Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2798 Successor Chapter Three Former Secret Two

C2798 Successor Chapter Three Former Secret Two

"Well, I'll talk to him next time!" Gu Xirann casually said.    


"So this is not brother-in-law. When I came out just now, I saw that this gentleman was so good to sister. I thought he was brother-in-law!" Gu Xiyun looked at the soldiers and had an embarrassed smile on her face. She looked at Gu Xirann and said.    


Gu Xirann did not have a good expression on her face towards Gu Xiyun. When she heard Gu Xiyun's words, she also chose to ignore it.    


On the side, the expression on Gu Xiang's face also became slightly ugly. He looked at Gu Xiyun with a warning look.    


Usually, he felt that the little girl was quite sensible. Why did this little girl become more and more unclear recently?    


This person was eldest young master Lu's man. If these words reached eldest young master Lu's ears, he would even think that her Gu family's daughter was uncultured.    


Gu Xiyun acted as if she did not see her father's warning look.    


The soldier at the side was already somewhat embarrassed as he explained, "You must be joking. I was only following Captain Lu's instructions to send Sister-in-law over!"    


When Gu Xiyun heard Captain Lu calling her by this name, at first, she was still unable to react in time. Then, she thought that it should be Lu Qingtian.    


She was used to talking about eldest young master Lu, but when she heard Captain's name, she really couldn't react in time.    


He heard that the Lu family were all high ranking disciples. Lu Qingtian also held a high position in the army, but he didn't expect it to be true.    


Gu Xiyun looked at Gu Xirann with even more jealousy.    


"Sister-in-law, I will go back first. I still need to return to the army and report to Captain. If you return to Lu Residence, I will drive over to pick you up!"    


The soldier handed the few boxes in his hands to the servant who came out and said to Gu Xirann.    


"Okay, sorry to bother you. You can go back first!"    


Gu Xirann was also a little embarrassed and made the other person come all the way here again.    


After the soldier left, Gu Xiang brought Gu Xirann into the house. Yuh Qingfen and Gu Xiyun, the mother and daughter, reluctantly followed behind him.    


The mother and daughter were a little stiff because of what happened earlier. They also looked at each other with terrible expressions.    


Gu Xirann was not affected by Yuh Qingfen and Gu Xiyun at all. After entering the house, Gu Zirui had already run down from upstairs and quickly rushed into Gu Xirann's arms.    


"Elder sister, you finally came to see me!" Gu Zirui also missed Gu Xirann. After saying that, he looked behind Gu Xirann a few more times as if he was looking for someone.    


Gu Xirann naturally knew who Gu Zirui was looking for. She could not help but smile and shake her head at Gu Zirui, meaning that Little Treasure did not come.    


Gu Zirui was smart. When he saw his sister's actions, he could not help but feel a little disappointed.    


He had a lot of items and still wanted to bring Little Treasure along to play. It seemed that he could only wait for the next time.    


"Dad, I'll bring sister upstairs first. I have something to show sister!" When Gu Xirann arrived, Gu Zirui immediately seized it. He pulled Gu Xirann and ran upstairs.    


"Go, go. Dad will bring the fruits upstairs for you later!" Gu Xiang waved his hand and was happy to see the siblings.    


Then he went to the kitchen happily and asked the servants to cut two plates of fruits. He directly sent the two plates of fruits upstairs.    


Gu Xiyun looked at her father who was busy going in and out and the jealousy in her heart became even stronger.    


After looking at the time, she took out her phone and called her big brother.    


"Big brother, how long until you get home!"    


"How long before you get home?" Gu Jingheng's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Didn't you say you would take a break to go home last time? My sister came home today. Dad told you to go home for dinner. I thought you were back. Come back quickly!"    


"Xirann went back to the Gu residence?" Gu Jingheng was a little surprised when he heard Gu Xirann went back to the Gu residence.    


"Yes, sister is back. She even carried a lot of big and small bags. Dad is very happy!" Gu Xiyun's face carried a happy expression and a smile, but her heart was already about to go crazy with jealousy.    


The smile on her face was as brilliant as the jealousy and hatred in her heart.    


"She. . . Came back alone?"    


