Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2901 Successor Chapter Three Divorce with Lu Qingtian Five

C2901 Successor Chapter Three Divorce with Lu Qingtian Five

Lu Qingtian hung up the phone and called Gu Xirann.    


The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. In the end, the cold mechanical voice of a woman could be heard.    


Lu Qingtian made a few calls in a row, but no one answered. He couldn't help but worry.    


He thought about it and made a few more calls to the landline in Mansion Number One, but no one answered.    


Lu Qingtian knew that if Gu Xirann was at home, she would definitely answer the phone when she heard the ringtone, unless there was no one at home.    


Lu Qingtian's mind was a little restless. He was deeply afraid that something would happen to Gu Xirann.    


He turned the phone in his hand and called Ren Fei again.    


On the other side of the phone, Ren Fei answered the phone and his cheeky voice came over. "Yo, big brother, what's wrong? Do you feel that abandoning me is too much of a waste to me? Like I said, where are you going to find someone as pure and kind as me?"    


Before Ren Fei finished his playful voice, Lu Qingtian interrupted him coldly and impatiently.    


"Are you still in the private club? Go and ask your sister-in-law what time she left?"    


"Eh, you can't contact her?" When Ren Fei heard Lu Qingtian's words, his expression became more serious.    


"Yes, I can't get through to the phone. No one in the house is answering the phone either. Quickly go and ask!" Lu Qingtian was anxious in his heart.    


Ren Fei hurriedly responded. "Okay, I will go and ask now. Brother, don't be anxious. Sister-in-law is blessed by the heavens. She might not have heard anything at this moment!"    


Lu Qingtian naturally comforted himself in this way, but he couldn't help but worry in his heart.    


After a while, Ren Fei called him directly. "Brother, I have asked. It was about eleven o'clock when sister-in-law left!"    


"Yes, I know!"    


Lu Qingtian answered. It was already past lunch time. In these few hours, if he had gone home, he would have been there a long time ago.    


"Brother, don't worry. I'll help you find someone to find out where sister-in-law is!" Ren Fei comforted him.    


"No need for now. I will take a look at the situation first. I will tell you later!"    


Lu Qingtian thought for a while and did not let Ren Fei find someone to investigate first. After hanging up the phone, he called Gu Xirann again.    


As usual, no one answered. Lu Qingtian could not help but feel a little restless. He picked up the coat hanging by the side and took his phone and quickly walked out of the office.    


"Captain, where are you going? There will be a meeting later. "    


When they saw Lu Qingtian anxiously walking out with his coat, the soldier who came over couldn't help but ask.    


"There's something urgent. I'll take a leave of absence in the afternoon. If there's a meeting, let the Chief of Staff know and let him preside over it!"    


After saying that, Lu Qingtian took two steps and left quickly.    


He called Fong Qianru as he ran towards the car.    


"Xirann didn't come to my place. What happened? Did something happen to Xirann?" Fong Qianru heard Lu Qingtian's anxious voice and could not help but be shocked.    


Lu Qingtian did not say much. "It's nothing. I called her but no one answered. I thought I was with you, so I asked!"    


"Xirann is not with me. Maybe she did not hear the ringtone. I will try to call her. Don't worry!" As she spoke, Fong Qianru had already hung up.    


Lu Qingtian had already gotten into the car. He quickly started the car and called Lu Residence.    


It was a servant from Lu Residence who answered the call. Gu Xirann also did not go over.    


This time, Lu Qingtian was completely worried. He first went back to Mansion Number One and searched the house from inside to outside. Gu Xirann was indeed there.    


Furthermore, Lu Qingtian had almost made dozens of calls, but no one answered.    


If he was comforting himself in his heart before, it had already been two hours. Even if he didn't hear the ringtone, he couldn't possibly not look at his phone.    


Lu Qingtian was naturally very worried and anxious.    


After thinking for a while, Lu Qingtian drove to the hospital again, wondering if he would accompany Gu Xiang in Lih's Hospital.    


Afraid that Gu Xiang would be worried, Lu Qingtian found someone to look for and come over to take a look, but Gu Xirann was also not in the hospital.    


