Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2770 Successor Chapter Three She Was the Eldest Young Mistress of the Lu Family Fourth Young Mistre

C2770 Successor Chapter Three She Was the Eldest Young Mistress of the Lu Family Fourth Young Mistre

"Twelve million!"    


Qiao Ze's eyes were light and his expression was gentle and elegant. He did not even look at Gu Xiyun's side and directly increased the bid!    


Gu Xiyun pursed her lips. When she came this time, she did not have much money in her hands. Originally, she wanted to buy this painting because she did not want Gu Xirann to look down on it last time.    


Gu Xirann did not let her buy this painting but this time, she wanted to buy this painting.    


But she did not think that this painting would be called this price.    


She wanted to call out a price, but the money in her hands really didn't allow her to not consider clearly.    


Beside her, Yuh Qingfen had already pulled Gu Xirann and said in a low voice, "Xiao Yun, this price is too high!"    


Gu Xiyun was naturally unwilling in her heart and looked in Gu Xirann's direction. When she saw Gu Xirann smiling gently and chatting with the Lu family's madam beside her, her heart became even more jealous and resentful.    


Gu Xirann, this slut, must have done it on purpose. She clearly knew that she wanted to film this painting, so she deliberately let this Mister Qiao go against her.    


Gu Xiyun thought about it and increased the bid again, "Fifteen million!"    


Gu Xiyun seemed to want to stake it all. She must buy this painting and also make Gu Xirann unhappy for once.    


Gu Xiang, who was standing at the side, had a gloomy expression because of Gu Xiyun's anger. However, at this moment, he naturally could not lose face for his little daughter. However, layers of anger were suppressed in his heart and did not erupt.    


"This little sister of yours is really stupid!" Lu's mother heard Gu Xiyun's bid and her cold eyes swept towards the direction where Gu Xiyun was sitting and then said with a face full of disdain.    


"Mom knows them?" Gu Xirann was slightly surprised in her heart.    


"It's hard to meet such a stepmother and sister. But in the future, things like this will never happen in the Lu family. Don't worry!" Lu's mother patted Gu Xirann's hand. Her words were full of love. She then looked at Gu Xiang who was not far away.    


Only then did Gu Xirann understand and nodded, "En, thank you, mother!"    


"Silly girl, we are all family, what is there to thank!" Lu's mother patted Gu Xirann's hand and gently caressed it.    


"Mom, I will tell my friend not to be stupid!" Gu Xirann suddenly winked at Lu's mother and then took out the phone in her small bag and sent a message to Qiao Ze.    


Lu's mother looked at Gu Xirann in surprise and then looked at Qiao Ze who was sitting not far away with his phone.    


Lu's mother had naturally met this future successor of the Qiao family in the business world. A gentle and refined man was outstanding in all aspects. She did not expect that he was actually a friend of her family's good Daughter-in-law.    


When Lu's mother looked towards Qiao Ze who was not far away, she also saw Qiao Ze looking towards Gu Xirann. Lu's mother only took a glance and immediately understood.    


Her heart could not help but thump and became anxious for her son.    


One look and she knew that this Qiao family's brat liked her family's obedient Daughter-in-law. It seemed that when she returned home, she still had to teach this brat a lesson. In the future, love your wife well and never let other men have the opportunity to take advantage of her.    


Otherwise, if good Daughter-in-law was lost, he would see if she did not find him to settle accounts with!    


"16 million!"    


Qiao Ze put away his phone and spoke again in the direction of the stage.    


Gu Xirann became anxious when she heard Qiao Ze's voice.    


Was Qiao Ze crazy? She had clearly texted him and told him not to bid. Why did he call again?    


"Seventeen million!" Gu Xiyun had already made up her mind in her heart. It must be Gu Xirann, this slut, who made Qiao Ze bid against her on purpose. She was also angry in her heart.    


She called out a high price once again.    


To be honest, the painting technique of Angel that was not considered mature was indeed not worth this price.    


"18 million!" Qiao Ze was silent for a long time, then he called out another bid.    


"Nineteen million!" Gu Xiyun followed closely behind, not willing to give in at all.    


After being called nineteen million, Gu Xiang could no longer hold it in anymore. He glared at Gu Xiyun angrily.    


