Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2979 Successor Chapter 3 Prison 3

C2979 Successor Chapter 3 Prison 3

Gu Xirann felt a little better when she heard the maid's words.    


At least Lu Qingtian had returned a long time ago. He was still at home and did not go to the army.    


It was unknown what kind of mentality he had, but Gu Xirann's mood suddenly became much better.    


Once her mood relaxed, she directly walked to the dining table and sat down, then slowly ate breakfast.    


Gu Xiaobao watched the cartoon for a while and also ran to Gu Xirann's side.    


"Mommy, did little sister become naughty last night? That's why she woke up so late because she made you uncomfortable?"    


Gu Xirann usually did not wake up late. After getting pregnant, she would go for a walk sooner or later. Usually, Gu Xirann would get up early to exercise. Today, she had indeed slept for more than ten o'clock.    


No wonder the little guy asked her this.    


"Who told you this?"    


Gu Xirann smiled and rubbed Gu Xiaobao's head. She could not help but smile gently and ask softly.    


"Daddy said it. Daddy said it must be because my sister was dishonest. That's why Mommy didn't sleep well last night. He told me not to disturb Mommy's sleep!"    


Gu Xiaobao still had a little aggrieved expression on his face when he talked about it.    


"Little sister is very good. Mommy didn't sleep well last night. She had a nightmare, so she slept in!"    


"Then what nightmare did Mommy have? You can tell Little Treasure. If you tell him, the nightmare won't work. It'll be fine even if you buy it. "    


"The nightmare is too scary. Mommy will just tell your daddy about it!" Gu Xirann rubbed her obedient and sensible son and felt that her heart was extremely warm.    


"Alright then. Daddy is a big man after all. He should be more daring!" Gu Xiaobao nodded his head. His expression was like a little adult sticking to Gu Xirann as he said.    


Because he was a pregnant woman, in order to take care of his taste, there were quite a lot of breakfast on the table. Gu Xirann felt that even if she stuffed it hard, she would not be able to eat so much.    


Gu Xirann drank a large bowl of chicken soup and ate a lot of other things. When the breakfast was finished, Gu Xirann felt that she ate too much.    


She originally wanted to get up and move further away when a soft voice came from the study upstairs. Before Gu Xirann went upstairs to look for Lu Qingtian, Gu Xirann saw Lu Qingtian coming down from upstairs.    


Gu Xirann immediately noticed Lu Qingtian's clothes the moment she saw him.    


The style of the clothes definitely did not belong to Lu Qingtian, and Gu Xirann had never seen Lu Qingtian in such clothes.    


A thought suddenly appeared in Gu Xirann's mind, but it only lasted for a second. Gu Xirann quickly shook her head and denied it.    


"No, it won't. It definitely won't!"    


Gu Xirann strongly told herself in her heart.    


"Are you full?"    


Lu Qingtian went downstairs and came to Gu Xirann's side. He looked at Gu Xirann and asked gently.    


"Yes, I ate too much. When did you come back?"    


Gu Xirann looked at Lu Qingtian and asked curiously.    


Lu Qingtian rubbed Gu Xirann's chin and head. "I came back early in the morning. Lin sent me back. Ouyang Feng and Jinchen are also here. "    


"You were with them last night?"    


Gu Xirann suddenly looked at Lu Qingtian and asked. Her figure was still gentle, but Gu Xirann had a bit of disgust. That kind of hatred was so fast that even Lu Qingtian could catch it.    


"What's wrong? What happened?"    


Lu Qingtian was extremely sensitive to people's emotions. He could also sense any unusual expression on anyone's face, not to mention that the girl beside him was the little girl that he loved.    


The little girl had always been optimistic and cheerful. She was so cute and lovable that he didn't know how much he cherished her in his heart.    


At this moment, this kind of feeling of disgust had never appeared before.    


Lu Qingtian only looked at Gu Xirann and asked gently.    


Gu Xirann heard Lu Qingtian's voice and suddenly came back to her senses. She realized that she had displayed the most direct emotion in her heart. She couldn't help but bite her lips and lower her head. She didn't know what to say and didn't know what to say.    


Lu Qingtian didn't push Gu Xirann when he saw her small face. He only looked at Gu Xiaobao who was standing at the side and said in a gentle voice.    


