Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2871 Successor Chapter Three Original Unforgiven Five

C2871 Successor Chapter Three Original Unforgiven Five

"Fu Yu, don't bother me. I'll hire a babysitter for you until your hands are good. This is my bottom line. As for other things, we better not get involved too much!"    


After Fong Qianru finished speaking, she ignored the coldness on Fu Yu's face and walked towards the elevator step by step with the bag in her hand.    


After Fong Qianru walked for a long distance, Fu Yu asked.    


The low and hoarse voice did not sound very good. It was dry and painful.    


"Is it that no matter what I do, you don't want me anymore?"    


Fong Qianru's walking figure paused for a moment. When she heard Fu Yu's words, her face showed some struggle. Then, she returned to her cold look. She said in a cold voice. "Yes!"    


"I got it now!"    


Fu Yu laughed bitterly at himself.    


Got it?    


What did he know?    


Fong Qianru stood still for a moment, then she revealed a self-deprecating sneer on her face and walked towards the elevator entrance again.    


No matter what he knew, it would no longer matter from now on.    


Many things should have ended and she should not have come this time. But since she had come, it was good that she could settle this matter.    


At least, without thinking, there would be no hope. She could also not miss and hope!    


The elevator door opened and Fong Qianru walked into the elevator. The elevator door closed and Fu Yu stood there quietly. He watched Fong Qianru completely disappear at the end of the corridor. It was as if the blood in his body had been forcefully pulled away. It made his heart ache so much that it almost suffocated him.    


It was as if he had made this matter very bad again.    


It was as if she really could not forgive herself anymore. No matter what she did or said, she didn't want her anymore.    


Then what was the point of him being a walking corpse?    


In the past, he didn't understand love, and he had never loved anyone before. According to his parents' arrangement, he would marry a wife of equal status, give birth to an heir that the family needed, and then live a peaceful life.    


No waves, no waves, no waves!    


However, only after experiencing the taste of love and understanding what it was like to truly love someone would he be unwilling to live a dull life like this.    


He broke free from all the shackles. By the time he came to his senses, he had already thought of that person as someone he did not love. However, he had unknowingly deeply fallen in love with her.    


No matter how hard he tried to make up for it, it seemed like there was no way to make the woman he loved turn back.    


Fu Yu did not return to the ward. Instead, he leaned against the wall with a slightly tired body. His pale and dispirited face was filled with indescribable bitterness and gloominess. It was as if the only light in his life had disappeared. From now on, his world was filled with darkness!    


The phone in his pocket kept vibrating. The phone kept ringing. Fu Yu was completely empty, as if he did not notice anything. He just stared at the white wall in front of him indifferently. His mind was empty.    


After a while, he came back to his senses. He took out his phone from his bag mechanically and looked at the caller ID on the screen. Fu Yu hung up the phone and turned it off quickly.    


He put the phone back into his pocket and walked towards the elevator.    


No one cared about the woman they loved. It didn't matter if the hand was good or not.    


The indifferent Fu Yu left the hospital.    


He did not notice that in a dark corner at the corner of the hospital, there was a figure half squatting. His entire face was buried in his arm. There was a soft sobbing sound, but it was very small.    


Fong Qianru knew that this time, it was really impossible for them to do it again.    


She felt an indescribable sadness in her heart, but she knew that if this relationship was destined to not be happy, then she should not start. There were too many things between the two of them. In the end, the two of them would only be exhausted.    


It was better not to start now. At least they could give each other some beautiful thoughts.    


Fong Qianru did not know how long she cried before she tidied up her emotions. She shakily supported herself against the wall and stood up. She squatted for too long and her legs were so numb that she almost could not stand stably.    


After a long while, Fong Qianru finally got a taxi and left. Before she left, she could not help but look at the few floors at the top of the hospital building.    


. . .    


Gu Xirann's class was in the afternoon. After lunch, Lu Qingtian drove Gu Xirann to the beauty department.    