Gu Jingheng thought for a while and asked.    


"Of course. Sister came back alone. Brother-in-law said he was busy and did not come back. Brother, are you back?" Gu Xiyun asked.    


"Yes, I will go back later!" Gu Jingheng's faint voice was heard.    


Gu Xiyun heard that Gu Jingheng was coming back, but her expression was exceptionally happy.    


"Then I will tell dad and the others that everyone will be very happy when you come back!"    


Reality proved that the only one who was really happy was Gu Xiang. When he saw his elder daughter coming back, his face was full of smiles, and he was in a very good mood.    


Yuh Qingfen rarely came back after hearing that her eldest son had moved out of the Gu family. Today, she had to come back for dinner, and there was a forced smile on her face. She could finally see what was going on.    


No matter how much Gu Xiyun envied and hated Gu Xirann in her heart, her ability to disguise was still not small.    


Of course, other than that, Gu Zirui was probably the happiest person in the entire Gu family.    


However, she still felt a little regretful that she did not see Little Treasure.    


Gu Jingheng finished his work and drove to the Gu family's restaurant.    


After entering the door, he saw Gu Xiyun and Yuh Qingfen sitting in the living room and asked, "Why are there only the two of you here?"    


Gu Jingheng looked at his mother and sister and asked.    


"Big brother, you are back!" Gu Xiyun saw Gu Jingheng and immediately revealed a big smile on her face, then said.    


"Big sister is with Zirui in his room. Dad is arranging it in the kitchen!"    


Gu Jingheng nodded. "Yes, I will go up and change my clothes!"    


Although Gu Jingheng moved out, the Gu family still retained his original room. He left some things here in case he came over to stay with his family for the night.    


Gu Jingheng's room happened to be next to Gu Zirui's room. If he wanted to go to his own room, he would pass by Gu Zirui's room.    


Just as he walked to the staircase, Gu Jingheng heard Gu Xirann's soft and soft voice coming from Gu Zirui's room. It was mixed with a bit of a happy smile. Gu Jingheng was slightly stunned and stood at the door of Gu Zirui's room for a while.    


The two people in the room did not notice him. Gu Jingheng looked at the whispering conversation between Gu Xirann and Gu Zirui in the room. The atmosphere between the siblings was very good. Both of them sat on the carpet with a small piece of the puzzle that had been pieced together in the middle.    


Gu Xirann looked up from time to time to look at Gu Zirui with a loving and gentle smile on her face.    


Seeing that gentle smile, Gu Jingheng's eyes slightly deepened.    


In his memory, he had almost forgotten when Gu Xirann smiled at him in such a gentle way. He only knew that it was already very far away from now.    


Five years ago, six years ago, even earlier.    


When he made a mistake and Gu Xirann left Z Country. . . In all these years, he had not been happy for a single day. He always felt as if he was carrying a heavy sin on his shoulders and that life was boring.    


Perhaps Gu Xirann's departure had also caused his heart to completely die.    


It was also at that moment that he suddenly realized that he had already deeply loved that little girl.    


It was a pity that all his mistakes had already been made, and he could no longer beg her for anything.    


Gu Jingheng stood at the door for a long time before he lifted his foot and walked past Gu Zirui's door to his own room.    


As soon as Gu Jingheng left, Gu Xirann seemed to have sensed something. She looked towards the door and saw nothing. Then she lowered her head and continued playing with Gu Zirui.    


Gu Jingheng returned to his room and went to the bathroom to wash his cold face. He let his head go empty for a while.    


After such a long time, every time he saw her, the love buried deep in his heart would surge like the ocean, and it would go out of control.    


So he tried his best not to pay attention to everything about Gu Xirann, but even if he did not pay attention to it, he still could not control the yearning in his heart, especially when it was late at night.    


He admitted his softness and failure, and he could not even apologize to her face to face. He was afraid to see the hatred and disgust on Gu Xirann's face.    


That pair of eyes from five years ago that were filled with hatred and hatred was still lingering in his mind until now. Even though he had nightmares now, he would often think of that pair of eyes.    


That pair of eyes that would often wake him up from nightmares!    


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