Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C736 Jiang Liao's End

C736 Jiang Liao's End

"What's impossible? Lu Wenye was just using you. Why else would he ignore you when he got the evidence? My good daughter, don't you understand? We all mistook him for someone else! "    


Jiang Liao said hatefully. Initially, he wanted to build a relationship with the Lu family and let him take the position of chief, but he didn't expect that before he could take the position, his trouble would already be exposed.    


"No, I don't believe it. I'm going to find Mr. Wenye. I'm going to find him and ask him about it!" Jiang Haiyan shouted in disbelief, her face turning pale.    


At this moment, there was suddenly a sound coming from downstairs. Someone had broken into the Jiang family.    


The servants of the Jiang family rushed up to report.    


Jiang Liao looked at the soldiers who suddenly appeared downstairs. His face panicked and his heart sank. He didn't expect them to come so quickly.    


"Commander Jiang, the higher-ups suspect that you are colluding with a drug trafficking group. We need to bring you back for investigation. Please come with us!"    


As a soldier, Once this matter was charged with a crime, Jiang Liao would have to be court-martialed. Bringing him back now was also a way to keep him in custody, isolating him from all contact with the outside world.    


Jiang Liao knew that he had lost his momentum. His face was pale and scary. It was as if he had aged by more than ten years. His whole body trembled, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.    


It was over. Everything was over.    


If he really went to the military court and was charged with a crime, he would never be able to come out of it for the rest of his life.    


" No, you must be mistaken. My father won't commit a crime. My father is a soldier and a commander. He won't commit a crime. Let him go! "    


Jiang Haiyan saw that her father was about to be taken away and immediately became anxious. She cried and cried.    


"Miss Jiang, I'm sorry. We are also following orders!" A few soldiers immediately stood in front of Jiang Haiyan and asked the other soldiers to walk forward and handcuff Jiang Liao's hands. They then brought the king outside.    


Jiang Haiyan saw with her own eyes that her father was handcuffed and her heart became more and more anxious. She continuously struggled to push away the two soldiers in front of her.    


"Let go of me, let go of me, let go of my father, let go of him!"    


But the two soldiers were like iron walls and copper walls. No matter how hard Jiang Haiyan struggled, she did not move. She could only hear Jiang Liao's voice from afar.    


"Hai Yan, take revenge for father. You must take revenge for father!"    


She heard her father's voice getting further and further away. Jiang Haiyan's trembling body curled up and sat on the ground. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.    


She did not believe that the man she loved would actually use her to get evidence of her father's crime. But all of this had happened. At this moment, Jiang Haiyan hated herself and also hated Lu Wenye.    


It was all Lu Wenye's fault. If it wasn't for him, her father wouldn't have been in trouble. Why did Lu Wenye do this? Was it because he didn't love her?    


But she loved Mr. Wenye so much. How could he use her like this? It was all his fault. It was all his fault. She wanted revenge.    


Her father was right. She had to seek revenge on Lu Wenye. It was all because of him that her father was imprisoned and stripped of his position. She might not be able to get out of this prison for the rest of her life. She would have nothing left!    


Hatred rose in Jiang Haiyan's heart. Her eyes were filled with twisted hatred and ruthlessness!    


Two days later, Jiang Liao was convicted. He was sent to prison after being court-martialed. Because the crime was too serious, he was sentenced to death.    


Of course, this was partly due to Yung Mo and Lu Wenye. Naturally, outsiders did not know about it.    


However, Lu Wenye had wanted to get rid of this cancer of Jiang family a long time ago. It was because Jiang Liao's power and status in the army could not be resolved privately, so he could only use this justifiable method to get rid of it.    


This was also what Lu Wenye had been thinking. After getting rid of Jiang Liao, Jiang family would basically be finished. They would no longer have the capital to stop him and Xiaxia. Just Jiang Haiyan alone would not be able to create any huge waves.    


Jingdu Prison.    


When Jiang Haiyan received the news of her father being sentenced to death, she immediately used money to bribe a prison guard who was guarding the prison to meet Jiang Liao for the last time.    


Originally, death row criminals like Jiang Liao, who had committed an important crime, were forbidden to be visited. However, the prison guard could not resist the temptation of Jiang Haiyan's large sum of money, so he secretly let go of the water.    


Seeing her father in prison clothes, whose hair had turned white and had an aged face, Jiang Haiyan could not help but cry. It had only been a few days. Jiang Liao had already been tortured to the point of losing his human form. He was like a completely different person from the previous Commander-in-Chief.    


He watched as his father was dragged into this mess by him. Jiang Haiyan's hatred towards Lu Wenye deepened a little.    


"Father, it was all my fault. I will definitely avenge you. I will definitely not let Lu Wenye live a good life. Wuwu!"    


"My good daughter, my good daughter. In the future, daddy won't be able to take care of you anymore. Take care of yourself! " Jiang Liao saw his Baby Girl hugging him with a heartache. He suddenly stuffed a small note into Jiang Haiyan's palm.    


The father and daughter hugged each other. Jiang Liao deliberately avoided the camera on the top left corner, so naturally no one noticed. Jiang Haiyan also cleverly tightened her hands and held the thing tightly.    


"After you go out, find this person. He will help you!" Jiang Liao whispered softly in Jiang Haiyan's ear and then let go.    


"Daughter, live well in the future. Do you know that daddy can't take care of you anymore? You must be well!"    


"Dad, I know. Don't worry, I won't let you down. I won't let anyone who harmed you go. Just you wait! " Jiang Haiyan cried and shouted in a low voice.    


"Good boy, go ahead. You don't have to come and see me anymore. Father only has a few days left. I'm very satisfied to see you before I die! " Jiang Liao pushed Jiang Haiyan and hinted for her to leave quickly.    


Jiang Liao was afraid. Someone had already received the news that Jiang Haiyan had come. It would be detrimental to his daughter. He still needed to rely on his daughter to take revenge. Naturally, he could not let anything happen to Jiang Haiyan.    


"I got it. Dad, take care!"    


Jiang Haiyan walked out to investigate and immediately left Beijing Prison without stopping.    


In the control room of the Beijing Prison, Lu Wenye stared coldly at the computer screen. It was not until Jiang Haiyan left that Lu Wenye coldly called the soldiers behind him.    




"Find a way to stop Jiang Haiyan and search her body!"    


"Major suspects that Jiang Liao gave his daughter something?"    


"It is not impossible. Jiang Liao is a cunning and insidious person. We will find out if we investigate!" Lu Wenye did not miss the moment when Jiang Liao and Jiang Haiyan hugged each other. With Jiang Liao's hatred for him, he would definitely leave something for Jiang Haiyan.    


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