Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2911 Successor Chapter Three Pregnant Trouble Five

C2911 Successor Chapter Three Pregnant Trouble Five

In the night, the helicopter rose quickly and then quickly merged with the night sky.    


In the cabin, there were a total of ten people participating in this mission. They were all Lu Qingtian's soldiers.    


As the captain of this mission, Lu Qingtian could be said to have a huge responsibility.    


"It's currently Z Country time, Lingchen's 4: 30 PM. The time to arrive at the border of Country F is around 5 PM. It's around 1 PM in Country F. When we arrive at the border of Country F, We need to land quickly and infiltrate the jungle. In addition, there are frequent riots in Country F's Terrorism Organization. Everyone must listen to my arrangements. Our researchers have been missing for more than 12 hours. The next 12 hours will be our best rescue time, and if we miss it, our situation will be very dangerous. This rescue mission, we must evacuate all within three days. The longer we delay, the more dangerous it will be for us. Everyone. . . Do you hear me clearly? "    


Lu Qingtian's gaze was icy cold, and his entire body carried a cold and dignified aura as he shouted in a low voice.    




Within the cabin, all the soldiers shouted in unison.    


Lu Qingtian nodded. "I hope everyone returns safely from this mission. Next, everyone check their equipment and rest!"    


After Lu Qingtian finished lecturing, the rest of the soldiers checked their equipment and closed their eyes to rest.    


Lu Qingtian leaned against his back and closed his eyes to take a nap. His mind was thinking about his little wife at home.    


At this time, the little girl was probably still sleeping soundly.    


Ever since she got pregnant, she had become addicted to sleeping and even learned to sleep in bed.    


Once she woke up and saw that he was not around, she didn't know if she would feel sad or miss him.    


She would probably think about it!    


Lu Qingtian couldn't help but think in his heart.    


. . .    


In the Mansion Number One, the person that Lu Qingtian remembered had indeed slept until late in the morning. He only woke up at 8: 30 am when he was still hungry.    


There was no longer any temperature around her. Gu Xirann could not help but frown. She looked at the time and found that it was already 8: 30.    


When she got up, she glanced at the phone on the table beside her and saw a piece of white paper under the phone.    


He walked over and took a look at the paper. His expression changed slightly.    


"Leave for a few days. Be good and wait for me to come back. Eat on time and take good care of yourself. Leave a message for Atlas!"    


Gu Xirann knew that Lu Qingtian's meaning of leaving for a few days should be to go out and carry out a mission.    


She could not help but feel a little worried in her heart.    


Gu Xirann put the note away and then went to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, she heard a familiar voice downstairs.    


"Xirann is awake. Are you hungry? Mom and Mrs Zhao cooked shredded chicken porridge for you to drink. Quickly come down!"    


When she saw the sound coming from the staircase, Ye Chuxia waved at Gu Xirann and said with a smile.    


"Mom, why are you here?"    


Gu Xirann did not expect Ye Chuxia to come so early.    


"These two days Qingtian is not around and specially asked me to take good care of you. Don't make you thin from hunger. How would I dare to disobey!"    


Ye Chuxia smiled and did not reveal much worry and anxiety in front of Gu Xirann.    


"I do not need to take care of you. I am fine!" Gu Xirann came down from upstairs and her face was slightly red.    


"It is my fault for treating you like a precious treasure. But you are pregnant now. You need to pay more attention to it. Anyway, Mom has nothing to do these two days. The company has arranged everything. These two days, Qingtian is not here. I will stay here to accompany you!"    


Ye Chuxia said with a smile.    


"Then I will have to trouble Mom!" Gu Xirann thanked and was pulled by Ye Chuxia to the dining room.    


The moment they sat down, Gu Xirann could smell a strong fragrance. Golden gold thread white sticky porridge mixed together and looked good and fragrant. Gu Xirann ate a whole bowl.    


"How is it? Is the baby obedient? Did he disturb you?" Ye Chuxia saw that Gu Xirann had a good appetite and was naturally happy in her heart.    


"En, the baby is very obedient and did not disturb me!"    


