Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C556 It Was Warm in the Rain

C556 It Was Warm in the Rain

I don't know how long the car stopped, but it started raining, and the phone in my pocket rang.    


"What's up, Yundi?"    


"Wenye, is Qianqian still with you?" On the other side of the phone, Leng Yundi's voice sounded a little worried.    


"No. I wanted to send her back. But she said she wanted to buy something. So I put her down. She hasn't gone back yet? " Lu Wenye lowered his head and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was getting late.    


Logically speaking, it should not be too early. Qianqian should have gone back by now. Furthermore, it was raining heavily. She was worried that she should have sent Qianqian home.    


"No, you don't have to worry. I will wait for her downstairs. She should be fine. You should be busy first!" Leng Yundi said in a relaxed manner, but even he could not hide the trace of worry in his heart.    


"Okay. Call me if you need anything. "    


Lu Wenye frowned and hung up the phone.    


Leng Yundi could not sit still on the other end of the phone. He looked at the rain outside the window, which was getting heavier and heavier. He looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock. He did not know what the woman wanted to buy at night. She was in such a hurry that she still did not want to go home.    


After pacing back and forth in the study for a while, she became more and more irritated in her heart. She might as well go downstairs and wait downstairs.    


During this period of time, his parents had all gone out, and the servants were also on vacation by Leng Yundi. In the entire villa, only Leng Yundi and Leng Qianqian were left living. Originally, although Leng Qianqian's relationship with them was strange, she still felt a little angry.    


But tonight, that woman still did not come back. Even the entire villa felt a little unbearable.    


At this moment, Leng Qianqian, who was still on the street, had no way to return home. She originally only wanted to wander on the street for a while and didn't want to go back so early to meet that person. She just didn't expect that in just a short while, the sky wouldn't be beautiful and it actually started to rain.    


Helpless, she could only run to the door of a 24-hour convenience store to avoid the rain.    


"Eh, Miss Leng, why are you still here so late?"    


A clear voice suddenly came from the entrance of the convenience store.    


"Director Du, so it's you. What a coincidence!"    


Leng Qianqian turned around and saw a familiar face. She smiled and greeted him.    


"Yes, it is quite a coincidence. Are you avoiding the rain because it is raining?" Looking at the drifting rain outside, the young and handsome youth asked.    




Leng Qianqian did not work in Leng's Group after she came back. Instead, she went to another company. The young and handsome young man in front of her was indeed Leng Qianqian's boss.    


In the company, Leng Qianqian had always been an ice beauty. Her face, which had not changed for tens of thousands of years, had some melancholy on it. She was also beautiful. She had always been the crush of many male colleagues.    


"Let's go. I'll send you back. My car was just nice there. Take this umbrella. I'll drive the car over and you can come up again!" Du Qirui had a good impression of this clean girl in front of him.    


"No need to trouble me. I'll go back after the rain stops!"    


Leng Qianqian politely refused.    


"It is not summer when it rains in late autumn. It comes and goes quickly. It is too cold to wait. Take it!" Du Qirui forcefully stuffed the umbrella into Leng Qianqian's hands as he spoke.    


"What about you?" Leng Qianqian looked at the umbrella in her hand and looked at Du Qirui.    


"I am a man. It's okay to rain a little. " Du Qirui smiled politely and did not mind. His tall body rushed into the rain and ran towards the car parked on the side of the road.    


After a while, the car arrived in front of Leng Qianqian. Leng Qianqian was slightly stunned. It was not until Du Qirui pressed the horn that Leng Qianqian came back to her senses. She held up the umbrella and sat in the front passenger seat.    


"Here, wipe it!"    


Once Leng Qianqian got into the car, Du Qirui handed her a clean towel.    


"Thank you, Director Du!" Leng Qianqian was stunned for a moment and thanked him. She took the towel and wiped her wet dress.    


"It is now time to get off work. You don't have to be so polite with me. If you don't mind, you can call me Qirui!" Du Qirui gave a bright and gentle smile. He looked at Leng Qianqian beside him and saw the alienation in her eyes. He did not mind.    


"This is not good!"    


"What's wrong? I am your boss in the company. We are friends after work. We have a good relationship. Come, drink some warm milk to warm up your body. Be careful of catching a cold when it rains for a long time!"    


Lu Qirui took out a warm milk and habit from the fridge in the backseat and handed it to Leng Qianqian. He was considerate.    


"Is Director Du always like this to girls?"    


Seeing the considerate look of the man beside her, Leng Qianqian did not want to refuse. She asked with a smile, and her expression was a little gentle.    


"That also depends on who the target is, right?" The man smiled gently. That refined temperament was somewhat breathtaking.    


Leng Qianqian smiled and did not say anything. She drank a mouthful of the warm milk in her hands. Her originally cold body, which was drenched in the rain, finally warmed up a little.    


"Where do you live? I will send you back. "    


"Jianye Park!"    


Du Qirui was slightly stunned when he heard the words "Jianye Park. " He looked at Leng Qianqian beside him and sized her up. There was still a gentle smile on his face. It was not annoying at all.    


The car slowly started up and ran through the rainy night towards the end of the road.    


"Listen to what?" Du Qirui suddenly asked.    




Hearing Leng Qianqian's words, Du Qirui put a piano disc into it. The soothing piano music immediately flowed out, giving people a kind of gentleness.    


"I thought you would ask me something. " Leng Qianqian listened to the music and looked at the dazzling lights outside the window. She could not help but tease.    


"What do you want me to ask you? Why is a small employee of the company able to live in a villa with hundreds of millions of yuan?" Du Qirui's gentle and refined voice was heard. There was a hint of a smile on his face. It was a genuine smile without any falsehood.    


Du Qirui's family background was not bad, and his company was in the property industry. Naturally, he also knew about the Jiaye Grand Garden. There were more than a hundred million villas and mansions inside, and ordinary people could not afford to buy them.    


"It's nothing!"    


Leng Qianqian had a good impression of Du Qirui. However, that kind of good impression was different from that of a relationship between a man and a woman.    


After that, the two of them chatted happily on the way. Du Qirui stayed abroad to study and was very knowledgeable. Talking together could give Leng Qianqian a different harvest, and Du Qirui always had the temperament of a big brother, which made Leng Qianqian feel a lot more at ease.    


They drove all the way into Jiaye Park and stopped in front of a villa.    


"Alright. I'm home. Thank you for taking me home. I'll treat you to dinner another day as a gift for tonight! "    


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