Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C3032 Inheritor Three a Family of Four

C3032 Inheritor Three a Family of Four

Gu Xiaobao had already been brought to dinner by the servants on the island. Lu Qingtian brought Gu Xirann to the dining room for dinner.    


After dinner, the husband and wife went to take a look at Gu Xiaobao.    


Ever since they came to the island, Gu Xiaobao had a lot of fun. He did not bother Gu Xirann and Lu Qingtian, and there were people on the island watching. Basically, those who came to the island were strictly screened. The records of each person since they were young were all in Yung Mo's hands. They did not need to worry about what would happen to Gu Xiaobao in their hands.    


The husband and wife did not need to worry either.    


The island at night was exceptionally quiet. The entire island was flashing with lights. On both sides of the path paved with cobblestones. Lights were hung all over the flower beds and branches. At night, those lights were turned on one after another, illuminating the colorful and resplendent lights, making it look exceptionally beautiful.    


In the air. There was also the salty smell of the sea. The sound of the sea waves came from not far away. Looking from afar, the black sea looked especially deep and lonely at night, but it was surging with a suffocating fear.    


Gu Xirann did not like the sea at night. It was too scary. It was like a ferocious beast opening its huge mouth. If one was not careful, they would be directly swallowed.    


But at this moment, there was a man holding her tightly with his warm palm. He felt exceptionally at ease.    


His entire person was filled with a sense of security.    


Above his head was a sky full of stars and a cold bright moon. Such a starry sky was especially difficult to see in modern cities.    


"So beautiful!" Gu Xirann looked at the starry sky above her head and felt that it was too beautiful to accept.    


"Do you like it?"    


The man held her hand tightly and the warmth of his palm was constantly transmitted over.    


"Yes, I like it!" The corner of Gu Xirann's mouth slightly raised. Under the starlight, there was a pure and bright smile on her face. This kind of smile made people want to treasure it. It was so beautiful that it moved people's heart.    


Lu Qingtian had never thought of himself as an impulsive kid, but when he saw the smile on his wife's face, he felt that he could give anything for this smile.    


Even if he had to give his life to her!    


"The next time we go to the desert, the starry sky there will be even more beautiful!"    


Lu Qingtian just looked at the smile on his little wife's face and wished he could bring all the beautiful things in front of her.    


As long as she liked it!    


"Alright!" Gu Xirann had long wanted to go to the desert.    


She had heard that the starry sky in the desert was so beautiful that it made people feel intoxicated. It was just that she never had the chance and did not have the time.    


"You guys need inspiration to paint, right? In the future, I'll take some time to accompany you out for a walk!"    


"Won't this delay your work?" Gu Xirann naturally liked it. However, compared to Lu Qingtian's work, she was still unwilling to let him delay his work and accompany her.    


"It will not delay. I will arrange everything!"    


Lu Qingtian held Gu Xirann's hand and walked around the beach. After walking around for a long time, he held Gu Xirann's hand and went back to the castle.    


Gu Xirann went to Gu Xiaobao's room to see him first. The little person had already fallen asleep on the bed.    


Probably because she was tired from playing during the day, she slept earlier than usual at night.    


Gu Xirann covered him with the blanket, then closed the bedside lamp and walked out.    


Lu Qingtian saw Gu Xirann come in and waved at her, "Come here!"    


Gu Xirann walked in front of him and slightly raised her head to look at him, waiting for him to speak.    


"I'll give you a bath first and then swim with me, okay?"    


Lu Qingtian wrapped his arm around Gu Xirann's waist and said in a low voice.    


"I will wash myself!" Gu Xirann's face was slightly red as she looked at Lu Qingtian and said uneasily.    


Even though the two of them already had two children, Gu Xirann was still a little shy when it came to these matters.    


"I will help you wash it. I am afraid that you will slip. Don't worry, you are pregnant. I will not do anything!"    


Lu Qingtian looked at the shy little wife in his arms and could not help but smile helplessly.    


Gu Xirann could not compete with Lu Qingtian. She was carried into the bathroom to take a shower. The man who said he would not do anything in the end still made her feel sore and weak.    


The doctor said that it was fine as long as she was careful three months later!    


Gu Xirann felt that this man was a big tail wolf and would never believe the words of a man in the future.    


