Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C729 Bai Jichen Is in Your Hands

C729 Bai Jichen Is in Your Hands

As soon as Lu Wenye received the message from Yung Mo, his worries for the past few days vanished. After confirming that Yung Mo was really alive and well, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Immediately, he brought his men and rushed to the location where Yung Mo had sent the message, preparing for a tough battle.    


At 9: 30 p. M. , the assault team led by Yung Mo split into two squadrons and started to attack the villa, rescuing the target hostages.    


The first group was led by Yung Mo, and the first group was led by Yeh Sha. The two groups started to attack from two different directions. Yung Mo's main task was to attract the firepower from all the ambush locations, and Yeh Sha's main task was to save Muh Jingyan and take her away.    


The entrance of the surprise attack by the two groups of people was the weakest place in the villa.    


As soon as the two groups entered, they quietly took care of one group of people. However, the sound of gunshots and gunfire became louder and louder, instantly alarming the snipers and bodyguards who were lying in ambush around the villa.    


Even Qin Yunkai walked out of the villa. When he smelled the strong smell of gunpowder in the air, his eyes turned cold.    


"Sir, it's Yung Mo. It's Yung Mo's men who are attacking us. It seems that the two men who were beaten into a hornet's nest were sent by Yung Mo to test us. " Mr. Fu said.    


"Find someone to take Yanyan away. This place has been exposed. Let your men attack Yung Mo. Kill him!"    


Qin Yunkai's gloomy voice sounded out from his mouth coldly. There was ruthlessness in his ruthless eyes.    


"Yes, I will go immediately!" Mr. Fu nodded his head immediately after he heard that.    


"Wait a minute. . . " Qin Yunkai suddenly stopped Mr. Fu and whispered something into his ear.    


"Okay, I understand. Don't worry, sir. "    


"I want you to go in person!" Qin Yunkai said in a deep voice.    


"Yes!" Mr. Fu knew that this was the most important matter, so he didn't dare delay any longer. He responded and left quickly.    


The firepower outside the mansion was getting more and more intense, and the smell of gunpowder around the mansion was getting stronger and stronger.    


With such a strong gunshot, Muh Jingyan, who was planning to sleep in the room, naturally heard it clearly. When she heard the gunshot, Muh Jingyan suddenly sat up from the bed.    


She did not have the strength to sit up in one go and was not as agile as before. However, she still got off the bed and staggered to the window to look at the night sky outside.    


In the darkness, she could see a few red dots aimed at by sniper rifles, and the smell of smoke coming from outside the window.    


Gunshots. Could it be that Yung Mo was here? Was it Mo? Did he come to find her?    


Muh Jingyan suddenly felt happy. She had been thinking of ways to leave this place these few days. She did not expect Yung Mo to suddenly come. When she thought about Yung Mo coming over and Qin Yunkai's means, she knew that they had been deceived by him in the past. At this moment, she naturally wanted to inform Yung Mo.    


Her cold eyes slightly narrowed as she roughly scanned the movement below. Under the night sky, Muh Jingyan could also see it clearly.    


Suddenly, there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the door. With a bang, Muh Jingyan's door was opened. Mr. Fu walked up with a few bodyguards and saw Muh Jingyan standing by the window. He suddenly said in a deep voice.    


"Miss Dongfang, we have offended you. We need to take you away for the time being!"    


"Did Qin Yunkai ask you to do this?" Muh Jingyan looked at Mr. Fu and the bodyguard standing behind him. Her eyes became colder and colder. Her soft hands were pinching her thighs behind her back. She wanted to use this kind of self-harming method to make herself have some strength to fight against the person in front of her.    


At least she should insist that Yung Mo come and save her.    


"It is Sir's order. Miss Dongfang need not go through all the trouble. You do not have any strength left in you right now. It is impossible to buy time. Invite the young lady away!"    


Mr. Fu said. He then ordered his subordinates behind him.    


Two of his men immediately walked towards Muh Jingyan.    


Muh Jingyan's face darkened as she coldly watched the two bodyguards walk over. Her body stepped back step by step. Knowing that there was no way out when she reached the window, she looked at Mr. Fu and the others coldly and said.    


"If you want to take away a corpse, come near me and try!" Muh Jingyan pinched her thigh for a long time, but there was still no reaction. Her heart sank more and more. Damn Qin Yunkai, she did not know what kind of thing had injected her. How could it be so powerful?    


Muh Jingyan originally wanted to use this method to buy time, but Mr. Fu just smiled and looked at Muh Jingyan with confidence.    


"Sir said that if you don't want to leave, let me tell you that eldest young master Bai is in our hands. As long as you are willing to leave, I will bring you to see him!"    


"What? Bai Yichen is in your hands?"    


Muh Jingyan could not help but feel cold when she heard Mr. Fu's words.    


Whether it was her people, Yung Mo's people, or the people from the Dongfang and Bai Family who had been looking for Bai Yichen for so long, they had not received any news about him. However, Qin Yunkai actually said that Bai Yichen was in his hands. Was this possible?    


Muh Jingyan's shocked mind only lasted for two seconds. Then, she quickly came back to her senses and asked Mr. Fu coldly.    


"How would I know if he is in your hands? What if you want to use Bai Yichen to take me away?"    


Muh Jingyan's quick recovery made Mr. Fu look at her in a new light. He nodded slightly in his heart. He had already known that this young lady from the Dongfang family was very powerful. He didn't expect her to have such an extraordinary mind and character. If she was really with their teacher, she would be a perfect match.    


"I knew you would be suspicious. Take a look at this!"    


Mr. Fu took out an envelope from his suit pocket and showed it to Muh Jingyan.    


Muh Jingyan took the envelope and only took a glance at it before her face immediately sank. A few sharp blade lights broke out from the bottom of her cold eyes.    


Qin Yunkai actually grabbed Bai Yichen!    


"Now, Miss Dongfang is willing to leave or not. If young lady is not willing, I'm afraid eldest young master Bai will. . . "    


If Mr. Fu was always dangerous to Muh Jingyan, Muh Jingyan would naturally disdain him. There would never be anything that could threaten her.    


However, it was different this time. Bai Yichen had saved her life before. She could not let Bai Yichen be in any more danger. Even if she was unwilling, she still had to agree.    


She believed that Yung Mo would still find her even if she was thirty years old and was taken away. She believed in him!    


She had always had the trust between lovers!    


Muh Jingyan's eyes darkened and she looked coldly at Mr. Fu. "Alright, take me to see him. If you dare lie to me, I will kill you!"    


Muh Jingyan's last sentence was filled with bloodthirsty killing intent and coldness.    


Seeing Muh Jingyan agree, Mr. Fu finally felt relieved. He gave his subordinate a look and let his subordinate quickly take Muh Jingyan away from the room.    


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