Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2949 Successor Chapter 3 Car Ram Chapter 3

C2949 Successor Chapter 3 Car Ram Chapter 3

By the time Gu Xirann got out of bed and came down from upstairs, Lu Qingtian had already squeezed the apple juice.    


"You're up. Come down and eat breakfast!"    


Lu Qingtian held the apple juice in one hand and looked at Gu Xirann with the other.    


Gu Xirann smiled and walked down the stairs. She held Lu Qingtian's hand.    


Both of them held hands and sat down at the dining table.    


"Does your head still hurt?" Gu Xirann sat opposite Lu Qingtian and looked at his forehead. She could not help but frown and ask worriedly.    


"It doesn't hurt anymore. This small injury is not worth mentioning in front of those injuries during previous missions!" Lu Qingtian comforted the little girl.    


"Where is the Peace Talisman I brought you? Do you have it?" Gu Xirann said seriously.    


"I have it with me. Don't worry. I will keep the things you gave me on me 24 hours a day. "    


"I will go to school this afternoon. Wait for me at home. Don't give me anything!" Lu Qingtian drove Gu Xirann to the beauty department a few days ago.    


Gu Xirann wanted to let him rest at home since she was injured today.    


"I'll ask Lin to send you!" Lu Qingtian thought for a while. There was indeed something that needed to be resolved today, but he did not insist on sending Gu Xirann to the beauty department for lessons.    


After breakfast, Lu Qingtian accompanied Gu Xirann for a walk in the garden behind the villa to digest food.    


After lunch at noon, Lu Qingtian let the little girl go upstairs to rest for a while and wait for Lin to arrive before calling her.    


Ever since Gu Xirann got pregnant, she had been addicted to sleeping. She would be more energetic in the afternoon, no matter how much she slept at noon.    


After Lu Qingtian woke Gu Xirann up at 1 o'clock and left the house, Lu Qingtian went to the study to get down to business.    


The matter that Lih Jinchen had asked Lih Jinchen to investigate yesterday had already been settled. He had sent it over in the morning, but he had been accompanying the little girl to come over and take a look.    


Lu Qingtian turned on the computer, and then turned on all the surveillance videos that Lih Jinchen had found.    


When he came out of the private restaurant last night, it was exactly 8. 30 a. M. The time on the highway was about 8: 45, and the time Lih Jinchen took out the surveillance videos was between 8: 30 and 9: 30. And almost all the surveillance footage from every fork of the road had been taken.    


Lu Qingtian checked them one by one. He did not know if it was because the other party was too confident or Lih Jinchen had taken the surveillance footage in time, but the surveillance footage had not been tampered with.    


After a while, Lu Qingtian saw the car that had hit him earlier. It was the most ordinary car. The windows of the car had been specially processed, and the driver's face couldn't be seen.    


This time, Lu Qingtian played the video of the car crashing into him through the surveillance video. It was enough to confirm that the other party's purpose was not to kill him, but to warn him.    


The time when the car hit him was 8: 51 PM, and the car drove away from the highway at 8: 59 PM.    


At 9: 80 PM, the car finally appeared in the monitoring area. After that, there was no trace of the car.    


Lu Qingtian took a look at the license plate of the car. Without much thought, he could guess that the license plate was a fake car.    


Lu Qingtian sent the approximate information and license plate of the car to his subordinates and asked them to help investigate.    


The investigation of his subordinates was not slow. After all, with the identity of the army, it was more convenient to do things.    


Not long after, there was news from the other side. Lu Qingtian's car had been found in the suburbs of Beijing.    


However, when Lu Qingtian brought his men over, the car had clearly been abandoned. Lu Qingtian searched the entire car from inside to outside, but his gaze became deeper and deeper.    


He didn't know if the things that happened earlier had anything to do with the accident this time, or whether they were the same group of people who did it.    


There was also the Du family. What was the motive of the richest man in Haicheng, the Du family, to suddenly appear out of nowhere?    


