Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2914 Successor Chapter Three Pregnant Trouble Eight

C2914 Successor Chapter Three Pregnant Trouble Eight

Gu Xirann took an afternoon nap and went with her mother-in-law to pick up Gu Xiaobao. By the time they reached home, it was already past five o'clock.    


Lu Wenye had been staying in the army recently. There were only the two of them at home, as well as Little Treasure and Mrs Zhao.    


The five of them were quite lively.    


After dinner, Gu Xirann brought Gu Xiaobao out for a walk and came back. When her mother-in-law brought Gu Xiaobao back to his room to take a shower, Gu Xirann went back to her room to call Lu Qingtian.    


Knowing that Lu Qingtian was going to do a mission, her phone might not be able to reach him, but she still could not help but miss and worry in her heart. She wanted to make a phone call.    


However, as expected, the phone was turned off on the other end.    


Gu Xirann thought for a while and took her phone to read the news.    


She wanted to see some of the recent news reports and judge where Lu Qingtian and the others would go for this mission.    


However, Gu Xirann looked around and did not find anything.    


This time, the matter of our country's scientific researchers disappearing along the border of Country F along the way to participate in an international exchange meeting has always been classified. Until now, there were still no news related reports.    


It was normal that Gu Xirann could not be found.    


At this moment, a group of people had quietly arrived at the border of Country F.    


At one o'clock in the afternoon in Country F, the group landed on time.    


As soon as they entered the jungles of Country F, they quickly disappeared into the jungle.    


Country F's economy was relatively backward, and there were many wars throughout the year. Coupled with the various armed terrorists' riots and refugee riots, the entire country was caught between life and death.    


You will never be able to guess what bad news will come tomorrow, and you will never know whether you will die or live in the next moment.    


This country is backward, poor, chaotic, and dangerous. It is the gathering point of all kinds of viruses.    


If one was not careful, one would directly step into the gates of hell in this country.    


However, such a country was also the favorite place for all kinds of criminal gangs and Terrorism Organization.    


Because it was chaotic enough, human lives were like grass in this place.    


After Lu Qingtian and his group quickly entered the forest, they used their fastest speed to find a hidden foothold.    


The border forest of Country F was a tropical rainforest, and it was filled with dangerous thickets. Not only did it have all kinds of ferocious beasts, but it was also possible to encounter all kinds of poisonous things and lose their lives at any time.    


Fortunately, Lu Qingtian and his group were out on missions all year round, so they were naturally not unfamiliar with such a tropical forest.    


However, even so, their speed was still very fast, and they used their fastest speed to avoid some potential dangers.    


"It's already one o'clock in the afternoon. The temperature in the forest is constantly changing, and the night will come earlier. When the light is weaker, it will be even more dangerous for us to act. So, we need to find a foothold at night as fast as we can and analyze the next step of the plan!"    


Lu Qingtian quickly looked at the surrounding terrain and said in a deep voice.    


"Also, there is a high possibility that there will be riots and terrorists lying in ambush in the forest. We need to be vigilant at all times. Not only do we need to be wary of all kinds of dangerous animals and sudden situations that may appear in the forest at any time, we also need to be wary of the appearance of other terrorists. If our researchers really went missing in the jungle, it is very likely that they will still be here. Therefore, everyone must use 120 points of concentration to be careful!"    


"Yes, captain!"    


The rest of the people lowered their voices and said in a deep voice. Their faces, which were covered with oil paint, were also indescribably serious.    


"Next, we will use this place as the center and split into four groups to search the surroundings. We will return to our original position within an hour. The other two will be in charge of guarding the place and paying attention to the surrounding situation. Once we discover anything unusual, immediately send a message to the other eight people to be on guard. Do you understand?"    




" Next, I will divide the people. Barbarians, shrimps, you guys will be in charge of the east! "    


"Yes, captain!"    


"Pixiu, Silver Wolf, you two will be in charge of the west! "    


"Yes, captain!"    


. . .    


"Cannon, follow me to the north!"    


