Urban Hardened All-area System

C3263 Heaven Swallowing Camp

C3263 Heaven Swallowing Camp

Now, because of the sudden appearance of the Mechanical Toad Army, both sides had drawn their lines.    


Beside Ye Hong, Crescent Sword Immortal, the White Dragon Armored Lord, and the Jade Sword Armored Lord had gathered.    


Crescent Sword Immortal didn't say anything. He just lowered his head and played with the scimitar in his hand quietly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.    


However, all the enemies in front of him feared this woman the most.    


There was no doubt that she was the strongest existence on Ye Hong's side.    


Even the gentleness of fighting Cang Sickle in the middle of the river was only Crescent Sword Immortal's disciple.    


In the short exchange of fire just now, the opponent had completely experienced the terror of this silver moon scimitar.    


The White Dragon Armored Lord yawned without any image of a lady, as if he did not have much energy.    


It was very obvious that the enemy on the other side was too unchallenging for her.    


The Jade Sword Armored Lord looked at the mechanical toad army and raised his brows. He said lightly beside Ye Hong, "It's the legendary first battalion of Beast Sovereign - Heaven Swallowing Battalion."    


Ye Hong nodded slightly. Clearly, he recognized it as well.    


Heaven Devouring Battalion, the legendary elite guards of the Heaven Devouring Beast King.    


It was built a thousand years ago when the Heaven Swallowing Beast King succeeded the throne. It had been following the Heaven Swallowing Beast King until now.    


According to the rumors, the Heaven Devouring Battalion guards were inside and outside the Heaven Devouring Cave.    


Any enemy who dared to invade the Heaven Devouring Cave would be killed by them.    




Ye Hong narrowed his eyes and looked at the mechanical toads in the Heaven Swallowing Camp. An unfathomable light flashed in his eyes.    


Unexpectedly, You Tong Nether Lord, who was on the other side of the Nightmare Ocean, spoke first.    


She smiled at the Heaven Swallowing Battalion soldiers. "I am You Tong Nether Lord. We are good friends of your princess. You can ask her yourself if you don't believe me."    


Ye Hong raised his brows.    


Before he could say anything, there was a response from the Heaven Swallowing Camp. "Friends of the princess?"    


The one who replied was the largest mechanical toad. It was obviously a leader.    


He did not seem to completely listen to You Tong Nether Lord. He only pointed at Ye Hong and the others and said to You Tong Nether Lord. "What about them?    


Why are you fighting here?"    


"They are. You Tong Nether Lord rolled his eyes and a cunning look flashed through his eyes. He pretended to be wronged and said, They are the enemies of the princess. They wanted to harm the princess, so we stopped them. "    


Ye Hong's group was disgusted by their pretentious attitude.    


"No wonder the princess ran back to the palace in a panic."    


The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Battalion snorted coldly and turned to Ye Hong and the others. "What else do you want to say?"    


Ye Hong did not panic. He just casually said, "May I ask if your princess, who carries the honor of the Heaven Devouring Beast King and represents the face of the royal family of the Beast King Valley, will be friends with a group of demonic cultivators?"    


As soon as he said that, As soon as these words came out, the expressions of You Tong Nether Lord and the others changed. They gave the group of cloaked people behind them a look and told them to hide the demonic Qi in their bodies.    


However, it was already too late.    


Taking a step back, even if their demonic Qi was not exposed, it was still too late. The soldiers of the Heaven Swallowing Camp were not blind either, and it was impossible for them not to see the three demonic ancient artifacts.    


On the other hand, Ye Hong's side did not have the slightest bit of devilish energy.    


It was easy to tell who was right and who was evil with a single glance.    


The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Battalion also noticed this distinct situation. He was stunned for a moment and then said angrily, "Since you all insist on your own words, then follow the Heaven Swallowing Battalion to meet the Beast King. The Beast King will decide it himself!"    