Lu Qingtian looked at the abandoned vehicle in front of him. He had a feeling that there was something he had left behind.    


. . .    


On the Gu family's side, Yuh Qingfen had been living a comfortable life these few days. Especially after Gu Xiyun's matter was settled, Yuh Qingfen and Gu Xiyun's life became even more comfortable.    


After Gu Xiyun directly clarified the matter at the press conference held by the management company, it once again became dark red at a strange speed. Even Yuh Qingfen and Gu Xiyun's mother did not expect it.    


However, at the same time, it also made them even happier and more excited.    


Especially since Gu Xiyun had already received many calls from other management companies. They were all interested in letting Gu Xiyun go to those entertainment companies to develop.    


And Gu Xiyun did indeed have such intentions.    


Previously when he was in trouble, the management company behind him always made Gu Xiyun a little unhappy.    


However, Gu Xiyun was still waiting for the entertainment company in her heart to call.    


"Hey, Xiao Yun. Why don't you just stay in this management company? You are now the young mistress of the richest family in Haicheng, the Du family. Who else would dare to give you face?!"    


Yuh Qingfen was also in the limelight now. She had been dressing up and going out every day for the past few days. From time to time, she would meet those noble ladies from the past. She could even receive the compliments and flattery of those noble ladies.    


This was a situation that had never happened before in the past. Some of them were filled with disdain and ridicule.    


Especially after the incident with Xiao Yun, each and every one of them only knew how to mock her for being a mistress. Now, because of the rise of their daughter, these noble ladies were able to take a good look at her.    


In the bottom of Yuh Qingfen's heart, there was indeed some complacency and smugness.    


"Mom, what do you know. This management company is actually treating me well now. Don't tell me you have forgotten how my face looked like when I was in trouble, and how I separated myself from me? Furthermore, my current identity is no longer the same as before. What I want is an entertainment company like the Leng's Group to support me behind my back. How can the entertainment companies under the Leng's Group be comparable to these management companies! "    


It was not that Gu Xiyun looked down on the current management companies. In her heart, she felt that her current status and style were only suitable for companies like the Leng's Group.    


"Alright, as long as you know it in your heart. Now, our identities are different. It's just a Leng's Group. Daughter, just wait for the people of the Leng's Group to come and find you obediently. When the time comes, they will treat you as their ancestor and worship you! "    


Yuh Qingfen thought delightfully.    


Now her daughter's identity was different. She was the young lady of the Du family, the richest man in Haicheng. How could an ordinary entertainment company afford to let her off lightly? The Leng's Group should be happy that their daughter had taken a liking to them.    


"That's of course. Mom, you should be more careful in the future. It will be a disgrace to me if you go somewhere else. We are different now. With the Du family here, no one in Capital City would dare to show any disrespect to us! "    


Gu Xiyun had indeed witnessed the benefits of her identity in the past two to three days.    


Those who usually stomped on her with all their might were now smiling and trying to curry favor with her when they saw her. They looked really happy.    


And Gu Xiyun did indeed enjoy everyone's flattering and flattering manner these few days.    


"Don't worry. Mother has been busy during this period of time, so she doesn't have that free time. After all, our identities are different now!" Yuh Qingfen stretched out her hand and looked at her newly made nails with a smile on her face.    


"What are you busy with?" Gu Xiyun asked and slightly frowned.    


"Hmph, isn't that biased father of yours unwilling to give the Gu's Group to us mother and daughter? Now, I have to get it. I think what can he do when the Gu's Group is in my hands?"    


Yuh Qingfen wasn't afraid of Gu Xiang at all, especially when she knew that the person who had helped her had a great background, which made her even more fearless.    


How could a mere Gu Xiang be compared to the richest man in Haicheng, the Du family? As long as she did a good job in this matter, the Gu's Group would be in her hands sooner or later.    


When Yuh Qingfen thought of this, she was so excited that she couldn't say anything.    


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