Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C594 Doubt

C594 Doubt

Yung Mo was not in the villa, so Muh Jingyan felt something was missing. She got up from the bed and went to the nursery.    


The baby room in the villa was renovated for Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng overnight. Because it was a newborn, the best materials were used during the renovation. It was for the sake of being afraid that there would be toxic substances that would harm the baby.    


"Yi, Yi, Yi!"    


Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng smiled when they saw Muh Jingyan's figure. Maybe it was because she had grown up, but when Yung Xiaodai smiled, he looked like a little fox. He was very elf. Yung Xiaomeng, on the other hand, looked a little tsundere. Muh Jingyan's heart softened when she saw him.    


Both she and Yung Mo were very cold people in their bones. At this moment, looking at the two little fellows, they did not have the temperament of the two of them at all, so they would not look so cold.    


However, Muh Jingyan did not mind. When she was young, her father and mother pampered her. She had always been a happy little princess. However, after her mother left, her father brought another woman into the Dongfang family and started to change his temperament because of hatred.    


As for Yung Mo, it was probably because he didn't have the love of his mother since he was young and his father was so crazy that he had a cold and indifferent personality.    


But Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng were born with the love of many people. They were destined not to be alone!    


"Aiyo, my good granddaughter-in-law. Why did you get up? Quickly go and lie down. Let me tell you, this woman who sits on the moon must be well rested. Otherwise, I will suffer a huge loss in the future. Thinking back, when I was giving birth to my eldest grandson, his father didn't have a healthy body. Later on, I couldn't even give birth to him even if I wanted to!"    


When Grandma Yung saw Muh Jingyan walk over, she hurriedly called Muh Jingyan to go back to the bedroom and lie down. She had a look of heartache on her face.    


"Grandma, I'm much better now. I'm like a pig lying down every day!"    


Muh Jingyan smiled faintly and said.    


"So what if I am a pig? Pigs are the most fortunate. You must take good care of yourself. In the future, the Yung family will let you give birth to a few more Great-grandson for grandma and your grandpa to play with!"    


Ever since Muh Jingyan finished giving birth and was immersed in the cold seawater, the cold entered her body and became somewhat severe. These few days Muh Qingwan and Grandma Yung were also thinking of ways to help her recover so that her bones would recover.    


It did not matter if she was still young now but when she got older, she would have to suffer a lot.    


"Muh, quickly go and rest. We are watching over these two little fellows!" old master Yung hugged the soft and sticky Yung Xiaodai. He looked like he couldn't bear to part with him. His entire face was filled with a happy smile. It was needless to say how happy he was.    


"Alright then!"    


Since she did not have a position in the baby room, Muh Jingyan could only return to the bedroom.    


After staying in the bedroom for two days straight, Muh Jingyan felt a little bored. Because it was a Caesarean section, the wound on the abdomen had already formed scars, but it was still a little itchy and uncomfortable.    


For two days straight, there was no news of Yung Mo going to the Ji family. She also did not know what the situation on the other side was like.    


"First Young Madam, Miss Leng has come to see you and Miss little master!"    


The maid went upstairs and knocked on Muh Jingyan's door.    


"Let her come up!" Muh Jingyan said softly.    


Soon Leng Qianqian came up and saw Muh Jingyan lying in the room. She smiled and walked in.    


"How is it? Is your body alright?"    


"Yes, not bad. You can already get off the bed and walk. It is just that it is too cold outside and you cannot go out!" Muh Jingyan looked at Leng Qianqian. After not seeing her for a few days, the green shadow in Leng Qianqian's eyes became even more serious, "What is it? Haven't you rested well recently?"    


"It's nothing. I'm fine. It's just that I have been busy with work recently and did not have time to come and see you and the baby!"    


"It's related to Leng Yundi, right? Did you guys have a conflict again?" Muh Jingyan looked at Leng Qianqian. She did not understand the relationship between Leng Qianqian and Leng Yundi very well, but in her heart, she still hoped that her good sister would be good.    


As for Leng Yundi, although Muh Jingyan didn't really like him in the bottom of her heart, In any case, he was Yung Mo's good brother, so there was no problem with his character. It was just that there were too many women around that man. She was afraid that Qianqian would be hurt.    


"What does he have to do with me? We live under the same roof. He is my brother, and I am his sister. It's that simple!"    


Leng Qianqian smiled faintly and was somewhat stiff. Although the smile on her face looked very bright, Muh Jingyan could still feel the helplessness in Leng Qianqian's heart.    


"It's good that you are fine. Have you eaten? Stay here for lunch!"    


Muh Jingyan saw that Leng Qianqian did not want to say too much so she did not force her.    


"Okay. I haven't seen those two little babies for a few days. I heard that they have opened their mouths. They must be even more beautiful now!" Leng Qianqian's eyes moved when she mentioned the little babies. Her face was full of joy.    


"Yes, they are in the baby room. They have been spoiled by their grandparents for the past few days. Go and take a look!"    


Leng Qianqian went to the baby room and just as she walked out, she saw Muh Jingyan's mother walking over. When she saw Muh Qingwan, Leng Qianqian smiled and greeted her before walking into the baby room. Muh Qingwan, on the other hand, looked at Leng Qianqian's back in a daze.    


She frowned and felt that it was a little familiar but she could not remember why she felt that it was familiar.    


Walking into Muh Jingyan's bedroom, Muh Qingwan looked at Muh Jingyan and asked in puzzlement.    


"Yanyan, do you know who else is in Qianqian's house?"    


"Mother, why do you ask this?" Hearing Muh Qingwan ask her like this, Muh Jingyan also had some doubts and puzzlement.    


"Oh, nothing much. I just feel that this girl is somewhat familiar but I can't remember who else is in her family. "    


"Qianqian is the young lady of Leng family, but she was adopted by them since she was young. Right now, the couple and Leng Yundi are not her real family. I only know that she was sent to an orphanage. What's wrong? Is there a problem?"    


Muh Jingyan looked at her mother's furrowed brows and asked in puzzlement.    


"I suspect that she is the daughter of your aunt!" Muh Qingwan was silent for a while before suddenly saying.    


Muh Jingyan could not help but be stunned and looked at Muh Qingwan, "Mother, are you sure Qianqian is aunt's daughter?"    


"I am not too sure. Back then when I left home, I brought your aunt with me. It is just that her temperament is different from mine and was later discovered by the family. So, when we escaped from the family's people, we separated. Later, I met your father. It wasn't that we didn't find him, but we couldn't find him no matter how hard we tried.    


It's just that Qianqian's facial features are very similar to your aunt's when she was young!"    


When she heard Muh Qingwan say this, Muh Jingyan could not help but be stunned. This news really surprised her.    


If Qianqian was really aunt's daughter, Wouldn't that mean she and Qianqian were really cousins?    


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