With that, he did not give the two sides any room to refuse. With thousands of mechanical toads, he surrounded the two sides.    


A passage opened up on the surface of the lake, leading straight to the palace group at the bottom of the lake.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and leave!"    


The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Battalion urged impatiently.    


You Tong Nether Lord shrugged and led the people to the tunnel with a helpless look.    


Ye Hong also said indifferently, "Since that's the case, then please seek justice from the Beast King."    


As he spoke, He also brought the three mighty ones to the passageway.    


However, just as they were about to reach the passageway's entrance, Ye Hong silently gave the three experts beside him a look.    


He even lightly stepped on Er Gou.    


In an instant, Er Gou had transformed into his fifth mutated form - the Snow Sword Ape form.    


It was also his strongest combat form.    


He raised a huge sword and slashed at the Heaven Swallowing Battalion soldiers around him.    


At the same time, the three great experts attacked together.    


Although the three ancient artifacts did not know the exact reason, they faithfully followed Ye Hong's actions and fired at the Heaven Swallowing Camp together.    


Caught off guard, a large number of mechanical toads fell.    


"Bastard! You guys actually dare to attack the Heaven Swallowing Battalion, you're simply tired of living!"    


The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Camp was furious.    


Ye Hong stood on the back of the White Dragon Armor Lord with his hands behind his back. He looked at the leader of the Heaven Swallowing Camp with a cold smile. "You colluded with the Nightmare Ocean. Everyone has the right to punish you!"    


The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Camp stiffened and then roared. "Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about?"    


Ye Hong did not waste any more time and just said a name, "Composite ancient metal beast."    


As soon as he said that, The leader of the Heaven Swallowing Battalion did not respond to Ye Hong. He just ordered his men, "Kill!"    


However, his reaction had undoubtedly tacitly approved of Ye Hong's words.    


That's right. The reason Ye Hong suddenly launched a surprise attack was precisely because of the technology on the mechanical toads of the Heaven Swallowing Camp!    


Ding! Triggering the appraisal ability of Grandmaster Level, triggering the effect of Grandmaster Level, [God's Pupil Ghost Eye]. ...    


"Ding! Identification complete. Target: Composite ancient metal beast.    


Level: equivalent to a large ancient artifact.'    


Just now, Ye Hong felt that the Heaven Swallowing Battalion's mechanical toad technique was somewhat familiar. He subconsciously activated his appraisal ability.    


After checking, he found that it was indeed so.    


It was exactly the same compound ancient metal beast technique as Ning Qixiang's subordinates!    


He only knew that behind Ning Qixiang was Hai Sha Pharmaceuticals and Hai Sha Pharmaceuticals was Nightmare Ocean.    


It could be easily deduced that the Heaven Swallowing Battalion was closely related to the Nightmare Ocean.    


In short, either the Heaven Swallowing Battalion was wearing the Nightmare Ocean's pants or the Nightmare Ocean was wearing the Heaven Swallowing Battalion's pants.    


With this conclusion, the interaction between the Heaven Swallowing Camp and the Nightmare Ocean was purely an act.    


Presumably, the goal was to invite the emperor into the trap and lure Ye Hong and the others into danger!    


Therefore, Ye Hong, who had sensed that something was wrong, pretended to obey first, and then launched a surprise attack, catching the enemy unprepared!    


On the other side, You Tong and Nether Lord stopped pretending.    


With a look of regret, they said, "What a pity. I wanted to give you a 'surprise'."    


Killing intent gathered on her face again. She coldly ordered, "Help the Heaven Swallowing Battalion kill Ye Hong, little thief!"    


Beside Ye Hong, the Jade Jade Sword Armored Lord frowned and said, "Alliance Master, Looks like we'll have to get out of here first."    


The White Dragon Armored Lord, who was mumbling something under his feet, said, "I will bear with it. Who told him to be His Majesty's master? It doesn't matter to let him ride for a while." At this time, he nodded in agreement.    


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