When she was carrying Little Treasure, Gu Xirann's body was still in the recovery period and basically had enough of the sin. She ate, threw up, and ate.    


In addition, her body had an accident due to the car accident. Later on, she went overseas and was unfamiliar with the land. She was not acclimatized to the water and the earth. In addition, she also had to work part-time, so she was extremely skinny.    


He forced himself to hold on. When Little Treasure spoke, he was very thin and weak. Fortunately, he was very healthy at the back.    


The little guy in his arms was still in his stomach. If he did not disturb her, his appetite would be good too.    


"When I was carrying Qingtian, it was a suffering. I ate and threw up almost three months ago. It was so annoying that I almost wanted to get rid of that brat. It was so annoying!"    


Ye Chuxia could not help but tell Gu Xirann about the matter of her carrying Lu Qingtian when she was young.    


"What happened after that?" Gu Xirann listened with interest.    


"It didn't stop until almost four months later. At that time, I was so much skinnier than before I got pregnant. His father was heartbroken. Give me all kinds of tonics in four months. When I give birth to Qingtian, I'll be fat. I'll weigh more than 140 catties! "    


Ye Chuxia still had a happy smile on her face when she talked about her youth.    


Even if she had to suffer and get pregnant at that time, she was still happy.    


"At that time, I guessed that the one in her womb must be a stinky brat. She was so naughty and mischievous, but she was born after that. Later, when I was carrying Second and Mo, It wasn't as noisy as before. She was the second one to be quiet. I originally thought that she was a girl, so that I could give Old Lu a good name. I didn't expect it to be another brat. It really pisses me off. When your father saw that other people had daughters to show off, he thought about them all the time. He was going to give birth to another daughter, but he made me suffer. After giving birth to a daughter, he called every family to show off. He looked like he had never seen a woman before! "    


Gu Xirann earnestly listened to Ye Chuxia talk about the memories of her youth and was fascinated.    


Sometimes, she also felt a little envious in her heart.    


That kind of relationship between father-in-law and mother-in-law, even after decades, it was still beautiful and enviable.    


His man was also very happy. When he grew up in such a loving family, his parents were kind and filial, and his parents were loving each other. On the other hand, he was truly the difference between heaven and earth.    


But Gu Xirann was also gratified in her heart. She had never felt warmth since she was young, and her husband had felt it since she was young. There was nothing better than this.    


However, Gu Xirann really could not imagine how that usually solemn and dignified father-in-law, the family, would look like when they hugged their daughter and showed off their pride.    


"Xirann, the men of Lu family have always been born for the country. You. . . Have to learn to be more understanding!"    


After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted for a while, Ye Chuxia held Gu Xirann's hand and smiled gently.    


Gu Xirann naturally knew what her mother-in-law was referring to. She nodded and smiled gently. "Mom, I am very good and also feel that Atlas is very good. Really, my child and I are proud to have such a father!"    


"That's good. Then Mom can be at ease. You can also be at ease. Qingtian will be fine, he will come back safe and sound! "    


Ye Chuxia patted the back of Gu Xirann's hand.    


"Yes, I believe in him!" Gu Xirann nodded and smiled.    


She believed that he loved her and their child. So she could not bear to let something happen to her and had no choice but to come back.    


It wasn't easy for the men of the Lu family. As a woman of the Lu family, she had to have a strong heart.    


. . .    


Fong Qianru arrived at eleven o'clock. She brought a lot of things with her big and small bags.    


"Are you moving? Why are you bringing so many things?"    


Gu Xirann looked at the various shopping bags on Fong Qianru's body and was shocked.    


"These are all prepared for my goddaughter. She has everything. I specially went to the shopping mall to buy them in the morning. How is it, this godmother of mine is good enough! "    


Ever since Fong Qianru found out that Gu Xirann was pregnant, she was happier than when she was pregnant.    


She drove to the shopping mall early in the morning to wait for the door to open.    


Within half an hour, she swept through the infant area on the first floor and bought many big and small bags. All of them were pink, tender, and various kinds of baby products.    


He had even bought five or six milk bottles of all kinds.    


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