Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C559 We Lost Them

C559 We Lost Them

Su Yexuan had just arrived at the position that Third Master had given her and there was no one inside. Instead, there were two men who walked forward and pressed on her shoulders. Su Yexuan subconsciously wanted to struggle.    


"If you still want to see your grandmother, then don't move!"    


Only then did Su Yexuan dare not move. Her entire body was tense.    


"What did you guys do to my grandmother?"    


"If you want to see your grandmother, you have to listen to us obediently."    


Su Yexuan's heart was filled with fear. "Where do you want to take me?"    


"If you want to see your grandma, then come with us. Also, take off all your clothes and jewelry."    


The other party clearly came prepared.    


Su Yexuan did not know that Fenng Moye and the others had installed a tracking device on her. She immediately thought of her grandma's safety and knew very well that if she did not go, her grandma might lose her life.    


After all, according to her grandmother's current situation, it was impossible to delay any longer.    


She knew very well that no matter how afraid she was, she had to go.    


Su Yexuan asked the two men, "If you want me to change my clothes, you have to at least change my clothes. Otherwise, do you want me to go out naked?"    


The other party took out a black plastic bag and threw the clothes inside to Su Yexuan.    


Su Yexuan did not have that much to worry about now.    


She said to the two of them, "You two turn around."    


The two people were quite conscious and turned around.    


Su Yexuan took off all the jewelry, watches, and rings on her body.    


She said to the two of them, "Can we leave now?"    


One of the people with sharp eyes noticed that the necklace on her neck was still there. He pointed with his hand.    


"This, you can't take it away."    


Su Yexuan hurriedly covered her hand. "Why can't I take it away? This was left by my mother for me."    


This was left to her by her mother before she died. She had not taken it off for so many years. Why should she take it off now? Furthermore, was there a need to be so careful? She couldn't even wear a necklace.    


The other party's attitude was very harsh. "If we say we can't, then we can't. If something goes wrong in the middle, you and your grandmother won't be able to keep their lives. As for how to choose, it will depend on you."    


Su Yexuan couldn't help but frown. This Third Master was really going too far. She had already done enough for him. Now that things had come to this point, why did he still force her?    


But for the sake of her grandmother's life, she could only yield. What else could she do?    


She reluctantly took off the necklace and placed it on the table.    


"You must ensure that this necklace cannot be left behind. Otherwise, I will fight you to the death."    


"Let's see if you want it or not."    


What time is it now, is there something wrong with this woman's brain? She was still thinking about the necklace.    


Su Yexuan did not say anything. Instead, she put the clothes that she had changed into with the necklace. Actually, this necklace was not worth much. It was just that this necklace was the only thing that her mother had left for her.    


After she left with those people, Fenng Moye also quickly noticed it. He asked people to follow her. However, when they were halfway there, they lost them. The important thing was that even the tracking device was still there.    


When Che Jin's people reported to Fenng Moye, Fenng Moye couldn't help but frown.    


"Why did you lose a good person?"    


"I... Director Fenng, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to lose him. After they got into the car, they changed to another car. It was as if those two cars were both long. After that, I couldn't tell them apart."    


He was also looking at them seriously, but they had run away. He only realized that there was no one else in the car that they were chasing after.    


Fenng Moye's face was gloomy. He was almost about to roar out loud.    


"What about the tracker? Isn't the tracker in the necklace on Su Yexuan's neck?"    


"The necklace, the necklace, stopped at the original place because the people from Third Master's side asked her to change her clothes and take off all the jewelry on her body."    


Fenng Moye really did not expect Third Master to let Su Yexuan take off the necklace. It was really foolproof.    


He waved his hand and said, "Alright, you guys don't need to follow us here. We can only look at Duan Youlin now."    


He hoped that Duan Youlin would be able to find Third Master. Otherwise, if they missed this opportunity, it would not be easy for them to find it again in the future.    


Che Jin apologized to Fenng Moye again. "I'm sorry, Director Fenng. It was my mistake."    


"Forget it. It's not your fault. Third Master is like a frightened bird at this moment."    


In order to protect his own life, he naturally had to be careful.    


He turned his head and said to Chung Rann, "Wife, you can contact Duan Youlin at any time. Now, there is only one clue left. We can roughly understand where San Ye is hiding, but we cannot send anyone over. When Third Master finds out, Su Yexuan's life might be in danger as well. "    


How could Chung Rann not understand? Someone as energetic as San Ye would rather kill a thousand people than let a single person go. If no one could save Su Yexuan, she would definitely die on this trip.    


" I know. Don't blame Che Jin. Third Master is full of tricks and tricks, making it impossible to guard against him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay in this place for such a long time. "    


"Then tell Duan Youlin about it."    




Ho Chuan kept staring at the screen, afraid that his target would disappear.    


Chung Rann said to Ho Chuan, "Tell Duan Youlin to go in this direction."    


"I understand. I have sent it to him."    


After Duan Youlin received the news, he quickly rushed over with his teammates.    


Someone joked, "Duan Youlin, you are dragging us around the world."    


After Duan Youlin read the news that Ho Chuan had given him, he looked impatient. It was a tense moment.    


"Don't keep nagging me. Usually, I don't call you out. You said that I didn't think of you. Now that I called you out, you said that I will bring you to travel around the world."    


"You rarely come this way. Besides, this place is full of trees. It's very easy to get lost. Besides, don't you think it's dark and scary?"    


Duan Youlin yelled at him, "Are you a man? You need this kind of place to train your driving skills. Don't lose to me every time."    


"Who said I will always lose to you? Don't look down on people here!"    


His teammates were enraged by him, and their ambition returned.    


Duan Youlin saw that his female strategist had succeeded, so he quickly struck while the iron was hot.    


"Then why are you still talking so much nonsense? Hurry up."    


"Let's go, let's go!"    


As soon as he said that, his teammate stepped on the accelerator and took the lead to rush out. Duan Youlin followed closely behind. They could not really look like they were looking for someone. They could not just slowly walk around here and be easily discovered.    


They could only drive the fast car and circle around here a few more times. They also had to prevent San Ye from discovering them.    


But very quickly, Duan Youlin found a place where he could hide.    


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