Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C3020 Followers Three Anse Four

C3020 Followers Three Anse Four

Cao Shifen didn't expect Ye Chuxia to be so rude to her. After all, the Lu family and the An family had been in a relationship for so many years. In the end, the relationship between the two families couldn't be compared to that of a little b * tch.    


Cao Shifen naturally felt uncomfortable and unwilling in his heart, especially when his Baby Girl was being belittled. His heart was filled with tension. He couldn't take it out, but he couldn't swallow it.    


His entire face was flushed red from embarrassment and anger.    


Cao Shifen still wanted to speak but Ann Qian had already stopped him by the side.    


The expression on her face was also one of pity. She looked at Ye Chuxia and said with grievance, "Ms Ye, I have always liked you as my mother and also like Big Brother Qingtian. But what you said today really made me sad, Ms Ye. Since that's what you and Brother Qingtian think, then that's it. I. . . I don't have anything to say either! "    


As Ann Qian spoke, she felt sad but also stubbornly shed tears, as if she had suffered a great grievance.    


Looking at her daughter's sad look, Cao Shifen's heart naturally ached badly.    


"Aiyo, my poor daughter. I told you not to like her, but you insisted on liking someone you shouldn't have. Now, hey, don't you think you've been ruined for nothing!? "    


"Mom, don't say anymore. It's all my fault. It's my problem. Mom, just give your daughter some face and leave some last dignity!"    


Ann Qian hugged her mother. Her aggrieved and helpless face was full of tears and softness. It looked like she was really bullied by Lu Qingtian and Ye Chuxia.    


"Enough, enough. Don't make us really do anything to you!" Ye Chuxia looked at the pair of mother and daughter in front of her and was not in a good mood.    


The mother and daughter were clearly trying to tell others that the people of Lu family were bullying them and bullying them.    


On the side, Lu Qingtian's phone suddenly rang. He took a look at the caller ID and answered the call.    


He did not know what the person on the other side of the phone said, but Lu Qingtian's cold eyes suddenly looked at Ann Qian, and then he coldly replied, "Okay, help me bring the person over!"    


Seeing Lu Qingtian's gaze, Ann Qian's body instinctively stiffened, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.    


Before she could think about it, Lu Qingtian had already hung up the phone and looked at her.    


"Didn't you not want to admit it? The waitress who helped you find her. I think you will be happy to see her later!"    


Lu Qingtian's previous call was from Yung Lingtian. His people had gone to check on the missing waitress. After all, it was strange that the waitress suddenly disappeared. Luckily, Yung Lingtian had many ways to find her.    


Since Ann Qian did not admit it, the waitress would definitely let her admit it.    


As soon as Lu Qingtian finished speaking, he saw the shock on Ann Qian's face. Her eyes were full of panic. Even her face did not look good.    


A waitress!    


Didn't she tell that woman to leave? Damn it, how did she find her so quickly?    


Seeing the expression on Ann Qian's face, Ye Chuxia and Lu Qingtian's thoughts were almost completely clear.    


Ye Chuxia's heart was filled with disappointment and at the same time, she also felt a bit of relief.    


Previously, there was no news from her eldest son and she was anxious to carry her grandson. It was also true that she did not think of letting Ann Qian marry into the Lu family. But now that she thought about it, she was really glad that her eldest son married her in the end. A woman was not such a vicious and pretentious woman.    


Otherwise, the entire Lu family would probably be in a foul mood because of this woman.    


The waiting time was especially torturous.    


Of course, this torment was naturally directed towards Ann Qian.    


Not long later, footsteps could be heard from the corridor in front of them. Ann Qian almost turned her head to look the instant the footsteps sounded.    


She knew that a few figures were getting closer and closer.    


When Ann Qian saw the young waitress who was brought over by a few people, her face was almost pale and her entire body could not help but tremble slightly.    


"young master Lu, the person has been brought over for you!" They walked to Lu Qingtian and said respectfully.    