Compared to the fact that Gu Xirann was so tired that she didn't even want to move her fingers, Lu Qingtian was in high spirits. His face was full of satisfaction, and there was a satisfied smile on his handsome and noble face.    


He gently put the little girl in his arms on the bed, then went to find her a nightdress to wear. Outside the nightdress, he even draped a cape over her shoulders.    


The night wind on the island was a little cold, and Lu Qingtian was afraid that she would catch a cold if she blew too much.    


After that, Lu Qingtian dried Gu Xirann's hair and waited until the little girl was finished before carrying her to the glass room on the large balcony outside.    


There was a sofa in the glass room, just next to the pool. It just so happened that he could watch her swim. Lu Qingtian also asked the maid to bring a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice over.    


"Lie down properly!" Lu Qingtian rubbed Gu Xirann's long hair and said gently with his eyes.    


"Yes, you can go. I will watch you swim!"    


Gu Xirann nodded obediently and took a small sip of the orange juice by the side.    


Lu Qingtian had already walked out of the glass room. With a splash, Gu Xirann saw a figure jump into the pool and splash a pool of water.    


The figure in the pool had completely submerged into the water and his strong body was swimming quickly.    


Gu Xirann just looked at that sexy and charming figure and unknowingly stared blankly. One hand lightly brushed past the protruding abdomen and said with a gentle smile.    


"Baby, do you see it? Daddy's swimming is very good! No, he's a very good daddy! "    


Lu Qingtian swam back and forth in the pool a few times before coming up with water vapor all over his body.    


Under the dim light by the pool, crystal clear water droplets slid down from the top of his head and fell on his face, then slid down his sexy Adam's apple. His entire person was filled with an indescribable allure.    


Gu Xirann only felt that her entire heart was speeding up and beating crazily. Her entire heart was numb, as if it was going to get stuck in it.    


The man took the towel that was casually placed by the pool and wiped his body. He then casually took the bathrobe and put it on before walking barefoot into the glass greenhouse.    


"Are you sleepy, hmm?" The low and deep voice was somewhat hoarse in the darkness of the night.    


"I'm not tired!"    


Gu Xirann shook her head. Her eyes had been staring at him ever since the man came up. She felt that it was not enough no matter what.    


"Even if you are not sleepy, you still need to sleep!" After Lu Qingtian finished speaking, he directly lifted her horizontally. He then returned to the bedroom and placed Gu Xirann entirely on the bed. He fixed the pillow for her and covered her with the blanket. He also took a look at the temperature of the air conditioner and adjusted it to the best temperature for a human body to sleep at night. He then lowered his head and kissed Gu Xirann on the forehead.    


"Be obedient and wait for me to sleep. I will carry you to sleep right away!"    


"Yes, you go quickly!"    


Gu Xirann obediently nodded her head. Her entire body was wrapped in the blanket and only revealed her exquisite and small pretty face. Her fair skin emitted a hazy light under the wall lamp and was dazzling.    


The man couldn't help but pinch her face before getting up and going to the bathroom.    


Gu Xirann originally wanted to wait for the man to finish bathing and come out, but after getting off the plane, she had a full and beautiful day. Especially after sleeping in the afternoon and drawing for so long, she actually fell asleep in a daze.    


When Lu Qingtian finished bathing and came out, he saw that the little person on the bed had already fallen asleep. He could not help but laugh, but his face had a doting smile.    


Lu Qingtian dried his hair and then went to the bed. He turned off the lights in the room and then reached out his big hand to pull the lovely wife beside him into his embrace. He did not forget to rub his chin on Gu Xirann's head.    


The same shampoo could be used on Gu Xirann, but Lu Qingtian felt that it was especially sweet and intoxicating.    


"My favorite treasure, good night!" Lu Qingtian's gentle voice rang in Gu Xirann's ears, and then he reached out and touched the protruding abdomen below. He gently brushed it, and even his voice was somewhat cautious and gentle. "The most beloved treasure, you also have good night!"    


In her sleep, Gu Xirann felt her entire body being hugged into an warm embrace. She could not help rubbing against it and found the most comfortable position to hide in Lu Qingtian's arms. Then, she continued to sleep.    


The phone on the bedside table suddenly vibrated twice. Lu Qingtian looked away and took the phone to take a look.    


"Boss, the arrangements are done!"    


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