Instant Upgrade of Super Farm System

C1830 River Sand

C1830 River Sand

The few of them followed behind Mo Hong silently, heading back to the volcano. The difference between people was too great.    


On the other side, Xu Tianyu had already followed flood dragon to the top of the mountain.    


They had spent a day climbing the mountain, and now, to the flood dragon, it had only been a few minutes.    


"flood dragon, what are you doing here?"    


Just as he arrived at the top of the mountain, he saw Spider King, who was recuperating from his injuries. Cracks had already appeared on its armor and it must have just suffered an attack from the flood dragon. Its body also felt extremely uncomfortable.    


"It's none of your business. If you don't want to die, then scram."    


flood dragon did not have the time to care about this small fry.    


"flood dragon, just you wait, I'll report to my lord right now."    


Blade Spider King left. Although it said it very harshly, its speed of escape was definitely very fast.    


flood dragon and Xu Tianyu's attention was not on Spider King.    


"flood dragon, let's go to the left."    


He simply looked at the terrain to the side and then spoke to flood dragon.    


The flood dragon did not hesitate and left immediately. Once again, it climbed to a higher mountain. There was no difference here. This was also the lair Spider King occupied.    


Along the way, Xu Tianyu could see a lot of Bladed Spider. Of course, when they saw the flood dragon approaching, they had already escaped.    


"The left side of the mountain is an endless stretch of mountain peaks. It's of no use to us, let's go to the right side."    


flood dragon nodded and turned back. It did not forget to destroy the spider lair at the top of the mountain, who knows how many Bladed Spider died inside.    


If Saber Blade Spider King was here, he would be furious again.    


Walking towards the right, Xu Tianyu met even more strange Living things, such as Wu Tie, Steel Beetle and some plants that were covered with steel.    


Xu Tianyu also saw a big tree that was constantly dropping gold, and it wasn't weak at all. After continuously receiving two attacks from the flood dragon's tail, only cracks appeared on its surface, and it wasn't sent flying.    


If it wasn't because the flood dragon didn't have the intention to chase it, Xu Tianyu would also want to study this tree.    


After all, a tree capable of producing gold was a rare treasure to humans.    


But he did not forget his identity. Although he was standing on the flood dragon's head, that did not mean that he could control the flood dragon.    


After walking for a long time and passing through who knows how many mountain peaks, Xu Tianyu already noticed a river in the distance.    


The river was not very big, at least for flood dragon.    


However, Xu Tianyu noticed the patch of yellow sand beside the river.    


That's right, it was not the soil, but the sand. This made him puzzled. There were trees nearby, and they were close to a river. There shouldn't be desertification here.    


Xu Tianyu also confirmed that he jumped onto the sand and dug a pit that was almost 3 meters deep. However, all that came out was sand and there was no soil at all.    


"flood dragon, do you know that there is only sand here?    


"I know, do you see the walls on both sides?" The place we were in was originally a huge river. "Right now, we are at the bottom of a river, so it is not strange for there to be sand. However, it is unknown why there are less rivers behind the river, so the scene that you saw appeared."    


"Are these all river sand?"    


Xu Tianyu looked around in shock. If it was really as flood dragon said, then how big was this river, at least ten thousand meters?    


Xu Tianyu didn't even dare to imagine the reason for such a wide river to stop flowing.    


Suddenly, Xu Tianyu realized how small he was.    


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