Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2994 Successor Three Car Accident Chapter 8

C2994 Successor Three Car Accident Chapter 8

"Are you all right?"    


Gu Xirann asked nervously when she saw Lu Qingtian walking over. Her clear and anxious eyes kept scanning Lu Qingtian up and down. She was deeply afraid that Lu Qingtian would get hurt somewhere.    


Looking at the worried look on his little wife's face, Lu Qingtian felt even more guilty and guilty in his heart.    


He walked to the bedside and sat down, then gently shook his head and said to Gu Xirann, "I am not hurt. Silly girl, don't you know that your husband is very powerful? How can he hurt you and make you feel pain? You are the one who made me feel bad!"    


"Where is the child? Is the child alright?"    


Knowing that Lu Qingtian was safe and sound, Gu Xirann could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


In her mind, there were still those terrifying scenes in the dream which made Gu Xirann's heart tighten. She was deeply afraid that Lu Qingtian would do something good.    


"The child is also fine. Our Douya is very healthy and strong!"    


Lu Qingtian lovingly kissed Gu Xirann between her eyebrows and gently comforted her.    


She knew that the matter this time probably scared the little girl. She must still have some lingering fear.    


The guilt and self-blame in her heart couldn't help but deepen a bit. It really shouldn't have made her experience this!    


"It's good that you're alright!" Gu Xirann was completely relieved. The child was fine, but Lu Qingtian was fine. It was the best for her.    


Seeing Gu Xirann let out a sigh of relief, Lu Qingtian felt even more sorry for her. He lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Gu Xirann's forehead. He whispered intimately and gently over and over again. "I'm sorry to make you scared. You must have been scared when you encountered such a thing!"    


"It was indeed quite scary, quite scared. What would you do if something really happened? What would happen to Little Treasure? I'm afraid that Douya hasn't come to this world yet. I want to see the beautiful scenery in this world and see how much I love her. The daddy that cares about her has disappeared just like that. There are many things to be afraid of, but only I will not regret the choice I made in the past!" Gu Xirann slightly raised her head. Her beautiful eyes were as clean as this. She looked at Lu Qingtian and said seriously and firmly.    


"I know that I must go through all these with you. I also know that you have done your best to protect the safety of my child and me. I understand all of this, so don't blame yourself. And don't feel guilty. I'm fine. The child is also good, no matter how much wind and rain go on ahead. I and the children will always be by your side. I know that I will be your weakness. I will be even more careful in the future because of your burden!"    


The danger today made Gu Xirann think of the last time she almost got kidnapped.    


But the nature was completely different. The last time was just a kidnapping, but this time it was truly a matter of life and death. Even until now, she still had lingering fear and panic in her heart.    


However, she knew that the more she was afraid of panic, the more difficult it would be for this man.    


She didn't want to make him worry or afraid.    


"Silly girl, even if you and the children are my weakness, I will gladly endure it. But you have never been a burden to me. You are the sunshine in my life, my air, and the only nutrients for me to survive in this world. So, you and the children are very important to me! "    


Lu Qingtian's heart was moved. He gently pulled her into his embrace.    


There was nothing that could make him love and happy more than this soft little girl in his arms. No one else could make him suffer and give everything he had. He just wanted to give her his entire heart.    


It was his great fortune to be able to find her in this lifetime.    


"Alright, alright, I got it. I know that my children and I are very important to you, and so is you. So, the father of the child, in the future, you must be good for us. Don't let anything happen to you, okay? Okay, okay, I got it. I know that my children and I are very important to you. So, the father of the child, in the future, you must be good for us. Don't let anything happen to you, okay?"    


Gu Xirann did not want the man to continue blaming himself like this. She could not help but naughtily blink and try to speak to Lu Qingtian in a light voice.    


"Okay, I promise you that no matter what happens, I will not let anything happen to myself. I still have to accompany you until you get old!" Lu Qingtian nodded his head and replied seriously.    


It was probably because of the pregnancy and the sudden danger. Although Gu Xirann woke up, she was still not in good spirits.    


