Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2991 Successor Chapter 3 Accident 5

C2991 Successor Chapter 3 Accident 5

Gu Xirann's car had just driven out of the city center's road when the congested cars in the surroundings immediately decreased by quite a bit.    


On the way, Lu Qingtian also called. But it was Lin's call.    


"Young master, yes, please wait a moment!"    


After Lin answered the call, he said a few words and handed the phone to Gu Xirann, who was sitting in the backseat, and said respectfully, "First Young Madam, the Young Master wants you to answer the phone!"    


Gu Xirann was slightly puzzled why he did not call her and instead called Lin.    


However, she still took the phone and put it beside her ear. Lu Qingtian's familiar voice immediately came from the other side of the phone.    


"Where are you now?"    


Lu Qingtian's voice was still cold and indifferent. After listening carefully, Gu Xirann actually found some traces of carefulness and fear in it. She could not help but frown and say.    


"It's in the middle of the city!"    


"Is it okay? Is it safe along the way?"    


Lu Qingtian's words made Gu Xirann even more puzzled. But she still nodded. "It's safe. You gave me so many people to protect it. How could it not be safe?"    


Gu Xirann looked at a car behind her. That car was all sent to protect Gu Xirann.    


"It's good that you are safe. Give the phone to Lin. I have something to tell him!"    


"Okay, wait a moment!" Gu Xirann was even more confused, but she still handed the phone to Lin.    


"Young Master, it's me. Yes, okay, I got it!"    


After Lin received the phone, he listened to the orders of the young master on the other side of the phone. His expression could not help but become serious. Then, he answered respectfully. Before Lin hung up the phone, a black car in the middle of the road suddenly rushed towards the car Gu Xirann was in.    




With a heavy collision, Gu Xirann's entire body dashed forward. Her entire head crashed into the back of the chair in front of her without any hesitation, causing her to frown slightly in pain.    


"Rip -"    


A sharp sound rang in her ears and following the violent shaking, the car that Gu Xirann was sitting in suddenly sped up and sped forward.    


Although it was not small after being hit by the car on the side and hit the right side of the road, Lin's driving skills were not bad. After the car rushed over and hit the car, he used the momentum to accelerate the car and sent it flying. This also saved the car from the danger of being overturned.    


However, the car behind him did not have any intention of stopping. It quickly followed from behind.    


Lin paid attention to the situation behind him. His expression was solemn as he asked Gu Xirann about the situation behind him. "First Young Madam, are you alright? Are you alright?"    


Gu Xirann's head was a little dizzy at this moment, but when she heard Lin's words, she still replied. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me!"    




A cold and low voice came from the phone that had fallen to the ground after the collision, even though the voice was extremely soft. However, at this moment, Lin and Gu Xirann held their breaths in the car. Lu Qingtian's voice was especially clear and pleasant to the ear.    


"Xi Xi, how are you?"    


"I'm fine!" Gu Xirann wanted to reach the phone that was hit to the ground, but the car that was following closely behind was speeding over. Lin made a turn and Gu Xirann could only tightly pull on the handrail of one of the seats beside her. She did not dare to move again as she was afraid that the car behind her would hit her again and hurt her. He couldn't hurt the baby in his belly.    


Regardless of Gu Xirann's exclamation, Lu Qingtian's expression was extremely ugly. Even the voice that came over carried a suppressed cold and ruthless aura.    




"Yes, Eldest Young Master. I'm here! Right now, the cars behind us are chasing us relentlessly. Although this road has already passed the city center section, there are many cars here. We can't avoid them at all! "    


Lin had a serious expression on his face. He held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and shouted at Lu Qingtian on the other side of the phone.    


"I will wait for you at Haide San Road. Drive over as fast as you can and let the car behind you block the car!"    


Lu Qingtian ordered coldly.    


"Yes, young master. I understand!"    


After Lin received Lu Qingtian's order, the whole car sped up in the direction of Haide San Road.    


At the same time, Lu Qingtian did not know how he got in touch with the car behind him. He only heard a low voice coming through the phone, and then he immediately ordered everything.    


When faced with such a situation, even though Gu Xirann pretended to be calm, she still felt a faint panic in her heart.    


In order to ensure that Gu Xirann would not be afraid, Lu Qingtian was even more reluctant to hang up the phone.    


Fortunately, when the car behind collided for the third time, another car that had been behind suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the second car.    


The car that was about to crash into Gu Xirann and the others immediately stopped. Its body shook from the impact. However, it only stopped for a moment before it sped towards the front.    


Gu Xirann frowned and looked at the two cars that were rapidly colliding behind them. She narrowed her eyes and there were enough scenes flashing in her mind. Then, she bit the corner of her lips and her eyes also carried a bit of coldness.    


The car behind kept colliding with the other party and rushed over to stop the other party from colliding with the car that Gu Xirann was sitting in.    


Fortunately, there was that car holding back the second car. Lin's car naturally had to be more relaxed, speeding up quickly. After a few turns, they had already entered the third lane of Hyde Road.    


Not long after, he saw Lu Qingtian's black, domineering off-road vehicle in front of him.    


Lin's car quickly drove to the side of Lu Qingtian's car. He said to Gu Xirann, who was sitting upright behind him, with a slightly pale face and a cold temperament.    


"First Young Madam, the young master is waiting for you in that car. You should go over now!"    


"Okay, be careful!"    


Gu Xirann gritted her teeth and let go of the handle in her hand. The moment the car stopped, she quickly opened the car door and walked out with the bag in her hand.    


At the same time, Lu Qingtian had already gotten out of the car. When he saw her get out, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly before getting into the car.    


"Are you alright?"    


Lu Qingtian's low and deep voice sounded by her ear. Gu Xirann's heart trembled when she heard it. She could not say what she felt in her heart. In the end, she nodded and said, "I'm alright!"    


"I'm sorry!" Lu Qingtian gently planted a kiss between Gu Xirann's brows and said deeply. His face was even more tense.    


"It's okay. It's good that you are here!" Gu Xirann looked at Lu Qingtian. Her face was the most tender and gentle. Lu Qingtian could not help but rub her into his arms when he saw her.    


But the current situation did not allow it. After letting go of her, he said in a deep voice.    


"Sit here obediently. I will go and drive!"    


"Okay, be careful!"    


Gu Xirann nodded. She knew what the situation was like now and could not help frowning as she reminded Lu Qingtian.    


"Don't worry. Your husband is not that weak. He is strong!"    


Lu Qingtian gently patted Gu Xirann's head. Then he climbed from the back seat to the front seat and sat down.    


As soon as he sat down, the black domineering off-road vehicle quickly drove forward.    


Fortunately, Gu Xirann's seatbelt was already on top of Lu Qingtian's. Even though Gu Xirann's sudden acceleration this time was not slow, Gu Xirann could still feel the man's concern for her.    


The disappointment in her heart that she had previously felt had also improved a lot.    


Lu Qingtian's black off-road vehicle sped away. The car that was originally slower than the second car also quickly caught up with them.    


When Lin saw the car, he quickly attacked the car from both sides, trying to force it to stop.    


However, the car seemed to have noticed their intention long ago.    


When Lin's car came up, it made a beautiful drift and avoided Lin's encirclement. It sped up and chased after Lu Qingtian and Gu Xirann's car.    


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