Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C3067 Inheritor 3 Everyone's Eyes Were on Him

C3067 Inheritor 3 Everyone's Eyes Were on Him

"Next, let us invite the winner of the Golden Award of the International Arts Competition, Dawn!"    


As the host's voice fell, the entire studio fell silent.    


Following that, exclamations sounded one after another.    


"Dawn, it's really Dawn. Is Dawn here? She's not here, is she?"    


"My God, my idol, the Golden Award! Happy!"    


"This painting of 'Rebirth' is really good. It's really popular to receive the Golden Award. I just don't know if Chenxi is here or not. It seems that Chenxi has never appeared in public before!"    


"I paid special attention to it today, but I didn't see Chenxi. I guess she didn't come. Sigh, what a pity!"    


. . .    


Lu Qingtian and Gu Xirann sat in the front row. The intermittent discussions behind could still be heard by the two of them.    


Lu Qingtian squeezed the hand that was tightly held in his palm. Looking at the little girl beside him who was shocked and in disbelief, he could not help but laugh. "What's wrong? You are so scared that you went up to receive my award, Mrs. Lu!"    


Gu Xirann was indeed a little surprised. Although she knew that she was invited this time and should have a placing, she did not think that she would be invited. It was directly a gold award, which made her feel a little surprised and at the same time a little absent-minded!    


It was until a man's soft indulging voice came from beside her. And the warmth that came from the palm of her hand did Gu Xirann come back to her senses. She knew that everything in front of her was not a dream.    


Gu Xirann turned her head and looked at the man sitting beside her. The man was suppressing his nobility. At this moment, there was a faint smile on his handsome face as he looked at her with a smile. It was gentle and doting. Looking carefully, there seemed to be some pride in that smile.    


Gu Xirann blinked her eyes and slowly got up under Lu Qingtian's encouraging and proud smile. After that, she held the skirt with both hands and walked step by step towards the podium.    


A beam of light suddenly hit her body and moved along her moving figure bit by bit. At this moment, when the beam of light hit her body, the entire studio fell into a strange silence.    


Almost everyone looked at this side in disbelief. Seeing Gu Xirann step by step onto the stage, their eyes were filled with shock, disbelief, and astonishment. There were also some seniors in the circle who gave a satisfied smile because they knew Gu Xirann and nodded slightly.    


At this moment, all the light fell on Gu Xirann's body and destined her to be the center of attention!    


"What, this, isn't this first young madam of Lu family? What is her name Gu Xirann? Why did she go up?"    


"What? Chenxi is first young madam of Lu family and Gu Xirann? Oh my god, I didn't see wrongly, right?"    


"Unbelievable, this is too unbelievable. First young madam of Lu family is actually my idol that I have admired for a long time!"    


"She can obviously rely on her face to eat, but she used her talent to conquer me!"    


"It was all nine years of compulsory education. Why can first young madam of Lu family become my idol? I have decided that first young madam of Lu family will be my goddess from now on!"    


"You are not alone upstairs. Including me, line up below!"    


Below, voices rose and fell. After the initial shock and disbelief, it was full of admiration and amazement!    


There were many fans of Dawn in the studio, but it was because Dawn was too low-key and mysterious. So many people only remembered this genius painter, but had never seen him in person.    


But at this moment, when the real Dawn stood in front of everyone, after the initial shock, everyone felt that this was Dawn.    


Gu Xirann walked step by step to the center of the stage in front of everyone's eyes. The two hosts on the stage finally came back to their senses and in their eyes, it was the Kingdom of Dawn. There was still some lingering fear after being surprised, but their faces had already revealed smiles to congratulate her.    


"Finally meeting our God of Dawn, I didn't think that she would be so young and beautiful. She's simply the goddess in my heart!"    


The male host looked at Gu Xirann with a smile on his face.    


Below the stage, Lu Qingtian's cold gaze swept across the male host indifferently. No one was familiar with the male host and felt a chill on their backs.    


"I also didn't expect God Dawn to be so young and beautiful. Come, let's invite our guest presenter to present the award first. Let's talk later. I believe that everyone has a lot of questions in their hearts right now!"    


Gu Xirann looked at the two hosts' words. There was a faint smile on her delicate face. It was not flamboyant, but stunning, as if it was March's spring light that warmed the hearts of people.    


Lu Qingtian looked at the person who had received the trophy on the stage. He stared unblinkingly at the person who had received the trophy. He was reluctant to move away even half a step.    


It was as if the person in front of him had disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


The person who was receiving the spotlight at this moment was the pride and all the affection in his heart.    


It was a true love that he was willing to use his entire life to exchange for.    


Behind the woman was still the 'Rebirth', but he believed that no one else understood the hidden meaning of the painting better than him.    


