Instant Upgrade of Super Farm System

C839 Gladiolus

C839 Gladiolus

When Xu Tianyu told the others to look for him, the evolution of the Fossil Insect on the ground had also ended.    


"Is their evolution over?"    


The electricity sparky on the Fossil Insect's body started to enlarge continuously. Xu Tianyu couldn't leave immediately, he had to properly protect the Fossil Insect.    


The electric pulses on the Fossil Insect's body continued to grow stronger, and soon, the entire area was covered in electric arcs.    


"Congratulations Master, the Fossil Insect has successfully evolved into a Thunder Insect."    


Just as the system notification arrived, the lightning on the Fossil Insect's body started to dissipate.    


Then, the blue beetle that was about half a meter in size appeared in front of Xu Tianyu.    


Furthermore, the two pincers at the front of the beetle were still releasing electricity, making it look extremely domineering.    


[Thunder Insect]: A beetle that feeds on thunder and lightning. A layer of armor covers the surface of its body. The Defensive Power is extremely tall and has an organ that stores thunder and lightning in its body. It can release lightning to attack enemies. It was completely immune to any lightning attack.    


Elemental attack, immune to 50%. Weapon attack, immune to 20%.    


Seeing the introduction of the Thunder Insect, Xu Tianyu couldn't help but cry out in emotion.    


It could be said that the Thunder Insect was the nemesis of mages. It could resist 50% of all magic damage done to it. A mage would have a headache just by looking at it.    


It wouldn't be harmed by a Lightning Mage at all. In front of the Thunder Insect, they were just like ordinary people.    


Xu Tianyu also did not expect that after the Fossil Insect evolved, it would actually obtain this kind of ability.    


In the past, Fossil Insect might have needed to survive in groups. The current Thunder Insect could take charge of one side, and it was invincible.    


However, for Xu Tianyu, it wasn't really a good news.    


Because of the Fossil Insect's evolution, the ability to feed back disappeared as well.    


Therefore, the Thunder Insect could no longer help Xu Tianyu cultivate. However, their fighting capabilities and the Defensive Power s were all very good. They could all be very good helpers for Xu Tianyu.    


Furthermore, since Xu Tianyu had the Insect King's Orders, he could freely control it to fight. Compared to their supporting abilities, they were now Xu Tianyu's better assistants.    


For example, right now, Thunder Insect could be used.    


"Thunder Insect, destroy all the balloons."    


When Xu Tianyu used the Insect King's Orders, all the newly evolved Thunder Insect immediately dispersed.    


They swept across the forest in all directions.    


Looking at the Glory Battlefield notification, Xu Tianyu stared closely. He only needed one more.    


"Congratulations Blue Flame Pavilion for completing the second mission. You have received five Platinum Treasure Chests' rewards."    


After the Thunder Insect had flown past more than half of the forest, the last balloon broke into pieces under their pincers.    


The Glory Battlefield had also sent them news in a very timely manner.    


Xu Tianyu and all the Blue Flame Pavilion disciples heaved a sigh of relief.    


Tiansha also sat paralyzed on the ground, he was really tired out just now.    


"Luckily the Fossil Insect evolved, otherwise we might not be able to complete our second mission."    


Tiansha gasped for breath.    


"Yeah, but these Thunder Insect are no longer called Fossil Insect now, they are called Thunder Insect. These Thunder Insect are really powerful, they can casually smash a big tree, and it doesn't seem like there's anything that can stop them."    


Ning Cheng also sat limply on the ground, wiping the sweat from his face as he spoke. At the same time, he looked at the Thunder Insect flying in the sky and felt that they were unspeakably powerful.    


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