"Yes, Captain!"    


After Lu Qingtian divided the ten of them into groups, he reminded them about the precautions again. He then looked at them calmly and said, "Take note of your safety. In an hour, no matter if you discover anything, you must return from the original route. Once you discover any suspicious points, don't be reckless. Send out the signal first!"    


"Yes, captain!"    


"Everyone, move out!"    


With Lu Qingtian's command, the eight of them moved quickly, heading in their respective directions. The two of them used their fastest speed to remove all traces in the surroundings, and then quickly found a hidden spot to hide.    


The tropical rainforest at the border of Country F was not small. In an hour's time, it would be very difficult to find anything in the forest.    


Lu Qingtian and his team were fast. They had been carrying out all kinds of dangerous missions all year round. They had their own unique judgment towards the dangers in the illusion realm.    


About half an hour later, Lu Qingtian and the cannon arrived at a waterfall.    


The terrain by the waterfall was slightly wider, so it was very easy for people to find traces of it. Lu Qingtian and the cannon did not show up. They just used the observation mirror to quickly check the surrounding terrain.    


"Captain, look, there are footprints here!"    


Da Pao, who was at the side, took the opportunity while Lu Qingtian was observing the surroundings with his back to back to watch the movement around him. He suddenly found a small trace not far away.    


And that trace was quite fresh.    


"The ground in the forest is moist. It can be seen that it rained not long ago. But after we arrived in the forest, there was no rain, which is enough to show that this was before we arrived. And this footprint is very clear, there are no signs of it being washed away by the rain. This means that this footprint must have appeared after the rain, and the footprints here are all quite urgent. This is enough to show that the person left in a hurry!"    


Lu Qingtian carefully observed the footprints on the ground and said in a deep voice.    


"Captain, do you think the footprints were left by our researchers or those people?"    


Cannon looked at Lu Qingtian with a serious expression and asked.    


"If the researchers were naturally in trouble, they would not have only left the footprints of one person. Therefore, it is very likely that the footprints were left by the people of Terrorism Organization. "    


Lu Qingtian thought for a moment and quickly gave the order to the cannon.    


"That means that the Terrorism Organization is most likely in that direction, the cannon. Send a message to the others immediately and send the location to them!"    


"Yes, captain. I will send a message to locate them right away!"    


Cannon nodded and acted quickly.    


After Cannon sent the message, he looked at Lu Qingtian and asked in a deep voice, "Captain, what should we do now?"    


"Since there are footprints and waterfalls here, I think their settlement must be not far away. Therefore, we need to be more vigilant. They are most likely not far from us! "    


Lu Qingtian quickly scanned the surrounding terrain and pointed in a direction. "We will go that way. You must leave behind a secret mark along the way!"    


"Yes, captain!"    


The two of them quickly moved forward.    


Afraid that there would be hidden sentries around them, the two of them moved even more slowly and carefully.    


Half an hour later, Lu Qingtian and the other two finally saw traces of someone moving ahead. They quickly found a hidden spot and hid.    


"Captain, it seems like that's the place!"    


The cannon hid behind a bush. He used the observation mirror to scan the movement in front of him and said in a low voice.    


"Judging from their attire, they should be from the Terrorism Organization. However, we can't confirm that our researchers are in their hands. Let's take a look at the situation first!"    


Lu Qingtian's expression darkened a little. Then, he narrowed his eyes. Through the observation mirror, he observed the movement in front of him and the surrounding terrain.    


The terrain in that area was relatively high. The surrounding terrain was wide and easy to defend and hard to attack.    


Once someone got close to them, they would be instantly discovered. There were almost no hidden spots in the surroundings.    


However, a group of people appeared in this place, and there were a few military tents behind them, which made people suspect what was inside.    


"Captain, they have quite a number of people. I'm afraid we have no chance of winning in a direct confrontation. If our country's researchers are really inside, it will be extremely disadvantageous for us! "    


The cannon had been staring at the movement ahead and calmly analyzed.    


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