Lu Qingtian walked out of the ward. He could not help but feel empty and cold.    


His expression darkened bit by bit.    


After that, Lu Qingtian found a few more places but still didn't see Gu Xirann's people. Just when Lu Qingtian felt more and more uneasy and panicked, and was about to use his connections to find people, a message flashed in his phone.    


Seeing that message, Lu Qingtian's expression changed. In the next second, he got out of the parking lot at the fastest speed, got into the car, and left.    


It wasn't a short road. Lu Qingtian had driven a few red lights on the road, and it didn't take long for him to reach the parking lot.    


After parking the car, Lu Qingtian got out of the car and went upstairs to clean up. His face was gloomy and dark.    


. . .    


Gu Xirann from Shang Yu Garden had not come for a period of time. It was Fong Qianru who came over to clean up the last time when she was here.    


Although the house here was empty, there was no one living in it. However, because there were people coming to clean the house regularly, it was not dirty.    


Gu Xirann only roughly cleaned it up. In her heart, she was also wondering whether she should stay here tonight or go back to the villa.    


Before she could think about it, the doorbell rang.    


At this point of time, Gu Xirann really could not figure out who would knock on the door.    


After walking over and opening the door, Gu Xirann saw the dark and gloomy face of the dark and cold man standing outside the door.    


When the man saw Gu Xirann standing inside the door, he finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart.    


However, the expression on his face did not seem to be very good. He had a dark and gloomy face and his entire body carried a low and cold air pressure. Almost as soon as he got close to Gu Xirann, it made her shiver.    


"You, why are you here?"    


Gu Xirann was indeed a little surprised when she saw Lu Qingtian standing outside the door.    


Shouldn't this man be at work in the army? Why did he come over?    


And how did he know she was here?    


Gu Xirann's heart was filled with doubt and confusion.    


And most importantly, Lu Qingtian's face was currently cold. That gloomy expression shocked Gu Xirann's heart.    


She suddenly thought of the words she said when she met Gu Xiyun in the morning and for no reason, there was a panic in her heart.    


Could it be that Gu Xiyun really told Lu Qingtian about that matter?    


Otherwise, Lu Qingtian, who had always been gentle to him, would never have given him a cold face, and would still have a face like a storm that would come at any time.    


Gu Xirann did indeed have some uncertainty in her heart.    


"Where is your phone?"    


Lu Qingtian did not care what Gu Xirann was thinking in her heart. At this moment, the cold air in his body could not disperse.    


Even though he saw Gu Xirann appear in front of him unharmed and safe, it made Lu Qingtian feel relieved in his heart. At the same time, he felt that this woman deserved to be tidied up.    


He pushed the door open forcefully and Lu Qingtian walked in openly.    


An unknown powerful aura hit her face. Gu Xirann could not help but feel a little flustered. She instinctively took two steps back and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She looked at Lu Qingtian and felt inexplicably afraid.    


For a moment, she lost the ability to speak. It was only when Lu Qingtian took a step forward, and then with the tip of his foot, he swung the door hard.    


Since he was going to clean up, the door had to be closed properly. It was better to settle the family matters at home.    


Gu Xirann was shocked by the sound of the door being closed. She looked at Lu Qingtian's gloomy and cold expression and said somewhat embarrassedly, "The phone is in the bag!"    


"Take the phone and see for yourself!"    


Hearing Gu Xirann's words, Lu Qingtian could not help but close his eyes. He felt that he would be so angry that he would spit out a mouthful of blood.    


The heavens knew how many times he had called her that day. He was so worried and afraid that something would happen to her.    


This girl was really good. She directly sent him a message saying that her phone was in her bag.    


At this moment, Lu Qingtian's mental state was about to collapse.    


Looking at the little girl's soft and sticky appearance, he was somewhat unwilling to part with her. However, he felt that there were some things that he still needed to teach her a lesson. When it was time to teach her a lesson, Lu Qingtian did not hesitate at all.    


He stared coldly at Gu Xirann and looked at her with a gloomy expression.    


That dark and gloomy gaze made Gu Xirann shiver.    


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