CEO's Sudden Proposal

C201 One Meal Costs 150000 Yuan

C201 One Meal Costs 150000 Yuan

After dinner, Qin Yiyue looked at Yu Fengyi. "Can we go now?"    


"Have you brought enough money?"    


"I still have enough money to treat you to a meal." Qin Yiyue handed the card to the waiter.    


The waiter took the card and the bill and went to the cashier to swipe the card.    


Not long after, Qin Yiyue received a text message from the bank to deduct the payment. After she saw the string of numbers clearly.    


The corner of Qin Yiyue's mouth twitched violently. She raised her chin and looked at Yu Fengyi, who was smiling proudly across from her.    


One meal cost her 150,000 yuan.    


It was almost as much as her annual salary and bonus.    


Qin Yiyue calmed down and said, "Are you comfortable now? My salary and performance for a year without eating or drinking is only enough for you to have a meal."    


"Who asked you to provoke me first!"    


"Think about how I offended you? As a married man, I was chased by a little boy in front of the media. When I go home at night, I have to explain to my husband and son. In the end, you killed another 150,000. Who did I offend? No matter what, I sold it."    


Yu Fengyi thought for a while and found that what she said was quite right. He stopped talking.    


Qin Yiyue got up and walked to Yu Fengyi's side. "Be good. Stop messing around. I'll send you back to the hospital."    


"Why do you sound like coaxing a child?"    


"Coaxing you is harder than coaxing my son." Before he was about to change his face, Qin Yiyue explained, "I am not complaining or disgusted with you, but creating problems for my job. It is just that our standpoints are different. You only have to face me, a doctor, but I have to face a lot of patients. I hope that besides treating you, you will also have a good mood during this period of time in the hospital. It's not that I don't want to spend the 150,000 yuan, but I hope it's worth it."    


" You are also like this to other patients? "    


"Other patients are not as capricious as you."    


"What you're saying makes me sound like I'm being unreasonable."    


"Isn't this considered unreasonable?" Qin Yiyue smiled and pushed the wheelchair towards the cashier counter.    


The waiter sent the packed lunch boxes and bank bills over and asked his colleagues to prepare the car downstairs.    


After Yu Fengyi sat in the passenger seat, he looked out the window first.    


Qin Yiyue's side profile was shown through the window. Her delicate facial features were full of liveliness.    


Her long hair was hanging loosely behind her back, making her look more and more beautiful.    


Yu Fengyi's gaze could not help but freeze on Qin Yiyue's face. For a moment, he could not move his gaze away.    


There had never been a person of the opposite sex who would treat him like this.    


This woman was a combination of contradictions. On the one hand, she was extremely impatient with him. Her actions and words were simple and crude, and she did not treat him as a patient at all.    


But he could not feel Qin Yiyue's dislike for him.    


If tonight's matter happened to another doctor, the other doctors would definitely fly into a rage or throw him in the face. They would not be as calm as Qin Yiyue, and their words would also contain pampering.    


As he thought about it, Qin Yiyue just said in the restaurant, "Be good, stop messing around." She was simply treating him like a child's pet.    


Qin Yiyue saw Yu Fengyi maintain a posture for a long time and look out the window, "What's wrong?"    


Yu Fengyi was in a trance when his gaze collided with Qin Yiyue's eyes, which were showing through the window.    


Yu Fengyi's face turned red and he said fiercely, "None of your business!"    


Qin Yiyue snorted and continued to drive.    


"What are you snorting about?" Yu Fengyi was very dissatisfied.    


"Are you in a bad mood?"    


"I'm still in a bad mood. What's there to be unhappy about?"    


"Young Master Yu, are you only satisfied if everyone in the world revolves around you? Other than your family and family, no one else has any obligation to revolve around you. They want to spoil you and coax you."    


"Stop the car! I want to get off the car!"    


"I haven't been to the hospital."    


"I want to be transferred to another hospital!"    


"Even so, I still need to go back to the hospital before I can be transferred."    


"Qin Yiyue, you really deserve a f * cking beating!"    


"If you scold me one more time, I will kick you out of the car!" After Qin Yiyue finished speaking, she was too lazy to bother with him. She increased the throttle and sped up.    


Yu Fengyi was suddenly thrown forward by the sudden acceleration. He bumped into his injured leg and grimaced in pain.    


Qin Yiyue pretended not to see it and parked the car at the fastest speed to the inpatient department's door. She then called a few nurses on duty and asked them to come down.    


After inviting the expensive little Buddha upstairs, Qin Yiyue did not stay any longer and turned the car around to go home.    


When she got home.    


Qin Yiyue saw that the light in the study room was still on. She dragged the room and went upstairs.    


"Rich man, why aren't you resting yet? It's so late."    


He Qiaoyan looked up from the front of the computer and stretched out his hand towards her.    


Qin Yiyue took small steps and sat on his lap. She looked at the documents on the computer screen that she could not understand at all.    


"Working overtime today?" He Qiaoyan smelled the fragrance on her hair.    


The smell on her body always matched with her perfume and the smell of the hospital disinfectant.    


"It can be considered overtime. There was a patient who was too difficult to deal with, so he brought him out for a meal. I accidentally ate 150,000 yuan." Qin Yiyue thought about it and felt pain in her heart, "Rich man, I have never treated you to such expensive food. He actually treated a patient. More importantly, after treating him, he still had an unhappy look on his face. Do you think I should find someone to beat him up?"    


" Since you're so honest, should I be angry or not? "    


"I'll help you get angry, don't be so angry that you'll hurt your body." Qin Yiyue said with a smile.    


He Qiaoyan rubbed her hair. "When are you going on vacation? I'll take you and Xiaobao out for a walk."    


"After the houseman is done, I should be able to take my annual leave after returning to the hospital."    


"It will be mid-autumn then."    


"Yes, yes." Qin Yiyue thought for a while and asked, "How is the investigation of the Ye family going? Is it helpful to brother and sister-in-law's car accident?"    


"It has only been a few days, there is no progress so quickly."    


"That's true. If you need my help with anything, just say it. Although I'm weak, I really want to help. "    


" Got it. "    


"「 Then let's go back to our room and sleep 」"    


"Okay." He Qiaoyan said as he picked up the little girl on his lap and walked towards the room.    




He Qiaoyan flipped open the information in his hands and his face became gloomy.    


"Sir, these are the projects that the First Lady handled back then. They were all developed together with the He Family Group." Lei Ming said.    


"Was she also the one who did the project on Mingyang Road?"    


"This has been proven over and over again. It was indeed the project plan made by the First Lady herself. I heard that she was the one who personally carried out the project, from the land to the changes in nature, planning, and the evaluation of the project, all of it was personally done by her. She didn't let anyone else handle it. This is also the reason why we weren't able to find any more clues after First Lady passed away. "    


He Qiaoyan flipped through the information in his hands again." Big Brother's project at that time had this project. "    


"Yes. At that time, First Young Master and First Lady handled this project together."    


"There is no problem with this project at the moment. It is a municipal project. After running it, the government will immediately have good tax and political achievements. From this point of view, it's very likely that the project they were going to run at that time blocked the way of others... Go and check who was competing for this project at that time."    


" Yes "    


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