"Sorry to bother you!" Lu Qingtian looked at them and said politely.    


After they left, Lu Qingtian looked at the waitress and Ann Qian coldly.    


The cold and low air pressure almost made the waitress's legs go weak in fear, and she felt a deep fear.    


She originally left after getting some benefits. She planned to go downstairs to change clothes in the changing room for the employees and then leave.    


However, she didn't expect that before she left, she would be grabbed and brought here.    


When she saw those fierce people, she knew in her heart that she was finished. She definitely knew what she was doing.    


At this moment, when the waitress saw Ann Qian, she could not help but beg for mercy, "Miss Ann, you ordered me to do all of this. You have to help me. I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to go to jail!"    


The waitress's words were no different from a disaster directly landing on Ann Qian.    


Ann Qian's body swayed slightly and her face was extremely pale. Even though she was pretending to be calm, her trembling stiff body still revealed the fear and uneasiness in her heart.    


Her gaze touched the cold killing intent that Lu Qingtian threw at her, and she couldn't help but stagger back a step.    


"Ann Qian, what else do you have to say now?" Lu Qingtian's eyes fell on Ann Qian. He did not show any emotion, but it made her tremble in fear. In the end, even the color of her lips was almost transparent.    


"No, I did not do anything. I did not do anything. She lied, lied! " Ann Qian felt uneasy and uneasy. She shook her head with all her might, trying to struggle.    


However, in the eyes of others, her explanation at this moment was an indescribable paleness and powerlessness.    


The few people present naturally would not be willing to believe that this matter had nothing to do with her.    


"Send Miss Ann and this waiter to the police station!" Lu Qingtian ordered. He still needed to find Xixi and did not have much time to be here. Since the evidence was enough, Of course someone will punish her.    


In addition, the An family had offended quite a number of people over the past few years. Ann Qian's life would probably not be too good either.    


Upon hearing Lu Qingtian's words, Ann Qian suddenly raised her head and revealed a look of disbelief. "You, you want to send me to jail!"    


Ann Qian's voice was somewhat sharp as she looked at Lu Qingtian with a pale face. Under the bright light in her eyes, she actually felt that the sky and earth were turning dark.    


The man that she had liked since she was young had said such words at this moment. It almost made her unable to withstand this kind of blow.    


She did not expect this man to be so heartless. She thought that although he had warned her many times, he would still care about the relationship between the two families and the feelings they had grown up with each other.    


But at this moment, she truly understood that this man was truly ruthless, truly cold-blooded and heartless.    


Ann Qian suddenly lowered her head and had nothing to say. In this battle, she had completely lost.    


She did not lose to Gu Xirann, but to Lu Qingtian, the man who had never put her in his heart.    


Ann Qian suddenly felt a little sad. There was a bit of unwillingness in her sadness, but she could only smile bleakly.    


Cao Shifen, who was standing by the side, also had a look of shock on his face. When he saw that his daughter was really going to be taken away, he hurriedly shouted, "Lu Qingtian, you can't take my daughter away. What right do you have to take my daughter away? What do you have to come for me? It was all my idea. Please let my daughter go!"    


"Mom, save me. I don't want to go to jail!" When she thought of the possibility that she really wanted to go to jail, Ann Qian was suddenly afraid when she was called by her mother.    


"Little Qian, don't worry. Mommy will definitely not let anything happen to you!" Cao Shifen saw Ann Qian being taken away and could not stop her at all. He could only watch Ann Qian being taken away and shout.    


"Lu Qingtian, and your Lu family. I won't let you go!" It was not until Ann Qian was taken away that Cao Shifen glared at Ye Chuxia and Lu Qingtian before leaving.    


After everyone left, Ye Chuxia sighed, "I didn't expect to be so cute when I was young. Now that I have grown up, it will be like this. Sigh, jealousy makes me ugly. It is indeed true!"    


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