"Mommy is too full. Daddy will take Mommy to the backyard for a walk. You just wait there obediently!"    


"Okay, Daddy, Mommy, you guys go!" Gu Xiaobao remembered that Mommy had a nightmare at night. She had just said that she wanted to talk to her daddy, so he quickly nodded and urged his daddy and mommy to leave.    


Mommy quickly said it, so that she wouldn't be afraid of being sad.    


Lu Qingtian held Gu Xirann's hand tightly and left the room.    


Gu Xirann was not in a good state the whole way. She had something on her mind and looked even more casual.    


Lu Qingtian looked at Gu Xirann a few times along the way. Gu Xirann was immersed in her own thoughts and did not notice his gaze. She could not help frowning slightly.    


It had only been one night. Why did he feel that the little girl's mind had become a little heavier? Moreover, there seemed to be an invisible barrier between her and him. He could not touch her, but at the same time, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


Lu Qingtian was a sensitive and intelligent person. Gu Xirann's little strange behavior could not escape his eyes.    


It was not until he brought Gu Xirann to the small pavilion in the back garden to sit down that Lu Qingtian asked Gu Xirann.    


"Alright. Now there are only the two of us here. Don't you have anything to say to me?"    


Lu Qingtian tried his best to be patient as he looked at Gu Xirann and asked gently.    


He was deeply afraid that his tough tone and attitude would scare his wife and make her even more silent.    


Sure enough, Gu Xirann raised her head and looked at Lu Qingtian. There was some struggle in her eyes. She wanted to say something but in the end, she shook her head lightly and said in a low voice, "What do I have to say to you? I did not!"    


Gu Xirann's words made Lu Qingtian slightly squint his eyes. There was a cold glint in the depths of his eyes. He faintly stared at Gu Xirann and stared unblinkingly.    


The man was obviously very gentle, but Gu Xirann felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was strange and unpredictable, making her want to escape.    


Especially when Lu Qingtian did not speak, it made Gu Xirann feel uneasy. She kept feeling that something was going to happen in the next second.    


"Do you really not want to say anything to me? What are you unhappy about? Or do you blame me for not coming home last night? Xi Xi, tell you what you are thinking. Don't hold it in!"    


Lu Qingtian's deep voice rang out. His gentle big hand rubbed Gu Xirann's soft long hair. His gaze was as deep as water and carried some gentleness.    


"I am not unhappy, and I am not blaming you. I am fine!"    


Gu Xirann did not know if she should poke a hole in that layer of paper. She had told herself many times in her heart to believe it but she still felt a little sad. Even if it was not Gu Xiyun, she could not help but guess.    


Could it be that she was pregnant? So she became sensitive and let her thoughts run wild.    


But in fact, Lu Qingtian was a proud son of heaven. There were many excellent women around him. It was only because of that picture that she suddenly lost her confidence.    




Listening to the words of the little girl, it would be a ghost if Lu Qingtian really believed her.    


"Xi Xi, look at me!"    


Lu Qingtian suddenly reached out and pulled Gu Xirann into his arms. His eyes were deep and his voice was gentle.    


He was obviously a gentle man, but he had a kind of noble, high, and cold feeling around him for no reason.    


Gu Xirann slightly raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her who was very close to her.    


"Xi Xi, we are husband and wife. We still have a long road ahead of us. We have to accompany each other until we grow old. The most taboo in marriage is not being honest and also being suspicious. So, let me tell you what you are thinking and what happened. Didn't we say before that we have to solve problems when we encounter them? "    


Lu Qingtian was guiding Gu Xirann bit by bit, hoping that she would tell him all the unhappiness and unhappiness in her heart.    


Gu Xirann's eyes could not help but turn red as she looked at Lu Qingtian with moist eyes. There seemed to be a lot of grievance in her eyes as she looked at Lu Qingtian, making people feel an indescribable heartache.    


Lu Qingtian had already spoiled Gu Xirann to the bone and could not bear to let her shed a tear. At this moment, looking at Gu Xirann's aggrieved little face, his heart ached even more.    


"Don't cry, don't cry. It's my fault, okay? Don't cry. My heart is broken when you cry!"    


Lu Qingtian saw Gu Xirann crying and forgot all his principles.    


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