Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C724 I'm Sorry I Love You

C724 I'm Sorry I Love You

Lu Wenye saw that the temperature of the water was about to cool down, so he could only bathe Ye Chuxia. Ye Chuxia also became playful and felt that it was fun. She used both hands to create trouble on Lu Wenye's body.    


Originally, Lu Wenye was trying his best to suppress the evil flame in his heart. Now that he was touched by this woman, he immediately felt his mouth go dry.    


A pair of deep and fiery eyes stared straight at Ye Chuxia's bright red face. He suppressed his voice and said in a deep voice, "Ye Chuxia, do you know how dangerous your current situation is?"    


"Oh, it's so easy to touch. It's hard. QQ!" Ye Chuxia did not seem to hear Lu Wenye's words and continued to cause trouble.    


That child-like appearance made Lu Wenye so annoyed that he cursed in a low voice. "F * ck, what the heck do I have to say to you about this? You drunkard, hurry up and stop. If you dare to move again, believe it or not, I will beat your butt!"    


Ye Chuxia knew that this woman was drunk now. If she really took advantage of the drunkenness to do something to her, this girl would wake up tomorrow morning and not fall out with him. Furthermore, he had not explained to this girl yet.    


In the end, thinking that he was the one who started all this, Lu Wenye could only resign himself to his fate and help Ye Chuxia take a shower. He wiped his body clean and found a shirt for her to put on. Then he stuffed his entire body into the blanket.    


He quickly went into the bathroom and took a cold shower. Then he dried it and went to bed. He hugged the woman who was still mumbling and restless into his arms and tightly hugged her to sleep.    


He was really tired. At this moment, the sky outside the window had already turned white. If he did not sleep now, he might not be able to sleep today. He had been tormented for an entire night. He was really tired.    


"Lu Wenye, sissy, bad guy, bad guy. Boohoo, bully me. . . "    


Ye Chuxia, who was gradually sleeping soundly, rubbed against Lu Wenye's chest. Suddenly, there was a low gurgling sound. It was very soft, as if she was dreaming. Her brows were tightly knitted, and her face was full of grief.    


Lu Wenye sighed softly. He looked at Ye Chuxia, who was in his arms, lovingly and lovingly. He looked at the small and red face that was tightly wrinkled, as if it had been abandoned by someone. He felt wronged and aggrieved, and his heart became more and more gentle.    


She lowered her head and kissed Ye Chuxia's forehead. Along the way, she furrowed her brows and furrowed her brows. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her nose bridge was quite a coincidence. His bright red lips. . . Lu Wenye kissed her red little face over and over again.    


His deep voice was full of tenderness. He kept kissing and whispering.    


"I'm sorry, Xiaxia. I'm sorry, I'm not angry, I'm not sad. Good girl, I'm here, I'm here. Good girl, I love you, I love you very much. . . "    


After endless coaxing, Ye Chuxia finally relaxed her tightly knitted brows and fell asleep peacefully. She was drunk and sleeping. Naturally, she would not know that she had missed Lu Wenye's gentle apology and confession.    


Seeing that the woman in his arms had finally fallen asleep, Lu Wenye let out a light sigh of relief. He held Ye Chuxia's arm tightly and let her close to his body.    


In the villa of Leng family.    


Leng Qianqian also did not have a good night's sleep and was even more worried about Ye Chuxia in her heart. It was not easy for her to wait until 3 o'clock before she finally received news of Lu Wenye. She only felt relieved when she said that she had safely found Ye Chuxia.    


The weather at the beginning of April was still a little cold. Leng Qianqian put on a small jacket and walked out of the bedroom door. She went downstairs and planned to go to the kitchen to pour a cup of water.    


As soon as she entered the kitchen, she bumped into a thick and hard chest. Leng Qianqian lightly snorted and her entire body was suddenly knocked backwards. Fortunately, the man in front of her had reached out his hand in advance and grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.    


Covering her forehead that was hurt from the collision, Leng Qianqian frowned. She heard Leng Yundi's cold and somewhat gentle voice by her ear.    


"How old are you? You don't even know how to look at the road when you walk. Does it hurt from the collision? Let me see!"    


Leng Yundi reached out and pushed Leng Qianqian's hand away. He looked at Leng Qianqian's red forehead and frowned.    


"It's alright, it's nothing. It's just a bit red. It'll be fine in a while!"    




Leng Qianqian heard Leng Yundi's soft voice suddenly. She still could not wrap her head around it. She waited for news in the middle of the night and was thirsty. She went down to pour a cup of water to drink. She did not know that someone in the kitchen would bump into Leng Yundi.    


Besides, It was not that she did not look at the road when she walked. It was clearly this man who had suddenly appeared.    


Seeing that Leng Qianqian only lightly responded and did not speak anymore, Leng Yundi's somewhat cold gaze looked slightly deeper towards Leng Qianqian. He tightly knit his brows. This girl seemed to have been keeping a distance from him all this time, but was it possible? They had even done the most intimate thing between them. It was funny to keep a distance from him now.    


Leng Qianqian took a step back and Leng Yundi took a step forward. He only stopped when Leng Qianqian's entire body was pressed against the wall. The threatening Qi sprayed on Leng Qianqian's face, making her lower her head unnaturally.    


"What? I'm very scary. Look up at me!"    


Leng Yundi's voice was always cold, but it carried a thick overbearing and irresistible majesty.    


Leng Qianqian raised her head and looked straight into Leng Yundi's pair of cold eyes. The expression there was so deep that it made people want to dive into it with just a glance.    


Leng Qianqian's small hand under her coat ruthlessly pinched her thigh to keep herself awake. She absolutely could not lose herself in this man's aura.    


Since she had already decided to leave, then she could not continue to entangle with this man.    


Seeing Leng Qianqian's cold eyes suddenly become distant, Leng Yundi became more and more unhappy. He reached out and lifted Leng Qianqian's chin to make her look at him.    


"What are you afraid of?"    


"No!" Leng Yundi got closer and closer. She could clearly see the self in Leng Yundi's eyes. He was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, weak.    


"You have it. Tell me, what are you afraid of? Afraid that I will do this to you. En? "    


Leng Yundi's deep eyes carried an invasive coldness. He lifted Leng Qianqian's chin in a domineering manner. His cold and thin lips fiercely stabilized Leng Qianqian's lips. He fiercely bit his lips. His voice was filled with coldness, coldness, evil, violent and dangerous.    


"Let me go, I didn't!"    


"You dare to reject me, Qianqian, did you forget that you were the one who caused the debt? It is already too late for you to withdraw now!" Leng Yundi's voice became more and more dangerous.    


"Yes, I was wrong. It was all my fault. What do you want? Tell me!" Leng Qianqian took a deep breath. She was deeply afraid that this man would be as cruel as before and take her away. Now, her parents were still at home. It would be great if they found out.    


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