After talking to Lu Qingtian for a while, she ate some more food and fell asleep again in a daze.    


This time, Lu Qingtian was completely at ease.    


Lu Wenye called after Gu Xirann fell asleep. When he called, he said to Lu Qingtian in an unfriendly tone.    


"What did you say to your mother? She still hasn't answered my call. I have already called dozens of times!"    


Lu Wenye's voice was filled with helplessness and anger.    


The one who was helpless was naturally his wife not answering his phone and not listening to him. The one who was annoyed was his eldest son. He must have said bad things in front of his wife.    


"What can I say? How can you put Daughter-in-law and her future granddaughter in danger for the sake of the country's interests? Did you not care? " Lu Qingtian's tone was not very good, and he said coldly.    


"Cough, I didn't know everything about this matter from the beginning, but you have to understand your uncle. After all, there are some things that are not up to him when he stands in that position!"    


Lu Wenye sighed lightly. When he thought about what had happened today, it was indeed their side that couldn't be justified, so he spoke with a rare good temper.    


How could Lu Qingtian not understand the meaning of his father's words? His big uncle was standing on that seat, and many people were staring at him from below. If something were to happen to him, his big uncle would probably be dragged down from the seat.    


There were indeed many things that one could not control when one schemed in his position, but even so, That was not an excuse for them to do whatever they wanted. It was true that they cherished their child this time, but what if something really happened?    


What should he do in the future!    


The more he thought about it, the more furious and self-blame Lu Qingtian felt. Even though he knew that no one was wrong about this matter, he still felt a little unhappy.    


"I know Uncle's difficulties. This time, Xixi and the child are fine, so I won't pursue this matter any further. However, this will definitely not happen again. Also, don't let Xixi know about this matter!"    


Lu Qingtian was deeply afraid that the little girl would think too much if she knew, so he couldn't help but remind his father on the other side of the phone.    


"En, don't worry. No one else knew about this matter, even I only found out later on. But it's good that you can understand your uncle. Your uncle doesn't have a son. He has always nurtured you as his own son and future successor, and he appreciates you very much. Therefore, he has also considered all the factors. He will definitely not let Xixi have anything to do with it! "    


Lu Wenye knew that this matter made his son unhappy. However, once the interests of the country and his own interests were in conflict, they were born to prioritize the interests of the country.    


"I don't want to bring this up again!" Lu Qingtian said coldly. He did not want to bring up this topic again.    


"Did the other party catch them?" Lu Wenye's voice changed as well. He became much calmer when it came to serious matters.    


"They are still searching, but they can't escape!" Lu Qingtian said firmly. They couldn't escape, and he couldn't let them escape either.    


"This time, they are obviously trying to teach us a lesson. They have done it on purpose. If we follow them, we will definitely be able to find something. Make the arrangements. If we don't have time to take care of them, we will send them to Lu Residence. It will be easier to take care of our family members!"    


"I know!" Lu Qingtian replied.    


The father and son chatted for a while longer before hanging up.    


After Lu Qingtian hung up, he called Lin to ask about the situation.    


"Young master, we caught one person, but the rest of them ran away!"    


"I will ask Thousand Shadow Guard's men to go over. You can leave it to them!" Lu Qingtian did not want to expose the person he caught to the public. Besides, if it was really revealed to the public, who knew how many people would want to intervene? It was hard to guarantee that there would be no one from the other side.    


On the other hand, Thousand Shadow Guard from the Yung family felt more at ease, and it was more suitable for him to interrogate the person.    


After Lu Qingtian hung up the phone, he called Yung Lingtian and asked him to find a few people to take over.    


After everything was arranged, Lu Qingtian returned to the ward. Seeing that the little girl was sleeping soundly, he called the old lady at home and asked her to take care of her for a while. He still needed to go out for a while.    


Ye Chuxia, on the other hand, was very straightforward. After half an hour, she directly went into the ward.    


When she came, she even brought some porridge and a few dishes that Gu Xirann personally cooked. She was deeply afraid that Gu Xirann would be hungry when she wakes up later.    


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