hong discovered that the two sides of the alley were gradually widening.    


In the depths of the plain dark alley, there was actually a different world.    


Under his gaze, there were already many luxurious cars parked on both sides.    


There was even a vintage carriage that was extremely eye-catching.    


The carriage was two stories tall. Its exterior was gold and silver, and it was extremely gorgeous.    


A total of five handsome white horses stood quietly in front of the carriage. They did not move their eyes.    


Upon closer inspection, it was actually five mechanical white horses.    


"Young Master Long, this is the carriage of the Imperial Princess."    


On the side, Loopy Toad's Fifth Mustard skin whispered an introduction, its tone unable to hide its envy.    


And through this extremely extravagant and imposing vintage carriage, Ye Hong could roughly guess the princess's character.    


He kept going deeper into the alley without saying a word.    


He walked for about five minutes. That was the end of it.    


At the end of the alley, there was a sand door about three meters tall.    


On the sand colored base, there were colorful stripes, as if there were numerous pythons wrapping around the door.    


There was something strange about the mysteriousness.    


Before Ye Hong could take a closer look at the door, he heard a cold voice.    




Ye Hong looked down and found that the person who spoke was a strong man who was more than two meters tall.    


Ye Hong's eyes lit up when he saw the characteristics of the lion clan on the man's head and the pair of wings on his back.    


It was a winged lion clan!    


In an instant, Ye Hong thought of the five winged lions that had suddenly appeared to help Ning Qixiang and then been trampled to death by Ox Zhen.    


"Heh! It's me, Toad Five Mustard Skin!    


Can't recognize it?"    


Loopy Toad's Five Mustard Skin walked in front of the Winged Lion Tribe's brawny man and took off its mask, allowing the dim light to illuminate its pockmarked face.    


"It's you! The Winged Lion man glanced indifferently at Clam Five with obvious disdain.    


Then he looked directly at Ye Hong, who was also wearing a mask behind Loopy Toad's skin, and coldly pointed. "Who is he? I remember you never brought anyone here before!"    


"Young Master Long is a friend of mine, rich second generation. He has so much money at home that it's hard to count!    


He wants to go to the auction with me to open his eyes. I hope this big brother can be accommodating. "    


Toad Five said with a flattering smile.    


Heh! Is that so?" The robust man of the Winged Lion Race didn't lightly believe the words of Toad Fivecraze. He smiled coldly, and his gaze was still icy cold.    


His robust body didn't move at all, and he didn't have the slightest intention of giving way.    


While he was feeling distressed, Ye Hong slowly walked to the winged lion man. He reached out his right hand from under his cloak, and a stack of beast coins slipped out of his sleeve.    


A hoarse but overbearing voice came out. "Take the money and get lost."    


When he heard Ye Hong's humiliating words, he was so scared that his face turned white, and his legs started to tremble.    


It shouted in its heart: You didn't tell me you would do this!    


However, the winged lion man wasn't as furious as Loopy Toad and Wumian had expected. He just narrowed his eyes and took the beast coin from Ye Hong's hand without leaving a trace.    


Then, he turned to the side naturally and made a path for Ye Hong. He waved his hand naturally. "Hurry up and go in. Don't block this lord's line of sight."    


Loopy Toad's Fifth Mustard was instantly stunned.    


When Ye Hong pushed open the door and entered, it was as if he had woken up from a dream, and he quickly followed.    


"Sir," the Fifth Mustard Toad said. ... No, Young Master Long. I beg of you. Don't do what you did just now again. This little heart of mine almost had a heart attack from fright! "    


After entering the room, Loopy Toad's Five Mustard complained in a low voice.    


Ye Hong ignored him and just swept his gaze around to observe his surroundings.    


The reason why he was so calm was because he had seen too many people and had seen through the heart of the winged lion man with one glance.    


There was no point in subservient when dealing with that kind of person.    


Since Ye Hong was pretending to be rich second generation, he had to act more thoroughly.    


The most effective way was to take the money and smash it.    


The more arrogant the smash was, the more it fit the character of a rich second generation.    


Or it could be summarized simply: The strong men of the Winged Lion Race were originally men, but Ye Hong had given them too much!    


On the other side, when Ye Hong observed his surroundings, the smell of medicine coming from his nose became much stronger.    


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