"Gu Xiyun, your brain must have been squeezed by the door!" Gu Xiang had always loved this little girl. This was the first time he had scolded her in public. He showed such an expression to Gu Xiyun, the daughter that he had always doted on.    


For a moment, Gu Xiyun, who had been overwhelmed by jealousy, suddenly woke up. She realized what she had done and realized that the price had been raised to 19 million. She also panicked in her heart.    


She had only brought 10 million in total and she did not have much. Most of it was her mother's. It was all for the sake of this painting.    


But who would have thought that the price would double and rise to nineteen million? Gu Xiyun was completely stunned when she regained her senses.    


"Dad, I, I. . . " Gu Xiyun could not help but panic in her heart. Seeing her father's disappointed look, she also felt upset in her heart.    


"Alright, now shut up and wait for the other party to bid. After the other party bids, you are not allowed to bid anymore!"    


Gu Xiang saw that the other party kept bidding and thought that the other party also wanted this painting, so he warned Gu Xiyun fiercely.    


"I know, Father!"    


Hearing Gu Xiang's words, Gu Xiyun quietly sat down and waited for the other party to bid.    


She kept praying in her heart, praying for him to bid quickly.    


However, as time passed, Qiao Ze had no intention of bidding anymore.    


"19,000,000 going once!"    


On the stage, the host was looking at Gu Xiyun's side. "May I ask if anyone else here wants to bid? 1. 9 million going twice!"    


At this moment, Gu Xiyun and Yuh Qingfen's hearts and souls were about to be shocked out of their wits. They could only hope that Qiao Ze would bid faster and stop playing around. They were afraid that they would have a heart attack in the next second.    


"19,000,000 thrice!"    


However, Yuh Qingfen and Gu Xiyun's prayers were destined not to be heard by the heavens. They could only hear the host's voice coming from the top of the stage.    


"Congratulations to this lady for successfully filming Dawn's' Angel '!"    


Looking at the congratulatory face of the host, Gu Xiyun's face was filled with anger. She wished that she could directly shoot that painting on the host's face.    


Nineteen million. She actually spent nineteen million to bid for a painting that normally only cost a few hundred thousand or a few million.    


At this moment, not to mention Gu Xiang being angry, even Gu Xiyun herself was very angry. A pair of resentful eyes fiercely glared in Gu Xirann's direction.    


Gu Xirann, it must be her. She must have planned this long ago. It was intentional. She deliberately raised the price but in the end, she gave up. It was to make her lose face.    


"Mom, mom, what should we do? Nineteen million. What should we do? It must be Gu Xirann and that Qiao Ze's plot. They did it on purpose!"    


Gu Xiyun had spent nineteen million for nothing. Her heart was filled with anger.    


But if Gu Xiyun found out about that later, she would spend it on herself. The painting that was buried with nineteen million was actually drawn by Gu Xirann, who she looked down on the most and was the most jealous of. She did not know what kind of expression she had on her face.    


"Little Yun, don't be anxious. Later, you must tell your father that your father loves you the most. He will definitely not ignore us!"    


Yuh Qingfen had no other choice. She had already given Xiao Yun a lot of her money before, and that was how she got the ten million. Who would have thought that there would be such a huge trap waiting for them in this auction? The mother and daughter were completely finished.    


Gu Xiyun gritted her teeth. She also did not expect that she would actually lose so much face in front of Gu Xirann.    


Not only was Gu Xiyun surprised, Gu Xirann was also very surprised in her heart.    


Initially, she thought that this Qiao Ze had gone crazy and kept taking pictures of this painting. Now, Gu Xirann finally understood.    


She looked at Gu Xiyun and Yuh Qingfen who were flustered and exasperated not far away. She understood in her heart that Qiao Ze had deliberately dug a pit for Gu Xiyun. And this hole! It was Gu Xiyun who jumped on her own. It was really funny.    


As if he could feel the joy in Gu Xirann's heart, Qiao Ze, who was sitting not far away, could not help but look towards Gu Xirann and smile warmly.    


Gu Xirann looked at Qiao Ze's smile and could not help but sigh helplessly.    


The interaction between the two happened to be seen by another person not far away and could not help but snort in disdain.    


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