The high mountains were in awe, the scenery was in line. Even though he could not come, his heart was filled with yearning!    


His little wife, despite suffering so much, was still full of sunshine in her heart. She had been positive, tough, and intelligent, and she yearned to be born!    


All of her suffering and suffering were for the sake of receiving this moment's attention.    


His little wife should have the best of everything, all of her efforts not in vain. She had previously gifted everything to the world, enduring everything in the world, and from now on, it would become the foundation of her growth. From then on, she would become more and more vigorous.    


What everyone saw was only her halo, and what he saw was her former forbearance and tenacity. It was all of her grievances and hardships.    


Lu Qingtian looked at Gu Xirann with a gaze that was as gentle as water.    


"Chenxi, now we want to interview you. Have you thought about getting this award?" After the guest presenter left, the two hosts came to Gu Xirann's side.    


Gu Xirann smiled slightly. Her exquisite face under the light was even more stunning.    


"I have thought of winning the award, but I have never thought that it would be a gold award. But it was not very surprising. I think all the effort is worth it! "    


"I don't think it's surprising for Dawn to win the Golden Award, but what's more shocking and unexpected is that. . . Chenxi herself is truly stunning to all of us. . . Because we all know your other identity, the Lu family's First Young Madam. But I never dared to imagine that you would be Dawn. Can you tell us why you have to keep such a low profile? Is it because you deliberately don't want everyone to know that you are the Dawn, or is it because of some other reason? "    


Gu Xirann kept smiling and only spoke after the host finished speaking.    


"It is not that I deliberately do not want everyone to know. It is just that I simply like to paint. I also did not think that there would really be so many people who like it. It is just that I do not like to appear in front of the public, but I did not say that I must deliberately hide my identity and do not want everyone to know. No!"    


"Then can you tell everyone why you want to use the name 'Dawn'? Is there any special name?"    


"My mother's name has the word Dawn, and my name has the word 'Dawn'. Dawn's Dawn uses its own name, and because my mother is related, I have the origin of this pen name, because I like painting because my mother likes painting!"    


"So that's how it is. Because of the time, let's ask a small question that everyone likes. The relationship between you and Master young master Lu is very deep. Everyone knows that you are very loving. We really want to know who was the one who chased after whom first. So that's how it is. Then, because of the time, let's ask a small question that everyone likes to ask. You and Master young master Lu have a very deep relationship. Everyone knows that you are very loving. We really want to know who chased after whom first. "    


Following the host's question, the entire stage was filled with screams and excitement. Even some of the people in the front row laughed and looked in Gu Xirann's direction.    


Gu Xirann was a little embarrassed and there was a bit of shyness in her eyes. She looked at Lu Qingtian who was sitting in the first row and saw the gentle and loving gaze of the man. Only then did she feel at ease.    




There was another scream and laughter. The host continued to ask, "Has young master Lu done anything that touched you?"    


"There are many, but I think the most touching thing to me is that whenever I need company, he will silently protect and accompany me, giving me all the tenderness and strength. Thank you, the person I love the most, and also thank everyone for liking my painting!"    


Gu Xirann looked at Lu Qingtian below and saw the faint smile on the man's lips. She could not help but blink.    


She was still in a trance when she got off the stage.    


Just as she walked over, Lu Qingtian had already stood up and hugged her tightly. He then brought her to the seat beside him and sat down.    


This loving scene was also captured by the camera and projected onto the big screen. Everyone present couldn't help but laugh and look at this side with envy.    


Those female artistes who previously secretly mocked Gu Xirann for being just a pretty vase were all slapped in the face one by one and their expressions were a little awkward.    


The others also went forward to congratulate her one by one.    


Gu Xirann's identity was the Lu family's First Young Madam, and now she was the genius painter, Chenxi. From this moment on, Gu Xirann's life would be completely different from the rest.    


The news about Gu Xirann, first young madam of Lu family, being a genius painter, was also directly put on the trending list of various entertainment forums. Along with it was the news of Gu Xirann winning the Golden Award of the International Arts Competition.    


It made her the number one on the trending charts in a short period of time. She was not inferior to those film kings and queens in the entertainment industry at all.    


At this moment, Gu Xiyun, who was staring intently at the television screen, gritted her teeth hard. She stared at the woman who was smiling elegantly on the television screen in disbelief. She felt that the woman's smile was an eyesore.    


Gu Xiyun's eyes were filled with ferocious killing intent. She wished that she could cut Gu Xirann's smiling face off the screen.    


She would never have thought that. . . That genius painter, Chenxi, was actually Gu Xirann.    


All of a sudden, Gu Xiyun remembered what happened a long time ago. She and her mother were directly kicked out of the art exhibition. At this moment, Gu Xiyun finally understood that all of this was actually done by Gu Xirann.    


It was really infuriating.    


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