"It will be a while before I finish class. What are you going to do? Why don't you come to my office?" Gu Xirann looked at Lu Qingtian and asked.    


"I'm not going. I have something to do later. I need you to go to the director's office. Go to class and send me a message when it's over!"    


Lu Qingtian said to Gu Xirann while driving the car seriously.    


"Why are you going to the director's office? Let me make it clear in advance. Don't be formalistic. I don't need the director to take care of me. " Gu Xirann looked at Lu Qingtian seriously and said.    


Lu Qingtian smiled and had a pampering and proud look on his face. "How is that possible? My baby is so good and obedient. He has always relied on his own strength to speak!"    


"His mouth is so sweet!" Gu Xirann smiled. She suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.    


Her identity was directly exposed. Although Gu Xirann said that she did not care much about it, she was still somewhat worried when she went to school.    


Along the way, her mood was also a little nervous and tense.    


Now that she was talking to Lu Qingtian like this, she felt much more relaxed.    


"Is there any reward?" Lu Qingtian reached out his other hand and put it on the back of the woman's head, then gently rubbed it.    


"There is, there is. I will reward you with a kiss!"    


After Gu Xirann finished speaking, she pulled Lu Qingtian's hand over, lowered her head, and kissed the back of Lu Qingtian's hand.    


"It's not enough to carry it with your own hands!" Lu Qingtian glanced at his shy little wife, whose face was slightly red, and said with a smile.    


"Then what else do you want? Lu Qingtian, don't push your luck!" Gu Xirann puffed up her cheeks and blushed.    


"Let me tell you what a real kiss is!"    


Lu Qingtian laughed in a low voice. In the next second, the car stopped by the roadside. He stretched out his hand and pressed the woman's head over. He lowered his head and kissed Gu Xirann hard. He gave her a passionate French kiss.    


Lu Qingtian only let go of Gu Xirann after Gu Xirann's big teary eyes disturbed him.    


He knew that the little girl was going to class later, so he didn't dare to bully her too much.    


But even so, Gu Xirann's lips were red and swollen.    


Anyone who saw her would want to commit a crime.    


However, under Gu Xirann's tearful eyes, Lu Qingtian still controlled himself.    


"If you want a reward next time, this is the only way. Remember!"    


Lu Qingtian rubbed his wife's head. He felt that her teary little face looked even more tender and sweet. He wanted to pull her along and bully her.    


"Lu Qingtian, you beast!" Gu Xirann stared at Lu Qingtian and complained.    


"I am just telling you what the right kiss is like!"    


“. . . ”    


After the couple arrived at school, Lu Qingtian's car drove straight to Gu Xirann's office downstairs. He said something to his wife before he left and drove towards the dean's office.    


Gu Xirann watched the black car leave before carrying her bag and walking into the building in front of her.    


Fortunately, there weren't many people coming and going outside the office. Some people came out and saw her. Originally, they were slightly surprised, but then they greeted her warmly.    


When Gu Xirann finally entered her office, she let out a sigh of relief.    


"Oh, look who will come. Our First Young Madam is back!"    


Other than those who went to class, the rest of the colleagues in the office were all there. When they saw Gu Xirann enter, they naturally started to tease her.    


Gu Xirann's red face turned red as she smiled at the colleagues who were joking. "Stop messing around. Do you still want to have a big meal tonight?"    


"Yes, I do. Young Madam, are you thirsty? Let me pour some water for you!"    


"Young Madam, are you tired? Why don't I help you knock your legs!"    


"Come, come, come, Young Madam. I'll give you a soft shoulder!"    


. . . "" Gu Xirann looked at the few colleagues in front of her who were joking with her and felt extremely helpless. "Don't say anymore. Otherwise, the feast will really fly!"    


"Alright, alright. Stop messing around. Look, Teacher Gu's face is red!"    


"Ms Gu, there is still a feast!"    


"Ms Gu is the most generous. How can there not be a big meal!"    


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